[CWG-Stewardship] Charter interpretation

Jonathan Robinson jrobinson at afilias.info
Tue Jun 23 18:38:58 UTC 2015


I sense time is of the essence. Please see my rapidly compiled responses below.



- If there are comments/suggestions from any of the chartering organisations that requires update of the proposal they would NOT be added into the current CWG proposal?

Correct. No changes to the current proposal are envisaged

- The comments/updates could/will be considered after submitting the current proposal and an Addendum to the proposal can be sent to ICG?

No updates or addendums to the proposal are envisaged save for in response to the ICG in its work to reconcile the 3 responses to its RFP.

- If one(or more) chartering organisation refuse/makes a conditionally acceptance, the current proposal will still be forwarded to the ICG in its current form?

The proposal itself has significant conditionality in built already. 

My personal view is to encourage all groups to rely on the conditionality built into the proposal i.e. that which resulted from the significant work of this group and to support submission to the ICG.

N.B. No one group that worked on the proposal has got all that they wanted. It is the process of significant effort and compromise. The chartering organisations should ask themselves this question and if they are satisfied that it represents a fair consensus based on due process and associated compromise, they should vote to support without conditions.



From: Seun Ojedeji [mailto:seun.ojedeji at gmail.com] 
Sent: 23 June 2015 14:47
To: Jonathan Robinson
Cc: cwg-stewardship at icann.org
Subject: Re: [CWG-Stewardship] Charter interpretation


Hi Jonathan,

Thank you for confirming this, i had similar thinking as well but after consulting the charter it seemed confusing hence my questions. So just to be extra clear, could you confirm the 3 question below with a yes/no response so one can provide informed response to any member of the community asking:

- If there are comments/suggestions from any of the chartering organisations that requires update of the proposal they would NOT be added into the current CWG proposal?

- The comments/updates could/will be considered after submitting the current proposal and an Addendum to the proposal can be sent to ICG?

- If one(or more) chartering organisation refuse/makes a conditionally acceptance, the current proposal will still be forwarded to the ICG in its current form?



On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 1:47 PM, Jonathan Robinson <jrobinson at afilias.info> wrote:



The current proposal before the chartering organisations is the Final Transition Proposal i.e. it is not a draft.






From: Seun Ojedeji [mailto:seun.ojedeji at gmail.com] 
Sent: 23 June 2015 12:55
To: cwg-stewardship at icann.org
Subject: [CWG-Stewardship] Charter interpretation


Dear Co-Chairs, all

Re-reading the CWG charter, I like to get some clarification/correction on my interpretation of the CWG charter. Sections below:

Final Transition Proposal 

After receiving the notifications from all chartering organizations as described above, the co-chairs of the WG shall, within ten working days after receiving the last notification, submit the Final Transition Proposal to the Chairs of all the chartering organizations..............In the event one or more of the chartering organizations do(es) not support (parts of) the Final Proposal, the Final Proposal should clearly indicate which parts are fully supported and which parts that are not, and which chartering organization dissents from the CWG view. In the event that no consensus is reached by the CWG, the Final Report will document the process that was followed and will be submitted to the chartering organizations to request possible suggestions for mitigating the issues that are preventing consensus......


Based on the section above, i like to get response/confirmation on the following assumption:

- That the current proposal is final "draft" of the CWG

- That the CWG would reconvene to update the curent draft based on response from the chartering organisation.

- That another consensus call will still be made by the CWG to produce a final proposal to be submited





Seun Ojedeji,
Federal University Oye-Ekiti
web:      http://www.fuoye.edu.ng
Mobile: +2348035233535 <tel:%2B2348035233535> 
alt email:  <http://goog_1872880453> seun.ojedeji at fuoye.edu.ng

The key to understanding is humility - my view !




Seun Ojedeji,
Federal University Oye-Ekiti
web:      http://www.fuoye.edu.ng
Mobile: +2348035233535
alt email:  <http://goog_1872880453> seun.ojedeji at fuoye.edu.ng

The key to understanding is humility - my view !


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