[ECAdmin] CONFIRMED: Approval Action Community Forum on Board Approval of Fundamental Bylaws Amendments in Articles 18 and 19 of the ICANN Bylaws

Mary Wong mary.wong at icann.org
Tue Oct 3 21:56:06 UTC 2023

Hello again everyone,

As you will have seen from the ICANN78 schedule that was published yesterday, the Approval Action Community Forum will take place on Thursday 26 October from 15:00 – 15:30 Hamburg time in Hall 4 of the convention center (i.e., the “GAC room”, meaning the room will be set up in the usual format that the GAC uses at ICANN Public Meetings). There will be full remote participation, interpretation, recording and technical support for the session.

Under the Bylaws, the Empowered Community Administration has the responsibility to “manage and moderate the Approval Action Community Forum in a fair and neutral manner”. To assist with your preparations for the Community Forum, we will circulate a Doodle poll to find a time and date for a planning call for the five members of the Empowered Community Administration and the relevant ICANN org staff that will be supporting you at the session.

Please note that the Approval Action Community Forum is not a decisional body and ICANN staff and Directors representing the ICANN Board are required to attend the forum to address any concerns or questions that may be raised during the session. You may also wish to note that Bylaws state that “ICANN and any Supporting Organization or Advisory Committee (including Decisional Participants) may deliver to the EC Administration in writing its views and questions on the Approval Action prior to the convening of and during the Approval Action Community Forum” (emphasis added).

Please look out for the Doodle poll and let us know if you have questions or other requests that we can help to address. Thank you!

Ozan & Mary (on behalf of the ICANN org staff supporting the Empowered Community Administration)

From: Alejandra Reynoso Barral <alejandra.reynoso at gmail.com>
Date: Monday, October 2, 2023 at 8:48 AM
To: German Valdez Aviles <german at apnic.net>
Cc: "DiBiase, Gregory" <dibiase at amazon.com>, Mary Wong <mary.wong at icann.org>, Nicolas Caballero <nicustkd at gmail.com>, "aso-chairs at aso.icann.org" <aso-chairs at aso.icann.org>, Tanzanica King <tanzanica.king at icann.org>, Kimberly Carlson <kimberly.carlson at icann.org>, "ecadmin at icann.org" <ecadmin at icann.org>, Gulten Tepe Oksuzoglu <gulten.tepe at icann.org>, Gisella Gruber <Gisella.Gruber at icann.org>, "team-leaders at icann.org" <team-leaders at icann.org>
Subject: Re: [gnso-chairs] [Ext] Re: [ECAdmin] UPDATE: Approval Action Community Forum on Board Approval of Fundamental Bylaws Amendments in Articles 18 and 19 of the ICANN Bylaws

Dear All

Good start of the week!

Thank you Mary for the suggestion. I think this could work assuming that the Bylaw changes are not contentious (which is the view of the ccNSO approval action process manager). However, if it turns out people do have an issue with the changes and discussion is needed, we can't restrict it.

Regarding the letter requesting the forum, as there are no objections or major edits in the document, it can be sent out today at 16:00 UTC. Thank you again for your support.

Best regards,

Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody's watching.
Sing like nobody's listening.
And live like it's Heaven on Earth.

On Sun, Oct 1, 2023 at 5:15 PM German Valdez Aviles <german at apnic.net<mailto:german at apnic.net>> wrote:

+1 with Greg’s position. I defer this to those SO/AC with scheduling issues.


German Valdez

From: DiBiase, Gregory <dibiase at amazon.com<mailto:dibiase at amazon.com>>
Date: Friday, 29 September 2023 at 7:15 pm
To: Mary Wong <mary.wong at icann.org<mailto:mary.wong at icann.org>>, Alejandra Reynoso Barral <alejandra.reynoso at gmail.com<mailto:alejandra.reynoso at gmail.com>>, Nicolas Caballero <nicustkd at gmail.com<mailto:nicustkd at gmail.com>>
Cc: aso-chairs at aso.icann.org<mailto:aso-chairs at aso.icann.org> <aso-chairs at aso.icann.org<mailto:aso-chairs at aso.icann.org>>, Tanzanica King <tanzanica.king at icann.org<mailto:tanzanica.king at icann.org>>, Kimberly Carlson <kimberly.carlson at icann.org<mailto:kimberly.carlson at icann.org>>, ecadmin at icann.org<mailto:ecadmin at icann.org> <ecadmin at icann.org<mailto:ecadmin at icann.org>>, German Valdez Aviles <german at apnic.net<mailto:german at apnic.net>>, Gulten Tepe Oksuzoglu <gulten.tepe at icann.org<mailto:gulten.tepe at icann.org>>, Gisella Gruber <Gisella.Gruber at icann.org<mailto:Gisella.Gruber at icann.org>>, team-leaders at icann.org<mailto:team-leaders at icann.org> <team-leaders at icann.org<mailto:team-leaders at icann.org>>
Subject: RE: [gnso-chairs] [Ext] Re: [ECAdmin] UPDATE: Approval Action Community Forum on Board Approval of Fundamental Bylaws Amendments in Articles 18 and 19 of the ICANN Bylaws
I am open to either option.


