[Dt-cwg-auctionproceeds] mp3 and attendance new gTLD Auction Proceeds Drafting Team 31 August 2016

Terri Agnew terri.agnew at icann.org
Thu Sep 1 01:42:03 UTC 2016

Dear All,

Please find the MP3 recording for the new gTLD Auction Proceeds Drafting Team held on 31 August 2016 at 19:30 UTC: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-new-gtld-auction-proceeds-31aug16-en.mp3<http://mailer.samanage.com/wf/click?upn=NrFWbrBstcrPWP369qgbqlXiSKeL20xnUXzI03ZqpsuDGgbutH3nVNCyFQnIoBtiHFTcaeu4QmqxpOexJvnwAgfRHB7d5CYZKx7oN0gUvTE-3D_nEX-2FaOijqgcJlSz5SkmueJu3tRbmaDiuX89gT35tStEeSHP9whdoceObpMxYsFLQddiMZpQjIv8dk6BsBGSJXH7VWN4SGLCJgbGKCk6E-2FTErjF4OKNQt65Dk9NF54IJ9kQpmDNySj7bbNz9G4dXi5BgbCZotTx8KNfyeB0z00f8KsMfETeTNKd7vy2kKI7tttQUIwid4NAhxXgT3nZYwmuUGjI2eszUh4Vv-2FsMP2KJYMGQk3Lp-2BttQbgVv8cC7WAAbJYLt8z7Pw-2Bdk9aW41Ryb2500jECVvPt3Kgbm4Mfc-2FBpvf1gka7Tsse3MCqFHcDY573nE97dDKnLl2TdnbHm-2FaIlXkYfod-2FkBGrJLXm-2Bp6UOKQZuKc7yY9CQnCIg1M3rqzKOcDd2dgzzg-2FIFcGixvgNFJw3tTVdEWRUcnOApw0L0D5tQKhnL8XXN4MNrv8gqSvYA19SvNYqTZBbwZEb1aFnm2TT0F6oxwgKo8DgutzYBt-2Fzi-2B4F-2BmgBa7fWfTW5>

On page: http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar#<http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar>
The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page: http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar

Mailing list archives:  http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/dt-cwg-auctionproceeds/

Wiki page:  https://community.icann.org/x/px6AAw


Alan Greenberg

Sylvia Cadena

Will not be participating in the drafting team

Olga Cavalli

Jonathan Robinson
Tony Harris


Russ Mundy

Board Liaisons
Erika Mann

Board appointed staff advisors
Samantha Eisner

Asha Hemrajani

ICANN staff:
Marika Konings
Julie Hedlund
Lauren Allison
David Tait
Terri Agnew

** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **

Thank you.
Kind regards,
Terri Agnew
Adobe Connect chat transcript for Wednesday, 31 August 2016

  Terri Agnew:Welcome to the New gTLD Auction Proceeds CCWG Charter Drafting Team held on Wednesday, 31 August 2016 at 19:30 UTC

  Terri Agnew:wiki agenda page: https://community.icann.org/x/PBCsAw

  Olga Cavalli:Hi all, I will be mainly listening.

  Sylvia Cadena:Hi everyone

  Erika Mann:HI, hi!

  Lauren Allison:Asha sends her apologies

  Terri Agnew:thank you Lauren, noted

  RussMundy-SSAC:Sorry for my tartiness - day job obligations

  Sylvia Cadena:No comments on the agenda. Happy to proceed as proposed

  Olga Cavalli:ok

  Sylvia Cadena:I appreciate the job from staff to sort them out and help us to go throuh them systematically

  Erika Mann:Can\t see the agenda, still the intro slide is on the screen

  Erika Mann:Not in my case, but no problem

  Sylvia Cadena:AGENDA:1.          Roll call / Welcome2.      Review of latest version of draft charter (see attached):a.                Any comments / concerns in relation to how remaining comments were addressed? (see latest version of public comment review tool)b.  Any items that need to be discussed that have not been flagged as 'yellow' (see attached for current 'yellow' items)c.     Review and discuss items flagged in yellow (see attached)3.       Confirm deadline for final review & comments and target date for sharing draft charter with SO/ACs4.    Confirm next meeting

  Erika Mann:Thank you Sylvia!

  Olga Cavalli:ok with the agenda

  Sylvia Cadena:Clarity on that point will be great.

