[Dt-cwg-auctionproceeds] mp3 and attendance new gTLD Auction Proceeds Drafting Team 02 June 2016

Terri Agnew terri.agnew at icann.org
Thu Jun 2 16:14:07 UTC 2016

Dear All,

Please find the MP3 recording for the new gTLD Auction Proceeds Drafting Team held on 02 June 2016 at 13:00 UTC: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-new-gtld-auction-proceeds-02jun16-en.mp3<http://mailer.samanage.com/wf/click?upn=NrFWbrBstcrPWP369qgbqlXiSKeL20xnUXzI03ZqpsuDGgbutH3nVNCyFQnIoBtiHFTcaeu4QmqxpOexJvnwAiwk-2Fq80pNptHuPjlZxV8Y0-3D_nEX-2FaOijqgcJlSz5SkmueJu3tRbmaDiuX89gT35tStEeSHP9whdoceObpMxYsFLQddiMZpQjIv8dk6BsBGSJXH7VWN4SGLCJgbGKCk6E-2FTErjF4OKNQt65Dk9NF54IJ9kQpmDNySj7bbNz9G4dXi5BgbCZotTx8KNfyeB0z00f8KsMfETeTNKd7vy2kKI7tttQUIwid4NAhxXgT3nZYwmh4CHFzp-2Bqw-2B4-2BlmhPezwoDf4QnboXm3YlNayxemb-2B9sdYQ51-2Fd0zmnfOAWq1ypoZuzEyeDNrvNdNXhv9pT-2F0-2FbHmZRsFp0frnsKMC5N1OER-2BUqf6-2F8vddui9MRi9qTvbTkc2dRhwMFXsVOaCIhnFi7iCTKIy6qSUHnCng7r5xmK96dO6FOuls54Kss1XkQGXVNbyo1-2BnBt3s0RXUqdgrFcquWEv5eK6ezcrwanho3n9nMVPoVFfseOJ7YzwW0oyRKBdcwXO39s-2B8DYAOW1vqQmj3lE7Rsx-2F-2B6wZHssDqOI9>
On page: http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar#<http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar>
The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page: http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar

Mailing list archives:  http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/dt-cwg-auctionproceeds/

Wiki page:  https://community.icann.org/x/px6AAw



Sylvia Cadena

Will not be participating in the drafting team


Jonathan Robinson

Kaveh Ranjbar

Russ Mundy
Lyman Chapin

Board Liaisons
Erika Mann
Asha Hemrajani

Board appointed staff advisors
Samantha Eisner

Alan Greenberg
Olga Cavalli

ICANN staff:
Marika Konings
Lauren Allison
Julie Hedlund
David Tait
Terri Agnew

** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **

Thank you.
Kind regards,
Terri Agnew
Adobe Connect chat transcript for Thursday, 02 June 2016

    Terri Agnew:Welcome to the New gTLD Auction Proceeds CCWG Charter Drafting Team held on 02 June 2016 at 13:00 UTC

  Sylvia Cadena:Hi Terri and Marika

  Jonathan Robinson:Hell All

  Jonathan Robinson:Hello no tHell :-)

  Erika Mann:I joined!

  Jonathan Robinson:+

  Sylvia Cadena:Hi everyone

  Asha Hemrajani:Good evening all

  Jonathan Robinson:We just hit the top of the hour. Let's commence in 1 minute

  Marika Konings:No, the last version is from Asha

  Sylvia Cadena:Most recent from Asha.

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Xavier Calvez

  Erika Mann:Jonathan - no, we haven't done this

  Asha Hemrajani:No Jonathan the principles are not in yet.  I had made a comment in my email that I feel they should be in the body of the charter

  Sylvia Cadena:I have indicated the same, that the principles should be  part of the charter

Erika Mann:If we agree, I will include it

  Erika Mann:I rather prefer to include them

  Asha Hemrajani:I think they should be standalone

  Sylvia Cadena:Integrated and woven into the charter will be better

  Sylvia Cadena:Good idea Asha.

  Sylvia Cadena:Reiterated and consistently presented will be good.

  Erika Mann:Yes

  Sylvia Cadena:Agree.

