[DTC CSC] DT-C reprise

Donna Austin Donna.Austin at ariservices.com
Tue May 5 17:36:26 UTC 2015


I think we should have a call and discuss the items identified as DT-C in the attached punch list from Sidley.

We might also want to have Sidley on the call.

1)      Does everyone agree?

2)      Is it possible to regroup this week?

3)      Grace or Brenda could you send out a doodle poll?



From: cwg-stewardship-bounces at icann.org [mailto:cwg-stewardship-bounces at icann.org] On Behalf Of Grace Abuhamad
Sent: Monday, 4 May 2015 7:42 AM
To: cwg-stewardship at icann.org
Cc: Brenda Brewer
Subject: [CWG-Stewardship] Agenda for Tuesday at 17:00 UTC

Dear all,

Please see below the agenda for tomorrow's call (at 17:00 UTC). I've also attached the Sidley Punch list for your review before the call:

1.       Opening remarks
2.       CCWG dependencies and the new draft proposal from CCWG
3.       Sidley's Punch List (including DT-A and DT-F status)
4.       Section IV
5.       Public comments
6.       AOB

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