From: Gnso-chairs <gnso-chairs-bounces at icann.org<mailto:gnso-chairs-bounces at icann.org>> On Behalf Of Mary Wong via Gnso-chairs
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2023 1:36 PM
To: Alejandra Reynoso Barral <alejandra.reynoso at gmail.com<mailto:alejandra.reynoso at gmail.com>>; Nicolas Caballero <nicustkd at gmail.com<mailto:nicustkd at gmail.com>>
Cc: aso-chairs at aso.icann.org<mailto:aso-chairs at aso.icann.org>; Tanzanica King <tanzanica.king at icann.org<mailto:tanzanica.king at icann.org>>; Kimberly Carlson <kimberly.carlson at icann.org<mailto:kimberly.carlson at icann.org>>; ecadmin at icann.org<mailto:ecadmin at icann.org>; German Valdez Aviles <german at apnic.net<mailto:german at apnic.net>>; GNSO-Chairs <gnso-chairs at icann.org<mailto:gnso-chairs at icann.org>>; Gulten Tepe Oksuzoglu <gulten.tepe at icann.org<mailto:gulten.tepe at icann.org>>; Gisella Gruber <Gisella.Gruber at icann.org<mailto:Gisella.Gruber at icann.org>>; team-leaders at icann.org<mailto:team-leaders at icann.org>
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] [gnso-chairs] [Ext] Re: [ECAdmin] UPDATE: Approval Action Community Forum on Board Approval of Fundamental Bylaws Amendments in Articles 18 and 19 of the ICANN Bylaws

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know the content is safe.

Hello again and thank you, Alejandra, Nico, Kim and everyone for the feedback and quick responses. We certainly appreciate your flexibility and understanding!

One other option that might work and that would not require you to move your sessions is to schedule the Approval Action Community Forum for 30 minutes. If this is feasible, we could schedule the Forum for Thursday 26 October for 15:00 – 15:30. We would then reschedule the Board meeting/AGM from 15:00 – 16:30 to 16:00 – 17:30.

We realize that 30 minutes is not a long time, and we do not wish to imply that the Empowered Community powers and processes are in any way unimportant. However, as the last Community Forum did not go beyond 25 minutes we thought we ought to at least raise the possibility for your consideration.

Please let us know whether you prefer to move the conflicted sessions in order to hold the proposed Community Forum from 13:15 – 14:00, or if doing a 30-minute Community Forum from 15:00 – 15:30 might be better (both options are for Thursday afternoon).

Finally, with thanks to Alejandra, we have noted the draft letter requesting the forum (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HfbLLrgJwnyp27j4Voh1KQsGgHrbbfzLvewZqBmuyXg/edit [aus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/aus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https*3A*2F*2Fdocs.google.com*2Fdocument*2Fd*2F1HfbLLrgJwnyp27j4Voh1KQsGgHrbbfzLvewZqBmuyXg*2Fedit&data=05*7C01*7C*7C7f49d03841434c2f3d2f08dbc1399c05*7C127d8d0d7ccf473dab096e44ad752ded*7C0*7C0*7C638316225424078282*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C3000*7C*7C*7C&sdata=NhMvaU60mrPwD4jWZmRZ*2BA8*2BdkJHOSTTf*2BAbTe*2BuCP8*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSU!!PtGJab4!7nyPzZlnYhGJPC1go0wZat923ok5M_hQzgvEeIERMXXm5EVfafv8eoiFSLs-PxAikCczdBRkwf3X-Bu2jetxqoeHD8Wg9sSMeQ$>) and will be pleased to send it on your behalf once the Empowered Community Administration confirms your preference for a date and time.

Thank you!

