[DTC CSC] Charter Updates

Donna Austin Donna.Austin at ariservices.com
Fri Apr 10 00:42:48 UTC 2015

Hi All

Version 6 attached for review and discussion on tomorrow's call.

I've also attached a doc that compares version 4 and 6. There was a version 5 but let's not talk about that.

I've tried to incorporate what we discussed and agreed yesterday.

The mission now has an opening para to explain why the CSC is being established; and I've taken out some of the peripheral information which I felt better placed under Scope of Responsibilities.

Under the Scope of Responsibilities, I've changed stated that the CSC will not become involved in disputes between customers and IANA. I've also added a line about reporting. David has contributed language regarding technical changes.

There is a new section that deals with Recalling members.

Still some work to do on the Recommendations Document, but I feel a bit more comfortable in attacking that now that we have the Charter out of the way.



[Description: Description: Description: ARI Logo]DONNA AUSTIN
Policy and Industry Affairs Manager

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P  +1 310 890 9655
P  +61 3 9866 3710
E  donna.austin at ariservices.com<mailto:donna.austin at ariservices.com>
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