  Erika Mann:Yes ((@Russ - let's exchange how we do this by email))

  Sylvia Cadena:Yes, it is included.

  RussMundy-SSAC:@Erika: this sounds good

  Erika Mann:@Russ, perfect

  Marika Konings:you can zoom in further if you like (or even make it full screen)

  Asha Hemrajani:@marika ok but if I make it bigger, then I cannot  see the whole screen

  Sylvia Cadena:If you click on the square with the 4 arrows at the top, you loose the chat and the notes but you can see the document biiger

  Sylvia Cadena:yep

  Marika Konings:yes, you cannot have it all :-)

  Asha Hemrajani:@sylvia ok

  Asha Hemrajani:thanks

  Asha Hemrajani:@marika yes indeed - the joys of aging

  Sylvia Cadena:small devices :)

  Asha Hemrajani:nice! Thanks for making it wider

  Erika Mann:Can someone move the text to the right location please

  Sylvia Cadena:It is on the right location, last sentence of page 1, first sentence of page 2

  Erika Mann:Wasn't for me. Thanks Sylvia. It's now back.

  Asha Hemrajani:Yes I think it is already in the correct location if I am not mistaken

  Erika Mann:Auction Proceed Fund (APF)

  Erika Mann:No, we didn't - in my memory @Russ

  Terri Agnew:Kaveh Ranjbar has joined on audio

  Sylvia Cadena:If we move further down the document, Asha and my self added some text around those lines that might help to reach a compromise

  Jonathan Robinson:@Sylvia. Thanks. We will look forward to that and try to fix the Goals & Objectives to be consistent with that.

  Asha Hemrajani:@russ is your example about providing access

  RussMundy-SSAC:@Asha: yes, this example is focused on access but in some way broader in that doing "good things" that might relate to human rights that could result in things that do relate to the core ICANN mission

  Erika Mann:Jonathan - even better. I'm fine with a narrow ;mission' related scope

  RussMundy-SSAC:I do not think that we should include any examples in the charter, I was using one as a 'thought exercise'

  Erika Mann:But we have to check with Alan, he was interested in a broader scope

  Sylvia Cadena:Yes, please do not include examples of any kind.

  Asha Hemrajani:+1 Russ

  Sylvia Cadena:I agree with a narrow scope, within/in line with ICANN's mission

  Marika Konings:please note that you can scroll by either using the bar on the right side of the bar or use the arrows at the bottom to go up and down to the next page. To zoom in, please use the + sign at the bottom of the pod.

  Marika Konings:right side of the bar = right side of the pod

  Erika Mann:Agree Jonathan

  Erika Mann:Can someone please read it

  Sylvia Cadena:Agree with Russ.

  Sylvia Cadena:We have agreed above to have the outline of the principles at the beginnig, but having them reirated into the rest of the document.

  Erika Mann:Understood Jonathan

  Erika Mann:Text is so small, it's hard to see what we agree on

  Asha Hemrajani:Hi Erika, try the "+", it helped me

  Marika Konings:The second bullet would need to be framed as a question, probably something like: 'should any priority or preference be given to organizations from developing economies and under represented groups?

  Erika Mann:@Asha, I then lose the right colum

  Asha Hemrajani:@marika @jonathan - yes I am making a note and will make these changes after the guiding principles is added

  Asha Hemrajani:@erika yup :-(

  Marika Konings:@Asha - staff can include it in the next draft and of course, you can make any additional changes as needed

  Asha Hemrajani:@marika ok good

  Asha Hemrajani:@marika perhaps we don't need the right column?

  Asha Hemrajani:"notes" column

  Asha Hemrajani:perhaps we don't need to see it - that may give us more space

  Erika Mann:Appropriate consideration is good

  Sylvia Cadena:I agree Jonathan. That will be very appropriate.

  Asha Hemrajani:I agree - I would avoid "partition"

  Erika Mann:Russ +1

  Erika Mann:Agree Jonathan ... sounds good, let's put it in the doc and then we can review together

  David Tait:Just before Section III

  Erika Mann:And I can't see the righ side anymore because I enlarged the center text

  Erika Mann:... and I'm on a very small screen ...

