[CWG-Stewardship] Final list of F2F attendees

Grace Abuhamad grace.abuhamad at icann.org
Mon Nov 10 16:21:01 UTC 2014

Hello all, 

As you know, the deadline for confirming attendance for the F2F meeting was
Friday, 7 November. The final list of in-person attendees is available here
<https://community.icann.org/x/mC7xAg>  and copied below for your
convenience. Once the agenda is finalized (this week), I will circulate call
details per agenda block so that remote participants can follow and
recordings can be made available almost immediately.

1. Wanawit Ahkuputra (GAC);
2. Jaap Akkerhuis (SSAC);
3. Donna Austin (GNSO);
4. Graeme Bunton (GNSO);
5. Fatima Cambronero (ALAC);
6. Olivier Crépin-Leblond (ALAC);
7. Eduardo Diaz (ALAC);
8. Lise Fuhr (ccTLD);
9. Robert Guerra (SSAC);
10. Erick Iriarte (ccNSO);
11. Staffan Jonson (ccNSO);
12. Paul Kane (ccTLD);
13. Elise Lindeberg (GAC);
14. Vika Mpisane (ccNSO);
15. Seun Ojedeji (ALAC);
16. Jonathan Robinson (GNSO);
17. Greg Shatan (GNSO)
18. Amr Elsadr (Alternate for Avri Doria ­ GNSO)
19. Alan Greenberg (Alternate for Fouad Bajwa ­ ALAC)

1. Martin Boyle (ccNSO, member ICG)
2. Camino Manjon-Sierra (GAC)
3. Wolf-Ulrich Knoben (GNSO, member ICG)
4. Allan MacGillivray (ccNSO)
5. Matthew Shears
6. Jorg Schweiger
7. Peter Van Roste (ccNSO)
8. Boyoung Kim (GAC)
9. Minjung Park (ccNSO)
10. Stephanie Duchesneau (GNSO)


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