[DTC CSC] Member/Liaison definitions

Kim Davies kim.davies at icann.org
Thu Jun 4 02:03:51 UTC 2015

Hi Donna,

There is one caution that I have with regard to this. Our members will be outnumbered by Liaisons by 4 to 5, so if Liaisons are participating on equal footing it could get tricky.

As RSSAC is a direct customer perhaps we elevate them to ‘member’, and similarly for the RIRs which offered a Liaison through the public comment.

Sorry for the curve ball, but I’d appreciate any thoughts any of you might have.

For what it’s worth, in the context of the IANA naming functions I think we have more customer interactions with .INT registrants, and the IAB in the context of .ARPA, than we do with root server operators which probably represent ~0.1% of requests (<1 request per year)

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