Mary (on behalf of the staff team supporting the Empowered Community Administration)

From: Alejandra Reynoso Barral <alejandra.reynoso at gmail.com<mailto:alejandra.reynoso at gmail.com>>
Date: Friday, September 29, 2023 at 3:18 PM
To: Nicolas Caballero <nicustkd at gmail.com<mailto:nicustkd at gmail.com>>
Cc: Mary Wong <mary.wong at icann.org<mailto:mary.wong at icann.org>>, German Valdez Aviles <german at apnic.net<mailto:german at apnic.net>>, "aso-chairs at aso.icann.org<mailto:aso-chairs at aso.icann.org>" <aso-chairs at aso.icann.org<mailto:aso-chairs at aso.icann.org>>, Tanzanica King <tanzanica.king at icann.org<mailto:tanzanica.king at icann.org>>, Kimberly Carlson <kimberly.carlson at icann.org<mailto:kimberly.carlson at icann.org>>, "ecadmin at icann.org<mailto:ecadmin at icann.org>" <ecadmin at icann.org<mailto:ecadmin at icann.org>>, GNSO-Chairs <gnso-chairs at icann.org<mailto:gnso-chairs at icann.org>>, Terri Agnew <terri.agnew at icann.org<mailto:terri.agnew at icann.org>>, Gulten Tepe Oksuzoglu <gulten.tepe at icann.org<mailto:gulten.tepe at icann.org>>, Gisella Gruber <Gisella.Gruber at icann.org<mailto:Gisella.Gruber at icann.org>>, "team-leaders at icann.org<mailto:team-leaders at icann.org>" <team-leaders at icann.org<mailto:team-leaders at icann.org>>
Subject: [Ext] Re: [ECAdmin] UPDATE: Approval Action Community Forum on Board Approval of Fundamental Bylaws Amendments in Articles 18 and 19 of the ICANN Bylaws

Hi Nico

We are currently working on moving the ccNSO Council meeting to accommodate for the Community Forum.

The virtual option is more difficult to arrange due to the small amount of time we would have to prepare it.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon in Hamburg!

Best regards,

On Fri, Sep 29, 2023, 19:40 Nicolas Caballero <nicustkd at gmail.com<mailto:nicustkd at gmail.com>> wrote:
Dear all,

Apologies for my delayed reply.
Even though I don´t have any particular objection either, given all the constraints in terms of timing and scheduling, I would strongly recommend having a webinar instead.

Looking forward to seeing you in Hamburg.
Best wishes,


l vie, 29 sept 2023 a las 12:59, Mary Wong via ECAdmin (<ecadmin at icann.org<mailto:ecadmin at icann.org>>) escribió:
Dear all,

With thanks for your patience, the team has been looking at the ICANN78 schedule to try to find a suitable slot for the proposed Approval Action Community Forum. Due to the constraints on an early session (as noted previously) and the need to ensure that Board members are available to attend the forum to comply with the Bylaws obligation that “Directors representing the Board are expected to attend the Approval Action Community Forum in order to address any questions or concerns regarding the Approval Action”, this has proved quite challenging!

The only slot that seems to be available is Thursday 26 October, from 13:15 – 14:00, i.e., after the Public Forum and lunch break but before the Board meeting. We note that this slot clashes with a number of wrap-up sessions (ALAC, GAC, GNSO Council) and, unfortunately, also the ccNSO Council meeting. We are therefore writing to ask if it will be possible for each affected Decisional Participant, and notably the ccNSO Council, to shift these sessions to another time and/or day in order to hold the Approval Action Community Forum.

For ease of discussion, I have taken the liberty of adding the relevant Policy Operations lead staff members to this email.

As a reminder, since the Approval Action Community Forum will take place at an ICANN Public Meeting and after 15 October, this means that the Approval Action Community Forum Period will now expire at 11:59 p.m. Hamburg time on Thursday 26 October. This in turn triggers the 21-day period for each Decisional Participant to inform the Empowered Community Administration of its decision whether or not to support the Approval Action.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Mary (on behalf of the staff supporting the Empowered Community Administration)