  Sylvia Cadena:It will be good for the CCWG to discuss that. I agree to include it

  Erika Mann:Fine with me

  Asha Hemrajani:yup

  Sylvia Cadena:Are you there?

  Sylvia Cadena:Yes, that was me. I agree with your comment Jonathan. I have added 2 questions on the section above about  those 2 issues, reporting and evaluation

  Sylvia Cadena:Sorry, lost the connection

  Erika Mann:Don't go into details

  Sylvia Cadena:+1, please look for the right words

  Sylvia Cadena:but is important to outline what "expertise in the subject matter" means

  Terri Agnew:Kaveh Ranjbar has disconnected from audio

  Erika Mann:Yes, this might help

  Asha Hemrajani:@erika can you work with me on this?

  Sylvia Cadena:I agree with Erika on not prviding too much detail, but we need a bit more clarity.

  Erika Mann:@Asha, yes, with pleasure

  Erika Mann:@Sylvia, yes

  Sylvia Cadena:Happy to help, if needed

  Erika Mann:@Sylvia, always good

  Sylvia Cadena:Yes

  RussMundy-SSAC:My concern in this area is that the members of the CCWG will be selected by the SO/ACs & we as a DT should not be overly constraining on how they choose their representatives

  Erika Mann:@Sylvia, now understood. So, we advise that CCWG members should understand the need that the need of the not yet connected shall be understood

  Sylvia Cadena:Yes, final funds disbursement will certainly have an impact. It is important that the people that are on CCWG are taken that into account during their deliberations

  Asha Hemrajani:yes Erika exactly

  Sylvia Cadena:Brakets from [how they respond...]? or the whole paragraph?

  RussMundy-SSAC:@Asha & Sylvia: Thanks for the discussion, this was very helpful to understand the intent

  Sylvia Cadena:Ok, thanks Jonathan

  Marika Konings:will do so

  Erika Mann:Russ +1

  Sylvia Cadena:Excellent idea Russ. That will be even better :)

  Sylvia Cadena:Yes, the power of the crowd

  Sylvia Cadena:domains, numbers and standards

  Erika Mann:@Sylvia find but we need to be clear that it is understood what we are saying/meaning by a broader public

  Sylvia Cadena:Agree Jonathan. Good way to move forward. Approve the comments so far and add brackets where more discussion is required

  Erika Mann:Fine and not find

  Sylvia Cadena:Ok Erika, thanks

  Erika Mann:Where are we now?

  Sylvia Cadena:page 5

  Erika Mann:@Marika, tried this, is not working. The whole bar to maneuver the center text is lost. And I don't want to leave the call and rejoin it.

  Sylvia Cadena:Good point Marika. I think all what you mention is important

  Erika Mann:I thought we agree on a text few minutes ago that would cover what Asha just said

  Sylvia Cadena:Agree with Jonathan and Russ before on that part aboutthe membership

  Sylvia Cadena:No, on the first paragraph on this section

  Erika Mann:No, Russ made a recommendation where this could be located

  Sylvia Cadena:somewhere around the 2 and 5 members

  Erika Mann:Agree with Russ and Jonathan

  Sylvia Cadena:Agreewith Asha, is not about a quota, but it should be taken into account.

  Asha Hemrajani:@russ I will join SSAC to help you with the gender balance if you will have me :-)

  Asha Hemrajani:+1 Sylvia

  Erika Mann:Happy to help to find a good language

  RussMundy-SSAC:@Asha: thanks :-)

  Erika Mann:Jonathan, I recommend we continue the discussion online/Google doc

  RussMundy-SSAC:I agree that having a wide, broad set of participants but it is difficult to achieve

  Sylvia Cadena:Ok with me. Will be available for both.

  Asha Hemrajani:@jonathan agree with Erika's suggestion

  Sylvia Cadena:It will be a lot more useful to work on the document on a google doc

  Erika Mann:I will make my comments online

  Erika Mann:Perfect, thanks!

  Asha Hemrajani:no worries Jonathan, I thought we had 2 hours too

  Sylvia Cadena:Good night!

  Asha Hemrajani:Thank you all - good progress today

  RussMundy-SSAC:thanks all - bye

  Asha Hemrajani:Good night

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