[Dt-cwg-auctionproceeds] mp3 and attendance new gTLD Auction Proceeds Drafting Team 12 May 2016

Terri Agnew terri.agnew at icann.org
Fri May 13 00:44:32 UTC 2016

Dear All,

Please find the MP3 recording for the new gTLD Auction Proceeds Drafting Team held on 12 May 2016 at 13:00 UTC: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-new-gtld-auction-proceeds-12may16-en.mp3<http://mailer.samanage.com/wf/click?upn=NrFWbrBstcrPWP369qgbqlXiSKeL20xnUXzI03ZqpsuDGgbutH3nVNCyFQnIoBtiHFTcaeu4QmqxpOexJvnwAhoRiUl9XLGo6f265Nh7GXU-3D_nEX-2FaOijqgcJlSz5SkmueJu3tRbmaDiuX89gT35tStEeSHP9whdoceObpMxYsFLQddiMZpQjIv8dk6BsBGSJXH7VWN4SGLCJgbGKCk6E-2FTErjF4OKNQt65Dk9NF54IJ9kQpmDNySj7bbNz9G4dXi5BgbCZotTx8KNfyeB0z00f8KsMfETeTNKd7vy2kKI7tttQUIwid4NAhxXgT3nZYwmgHzKT4Hy0jzqfp1kK1pUP4zjsvOzQsV-2BYsFcAHHpQawuv3iKZo2eA-2BR6f-2FRXDwiYSZxl-2FuBO-2FsejH-2FfJXrTtyQTy2-2BviEPcGdgLrtAueasxVPcQngQ7TY7VZa4Exldtzw2WekOvN6rpNjM1Qm54IBxzoHtJU-2FMPA-2BKz2cpzXR4VNoX0bbpI8XVqllztaY9RrFoVYczZL-2FUEFBqBGMSNsstzEgyk7Nd4T3TIEC4nstQSEqfzCO852ih7RG6k5ihIbFVfJs0GweaTTGaoDIooJBX9EDY8SLcTUZ3ZBj9-2BTkWf>
On page: http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar#may
The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page: http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar

Mailing list archives:  http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/dt-cwg-auctionproceeds/

Wiki page:  https://community.icann.org/x/px6AAw


Alan Greenberg

Sylvia Cadena

Will not be participating in the drafting team


Jonathan Robinson
Tony Harris


Russ Mundy

Board Liaisons
Erika Mann
Asha Hemrajani

Board appointed staff advisors


ICANN staff:
Marika Konings
Lauren Allison
Vinciane Koenigsfeld
Julie Hedlund
Glen de Saint Gery
David Tait
Terri Agnew

** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **

Thank you.
Kind regards,
Terri Agnew
Adobe Connect chat transcript for Thursday, 12 May 2016

  Terri Agnew:Welcome to the New gTLD Auction Proceeds CCWG Charter Drafting Team held on Thursday, 12 May 2016

  Sylvia Cadena:Hi everyone

  Asha Hemrajani:Hello all

  Asha Hemrajani:Terry I would like to test my microphone

  Jonathan Robinson:Hello All

  Asha Hemrajani:I am speaking

  Sylvia Cadena:a bit of echo on the line

  Jonathan Robinson:Hi Asha. We hear you clearly on the dial out but there may be echo from your computer mic?

  Asha Hemrajani:I have muted my computer mic already

  Jonathan Robinson:THanks Asha.

  Asha Hemrajani:Sylvia, please see my chat text to you

Jonathan Robinson:Someone has an open mic?

  Lauren Allison:Point of Information: Sam and Xavier will be working to update and finalize this document so that it can be referenced by the CCWG

  Lauren Allison:501 3c

  Erika Mann:I'm fine with your recommendation Jonathan

  Jonathan Robinson:Thanks Erica

  Sylvia Cadena:Thanks Erika

  Erika Mann: Understood ,Alan

  Alan Greenberg:GIven that the money the Gates Foundation has is effectively a private donation, there are no limits on what it can do, other than with respect to protecting its own tax status (if they care about that).