  Sylvia Cadena:Yes, point 2, on a light blue color

  Jonathan Robinson:It is page 2. My error Erika

  Sylvia Cadena:page 2 I mean

  Erika Mann:I do agree with Alan

  Sylvia Cadena:Agree with Alan.

  Erika Mann:Fine with the change, prefer consistency

  Erika Mann:... but prefer conistent with ...

  Sylvia Cadena:Sorry, my audio was not connected

  Terri Agnew:@Syliva, we are unable to hear you if you are speaking

  Erika Mann:Yes

  Sylvia Cadena:Consistent will be great.

  Sylvia Cadena:Still, the CCWG might also get confused with the double negative. Support the idea of having different words, but words that create clarity

  Terri Agnew:@Syliva, we are unable to hear you if you are speaking

  Sylvia Cadena:Sorry, will write here

  Sylvia Cadena:I was about to say that I agree with Alan about narrowing it down too much, but can we use other words then that refer to that openneses  without creating confusing people?

  Sylvia Cadena:Audio was not working, sorry

  David Tait:it was

  Sylvia Cadena:Sound is breaking up, was not able to hear Erika well.

  Erika Mann:Jonathan, sorry, I'm in a very remote area in Italy

  RussMundy-SSAC:After listening to Alan's argument, I think he is right and support the use of multiple terms at this point

  Erika Mann:I'm fine with Alan's proposal

  Sylvia Cadena:Thanks Jonathan, that will be greatly appreciated. Good to have the openness discussed but having a document that is self consistent

  Samantha Eisner:+1 to Alan

  Erika Mann:Agree with Alan's point

  Olga Cavalli:+1 to Alan

  Samantha Eisner:I think that the added wording is helpful as well

  Sylvia Cadena:Agree with Alan about including the tax status referenced to MK comment 4. The restriction there will also allow for investment in countries where governments are very protective of not allowing external funds to go to issues the government does not want to tackle

  Erika Mann:Sam is on the call, maybe she wants to add context

  Erika Mann:Since you will not hear me, I recommend to be a bit more cautious and not to recommend a language that keeps the timeframe too open

  Erika Mann:I think we should leave this for the CCWG

  Erika Mann:Yes, makes sense to delete the word termination

  Sylvia Cadena:Yes, we are leaving it to the CCWG Erika, but what I am asking is to add text about what they could take into consideration when doing so

  Erika Mann:I understand Alan and Sylvia's point but I think it's too early to discuss this, I would rather leave this open for the CCWG ...

  Sylvia Cadena:Yes Erika, thing is the text is not open enough.

  Jonathan Robinson:Erika, we lose you.

  David Tait:Sorry Erika I think you've cut out

  Terri Agnew:@Erika, you audio is cutting out

  Sylvia Cadena:Happy to leave for the CCWG to discuss, but I think part of our job is to point out what sort of things they should take into consideration and the impact of their decisions.

  Jonathan Robinson:Thee quality of your connection is too weak.

  Sylvia Cadena:Can't hear you Erika :(

  Jonathan Robinson:Erika, unfortunately we cannot hear you

  David Tait:Erika, could staff arrange a call out to you?

  Erika Mann:Terry, can you have the operator call me?

  Terri Agnew:@Erika, yes

  Erika Mann:David, yes, please

  Terri Agnew:Erika is on the telephone

  Samantha Eisner:When appropriate, I have a question on item 11 on this list

  Sylvia Cadena:Agree with Alan. Not use the word avoid will be good

  Erika Mann:Agree with Alan

  Sylvia Cadena:Take into account that this was raised a few times on the public comments, so good to address it, wide and open enough, Probably leave it open to the safeguards parts and remove the avoid part

  David Tait:We can hear you

  Erika Mann:We hear you!

  Jonathan Robinson:We hear you Tony

  Sylvia Cadena:Yes fine :)

  Sylvia Cadena:Dandy :)

  Sylvia Cadena:Thanks Jonathan. Agree.

  Samantha Eisner:I think that "delegate to another entity" already covers that

  Sylvia Cadena:Is different to delegate than to partner.

  Samantha Eisner:"partnership" is a challenging legal term

  Samantha Eisner:we could use "coordination" instead of partnership

  Sylvia Cadena:Yep. Big organizations with experience on grant allocation will not accept the term "delegate"

  Sylvia Cadena:Including the example of foundation will be great.

