[DT-O] Reconvening of Design Team O

Gomes, Chuck cgomes at verisign.com
Thu Oct 22 14:01:18 UTC 2015

Thank you very much Xavier.  That is very helpful.

Because I think that most people will need a week to return home and recover from the Dublin meetings, I will ask staff to do a Doodle Poll for a possible meeting on November 2, 3 or 4 , which would be before the CWG meeting on November 5.  I will provide staff some options that work for me.


From: Xavier J. Calvez [xavier.calvez at icann.org]
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2015 9:55 AM
To: Gomes, Chuck; DT-O Mailing List (dto at icann.org)
Cc: fuhr at difo.dk; jrobinson at afilias.info
Subject: Re: Reconvening of Design Team O

Thank you. I am very happy to provide to the DT-O context and questions that the DT-O can help inform in return to the planning process. I will try to provide some questions shortly, even if in a preliminary fashion.
I believe safe to say that, if you would organize a call towards the later part of next week, I should have been able to provide by then if not complete, at least sufficient information for the call to be worthwhile and, of course, I am very happy to participate to it if considered useful.

Thank you.


Xavier Calvez
12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300
Los Angeles, CA 90094

Office: +1 (310) 301-5838
Fax: +1 (310) 957-2348
Cell: +1 (805) 312-0052

From: Charles Gomes <cgomes at verisign.com<mailto:cgomes at verisign.com>>
Date: Thursday, October 22, 2015 at 1:49 PM
To: Xavier Calvez <xavier.calvez at icann.org<mailto:xavier.calvez at icann.org>>, "DT-O Mailing List (dto at icann.org<mailto:dto at icann.org>)" <dto at icann.org<mailto:dto at icann.org>>
Cc: "fuhr at difo.dk<mailto:fuhr at difo.dk>" <fuhr at difo.dk<mailto:fuhr at difo.dk>>, "jrobinson at afilias.info<mailto:jrobinson at afilias.info>" <jrobinson at afilias.info<mailto:jrobinson at afilias.info>>
Subject: RE: Reconvening of Design Team O

Thanks Xavier.  I think it may be best for Jonathan and Lise to answer your question about what DT-O should do although I will say that what you suggest makes sense to me.

Regardless, I do believe that it would be helpful if you would share with DT-O the questions about PTI you shared in the Sunday budget session along with any other questions that will eventually need to be answered to budgeting for the transition.  I fully understand that we will have to be flexible and accept the fact that changes will likely occur after January 15 but I really think that the CWG may be able to provide some guidance in the next couple months that may help to reduce last minute changes.

Xavier - If you can tell us when you would be able to provide this information, then we can do a Doodle Poll for a DT-O Call.  Even if all you provide is what you said about PTI options in the Sunday session, that would help.  If you have further questions of me, please let me know.


From: Xavier J. Calvez [xavier.calvez at icann.org<mailto:xavier.calvez at icann.org>]
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2015 6:05 AM
To: Gomes, Chuck; DT-O Mailing List (dto at icann.org<mailto:dto at icann.org>)
Cc: fuhr at difo.dk<mailto:fuhr at difo.dk>; jrobinson at afilias.info<mailto:jrobinson at afilias.info>
Subject: Re: Reconvening of Design Team O

Thank you for including me in this email.
I want to clarify that the FY17 planning and the Transition planning are totally independent from each other, not creating a requirement of one for the other. Therefore, the FY17 planning process does not REQUIRE any more or earlier information than the normal course of the Transition will make available.
I have indicated during the CWG session today that the planning process was happening in parallel of the transition, and that the timing of the planning process suggested that planning assumptions could not change after 15 January in order to allow the draft plan to be published on 5 March. I also indicated that the planning process does not create a requirement on the timing or nature of deliverables of the transition process, but it would simply use the information available by then, and formulate assumptions for any missing information. These assumptions need to be aligned with the Transition’s process, and we discussed today that ICANN’s Finance would tightly coordinate with ICANN’s implementation team to ensure these assumptions are consistent with any Transition information available then.
To put things in context, though late changes are always challenging, it will always be possible to make required changes to the plan later in the year (before the Board approves) to reflect information made available after the publication of the draft. Even further, reality is always different than plan, and it is to be expected that the budget may not reflect exactly how reality turn out to be, which is perfectly fine and acceptable.
Though I don’t want to presume what the DT-O should do, I would imagine that it would be useful for ICANN staff (Finance and Transition implementation) to have access to the DT-O to help the staff ensuring the adequate alignment of budget assumptions, and would see a lot of value add in the DT-O coordinating the CWG and the Staff’s work. Please let me know if this is not a desired role of the DT-O.

Thank you.


Xavier Calvez
12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300
Los Angeles, CA 90094

Office: +1 (310) 301-5838
Fax: +1 (310) 957-2348
Cell: +1 (805) 312-0052

From: Charles Gomes <cgomes at verisign.com<mailto:cgomes at verisign.com>>
Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 at 3:16 PM
To: "DT-O Mailing List (dto at icann.org<mailto:dto at icann.org>)" <dto at icann.org<mailto:dto at icann.org>>
Cc: Xavier Calvez <xavier.calvez at icann.org<mailto:xavier.calvez at icann.org>>, "fuhr at difo.dk<mailto:fuhr at difo.dk>" <fuhr at difo.dk<mailto:fuhr at difo.dk>>, "jrobinson at afilias.info<mailto:jrobinson at afilias.info>" <jrobinson at afilias.info<mailto:jrobinson at afilias.info>>
Subject: Reconvening of Design Team O

As most of you may already be aware, the co-chairs of CWG Accountability have requested that Design Team O be reconvened to coordinate between the CWG implementation work and the ICANN FY17 Operating Plan and Budget process.

Based on my understanding of the budget process, a critical date is 15 January 2016.  That is the current deadline by which the ICANN Finance Team needs details of expense requirements to allow them sufficient time to prepare a FY17 Draft Operating Plan and Budget for public comment by 5 March 2016.

I believe a key part of our responsibilities will to facilitate CWG pre-implementation work that may be needed in advance of the 15 January date.

Note that I cc'd Xavier because I believe it would be very helpful if Xavier could document for our team the key questions that Finance has with regard to the transition of the IANA naming functions.  In the Community Finance working session that occurred this past Sunday, Xavier communicated various possible options regarding the implementation of PTI.  Which option is chosen could have significant impact in terms of projected costs so it would be very helpful if the CWG could provide some guidance in that regard, sooner rather than later.

Xavier - I would like to request that you send to this list the information regarding possible PTI options that you shared on Sunday along with any other items regarding the transition that would assist in budget planning.  Would it be possible to do that by Friday, 27 October?  If not, what would be a reasonable date.

Once we know when Xavier can provide this information, I would like to schedule a meeting as soon as possible so we can begin our work.  I do not see us making decisions regarding implementation decisions; that should be done by the broader CWG; I see our role as facilitating the CWG work.  I cc'd Lise and Jonathan in case they see our role differently.

If any of you are unable to continue participating in DT-O, please let us know and if possible suggest a replacement.

In the meantime, feel free to ask any questions you have.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

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