  Erika Mann:Jonathan +1

  Lauren Allison:I believe I have that, and if not, will make sure to update her

  Lauren Allison:Appreciate if the policy staff can work with me on making sure I have the right draft

  Sylvia Cadena:Exactly Alan, that is why choosing the actual mechanisms has many different rules.

  Sylvia Cadena:The reason why most of those people establish foundations is actually to pay less taxes or no taxes at all

  Sylvia Cadena:Take then off line

  Erika Mann:Take it off line

  Sylvia Cadena:can someone share the text by email? apologies if it was shared already

  Sylvia Cadena:I hav enot checked my email this morning yet

  Erika Mann:Russ

  David Tait:@sylvia the document should be on screen now

  Sylvia Cadena:Yes

  Sylvia Cadena:Great, agree with the principles identified. They are very good guiding principles for the WG

  Erika Mann:Indeed, it was mentioned in the comments

  Erika Mann:Guidelines is a better term indeed

  Asha Hemrajani:@Alan how about guiding principles

  Asha Hemrajani:@Alan how about "guiding principles"

  Erika Mann:Asha - guiding princples we call the whole list you see on the screen

  Asha Hemrajani:yes isn't that what Alan was referring to

  Asha Hemrajani:or was Alan only referring to the disbursement guidelines

  Erika Mann:Asha - Alan was in particular talking about the third bullet point /"princiles for disbursement' and instead of principle Alan recommended to use the term guidelines. I think he's right. Just for this particular topic.

  Asha Hemrajani:yes that is what I just mentioned

  Asha Hemrajani:agree that it should be guidelines

  Sylvia Cadena:Yes, Jonathan, I agree. That is a good approach.

  Erika Mann:Jonathan +1

  Sylvia Cadena:Yes, I made the point that diversity should be included to make sure it is not overlooked.

  Sylvia Cadena:And yes, I made a point about not spelling out the mission and core values, as they are under revision. If they change

  Sylvia Cadena:+ 1 Asha. Yes, I agree. Diversity should be included from the charter, so it is carried on by the WG. Diversity understood as geographical, communitities that ICANN serves, as well as benefitiaries.

  Sylvia Cadena:Yes, I can help with that.

  Sylvia Cadena:Happy to work with Asha on that.

  Sylvia Cadena:+1 Asha.

  Sylvia Cadena:I think we should mention the principles that were clustered on the review of public comments.  but leaving the door open for the WG to nclude others if they see fit

  Erika Mann:Sylvia - indeed, there might be relevant principles not covered yet

  Asha Hemrajani:@sylvia

  RussMundy-SSAC:@Sylvia: I agree that it would be fine for the CCWG itself to add more general principles

  Asha Hemrajani:@sylvia, which public comments are you referring to?

  Sylvia Cadena:The public comments that were reviewed to share the clusters

  Sylvia Cadena:Erica was on that subgroup I think

  Erika Mann:Asha - DT/Charter received public comments. Russ and I reviewed them. And they are captured in the list you just saw as 'guiding principles'

  Erika Mann:The comments captrued other points as well of course.

  Sylvia Cadena:I agree Jonathan. Please rush :)

  Sylvia Cadena:It will be wonderful to get some progress on the actually document

  Asha Hemrajani:@erika ok, I had lost internet connection so had missed out part of the discussion

  Erika Mann:Jonathan - you are right

  RussMundy-SSAC:@Jonathan: I agree let's focus on the charter document itself

  Sylvia Cadena:Australia

  Sylvia Cadena:Yes, it is

  Sylvia Cadena:For me it was 7:00 am today

  Lauren Allison:this one is the one that starts at 5am for Asha

  Erika Mann:Timing: no, not really a good timing.

  Erika Mann:Asha, we can't move the time even later for Asia, otherwise Europe can't go to bed at all.

  Sylvia Cadena:I appreciate that there is an attempt to alternate and be accommodating.

  Sylvia Cadena:As long as it is not 3:00 am my time is ok :)

  Erika Mann:Thank you all!

  Sylvia Cadena:Sorry, lost the audio

  Asha Hemrajani:well at least we are alternating, appreciate that!

  Asha Hemrajani:thanks all

  Sylvia Cadena:Thank you all

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