  Sylvia Cadena:It will be great to mention it and not limited to that, as Alan said.

  Sylvia Cadena:Coordination might work as Sam suggest.

  Terri Agnew:@Erika, make sure you turn down your computer speakers

  Jonathan Robinson:Erika. Big echo from computer mic

  Alan Greenberg:Foundation IS just given as an example. Do we really need to change?

  Erika Mann:I know, I did already totally shut down audio on my computer

  Alan Greenberg:...delegate to or coordinate with...

  Erika Mann:Audio should be okay now

  Jonathan Robinson:Thanks Erica

  Jonathan Robinson:@Sam. Come in on point 11 next

  Sylvia Cadena:Agree with Alan.

  Sylvia Cadena:Important to highlight that funds for ICANN use fro proposals that are outside its budget as well as the possibility to support the reserve

  Terri Agnew:@Erika, yes

  Sylvia Cadena:Agree with Erika. That is what I wrote on my comment above. Something outside ICANN budget, plus the possibility of supporting the reserve (that Alan mentioned again)

  Alan Greenberg:I think that is what we are aasking the CCWG to specify.

  Sylvia Cadena:From the public comments it was raised not to use this funds for operations

  Sylvia Cadena:Yes Tony :)

  Erika Mann:Yes, we hear you

  Sylvia Cadena:Yes

  Olga Cavalli:my apologies I must leave the call now, will follow up with recordings and notes

  Sylvia Cadena:See you Olga :)

  Sylvia Cadena:On item 10, there is a typo. perrormance, instead of performance

  Erika Mann:Support

  Sylvia Cadena:Agree

  Sylvia Cadena::)

  Sylvia Cadena:Thanks Erika that will be great.

  Erika Mann:Pleasure Sylvia

  Sylvia Cadena:Having a recommendation about better wording will be great. But having 200M and not thinking long term will be ironic

  Erika Mann:Will do this

  Erika Mann:Exactly Sylvia

  Erika Mann:Fine

  Sylvia Cadena:Agree with Jonathan. Thanks for finding the right word.

  Sylvia Cadena:Agree with Jonathan. Very important to clarify that. Probably will not use the word support, but endorse.

  Sylvia Cadena:Agree with Alan.

  Sylvia Cadena:Very important to have that clarification at the end.

  Sylvia Cadena:Exactly.

  Sylvia Cadena:Agree Erika. Report changes is key.

  Erika Mann:Agree

  Sylvia Cadena:Ok with me for MK edits to SC11

  Erika Mann:Correct, this wording is now on page 2 and page 10

  Sylvia Cadena:Good.

  Sylvia Cadena:Wonderful!

  Sylvia Cadena:we made it to the last one :)

  Sylvia Cadena:Can we have the proposed timefrae on the screen?

  Samantha Eisner:yes

  Erika Mann:Yes

  Sylvia Cadena:I am happy with speed up to try to meet the original plans as much as possible

  Sylvia Cadena:It will be great to have the next meeting next week

  David Tait:2 September - circulation of 'final' version of charter*         9 September - deadline for any further edits / comments (should any major issues be identified, additional DT meetings may be needed)*         12 September - submit proposed charter to ICANN SO/AC with the request to identify any items that would prevent adoption of the charter by 30 September at the latest, including an indication of when the SO/AC may be able to consider the charter for approval if it is confirmed by 1 October that there are no changes to the charter.

  Terri Agnew:FYI, Board Workshop Wednesday 14 September - Saturday, 17 September

  Sylvia Cadena:As not much happens in between calls, then is good to meet as soon as possible

  RussMundy-SSAC:From an SSAC perspective, we are having a worksop on the 12-13 which would be a good time to get feedback

  Sylvia Cadena:I will be in Tanzania next week, if that helps with  trying to organize it at a more convenient time for others

  Sylvia Cadena:Great. 1h.

  Sylvia Cadena:What Jonathan suggests on 12 Sept to 30 Sept to the SO/AC to come back

  Sylvia Cadena:right?

  Sylvia Cadena:It will be great to circulate the time table by email and have people to reconfirm.

  Sylvia Cadena:Very productive meeting :) thank you all!

  Erika Mann:Thank you all

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