[CWG-Stewardship] Meeting Notes meeting #39 on 14 April at 10:00 UTC

Grace Abuhamad grace.abuhamad at icann.org
Tue Apr 14 14:23:47 UTC 2015

CWG IANA meeting #39 on 14 April at 10:00 UTC

Seun Ojedeji on audio only at this time.

Opening Remarks
* Purpose of call: discuss structural considerations.
* The 'Punch list' will guide the conversation
* There are issues with the order of questions in the 'Punch List' but it
represents a good aide memoire
* In Istanbul, the group set aside 5 models and decided to focus on 2
variations of an internal model
* Emergence of a 'reverse hybrid model' on the list in the last few hours.
For the present, we should not get involved in a detailed conversation on
the 'reverse hybrid'
* Try to converge our thinking as opposed to create new discussions.

Chairs have change the order of the questions on the 'Punch List'
Question 9 deals with 'which variant' --> sounds like the group is leaning
torward legal entity
With legal entity, if there were ever bankruptcy at ICANN, it would not
necessarily affect PTI
The entity can be sued (each party can be)

Poll for the group (to get sense of the room):
Which variant is preffered?
- legal separation (56.5%)
- functional separation (21.7%)
- undecided (21.7%)

---> direction for Question 9: legal separation variant preference

Question 6: Accountability on ICANN/PTI Contract
Periodic Review could trigger separation
- address accountability in contract? yes, relevant (but details need to be
worked out)
- address through PRF and/or CSC? the PRF can review the contract/SOW, but
does not hold contract. The CSC is also a review/performance management
- Are other means required? The CCWG will enhance ICANN's accountability
mechanisms and these will be important to structure.

Question 1: What role for PTI Board?
Insider board agreed on, subject to other new structures withstanding stress
tests. And comprehensive contract.

Edit (staff/DT-N): change the term 'Periodic Review Team' to something like
'IANA Review Team'.

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