From: Gnso-chairs <gnso-chairs-bounces at icann.org<mailto:gnso-chairs-bounces at icann.org>> on behalf of Alejandra Reynoso Barral via Gnso-chairs <gnso-chairs at icann.org<mailto:gnso-chairs at icann.org>>
Reply-To: Alejandra Reynoso Barral <alejandra.reynoso at gmail.com<mailto:alejandra.reynoso at gmail.com>>
Date: Thursday, September 28, 2023 at 9:15 AM
To: German Valdez Aviles <german at apnic.net<mailto:german at apnic.net>>
Cc: "aso-chairs at aso.icann.org<mailto:aso-chairs at aso.icann.org>" <aso-chairs at aso.icann.org<mailto:aso-chairs at aso.icann.org>>, GNSO-Chairs <gnso-chairs at icann.org<mailto:gnso-chairs at icann.org>>, "ecadmin at icann.org<mailto:ecadmin at icann.org>" <ecadmin at icann.org<mailto:ecadmin at icann.org>>
Subject: Re: [gnso-chairs] [Aso-chairs] Re: [ECAdmin] Approval Action Community Forum on Board Approval of Fundamental Bylaws Amendments in Articles 18 and 19 of the ICANN Bylaws

Thank you German.
I am sure Mary and her team will find a suitable block for the community forum ;)

On this note, we do need to formally request the Community Forum.
Using the letter sent on the previous occasion as a reference, here is a draft:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HfbLLrgJwnyp27j4Voh1KQsGgHrbbfzLvewZqBmuyXg/edit [docs.google.com] [aus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/aus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https*3A*2F*2Furldefense.com*2Fv3*2F__https*3A*2Fdocs.google.com*2Fdocument*2Fd*2F1HfbLLrgJwnyp27j4Voh1KQsGgHrbbfzLvewZqBmuyXg*2Fedit__*3B!!PtGJab4!8muMQ67jc4bYEwxJvZhnBkQmqMEyQ3bXQ2NHWPxgV7d7Xc2cFtRjydn_vRvc9IJsXxELtG6Mf-F9VVZxR4vJ2UpQXkBQ*24&data=05*7C01*7C*7C7f49d03841434c2f3d2f08dbc1399c05*7C127d8d0d7ccf473dab096e44ad752ded*7C0*7C0*7C638316225424078282*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C3000*7C*7C*7C&sdata=rdt2e*2FH8xyOl8kVUs*2Bp1zmPfug6gnPPA8Dp70uM5JpM*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUl!!PtGJab4!7nyPzZlnYhGJPC1go0wZat923ok5M_hQzgvEeIERMXXm5EVfafv8eoiFSLs-PxAikCczdBRkwf3X-Bu2jetxqoeHD8Uun7ffEQ$>

Please have a look and add any edits, comments or suggestions.

If there are no major edits and/or objections, I will send it on behalf of the ECA on Monday at the end of business time in Spain, EU.

Best regards,

Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody's watching.
Sing like nobody's listening.
And live like it's Heaven on Earth.

On Thu, Sep 28, 2023 at 12:45 PM German Valdez Aviles <german at apnic.net<mailto:german at apnic.net>> wrote:
HI Alejandra and All

No objection on moving the community forum during ICANN78 but subject to be able to find a suitable place in the week schedule as stated clearly by Mary Wong


German Valdez

From: Alejandra Reynoso Barral <alejandra.reynoso at gmail.com<mailto:alejandra.reynoso at gmail.com>>
Date: Tuesday, 26 September 2023 at 7:29 pm
To: DiBiase, Gregory <dibiase at amazon.com<mailto:dibiase at amazon.com>>
Cc: ecadmin at icann.org<mailto:ecadmin at icann.org> <ecadmin at icann.org<mailto:ecadmin at icann.org>>, aso-chairs at aso.icann.org<mailto:aso-chairs at aso.icann.org> <aso-chairs at aso.icann.org<mailto:aso-chairs at aso.icann.org>>
Subject: [Aso-chairs] Re: [gnso-chairs] [ECAdmin] Approval Action Community Forum on Board Approval of Fundamental Bylaws Amendments in Articles 18 and 19 of the ICANN Bylaws
Thank you Greg.
Nico, Jonathan and German, any objections?


Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody's watching.
Sing like nobody's listening.
And live like it's Heaven on Earth.

On Tue, Sep 26, 2023 at 7:18 PM DiBiase, Gregory <dibiase at amazon.com<mailto:dibiase at amazon.com>> wrote:
Hi Alejandra,

Assuming a spot can be found at ICANN 78 (see Mary’s email) I don’t object to moving forward.


From: Alejandra Reynoso Barral <alejandra.reynoso at gmail.com<mailto:alejandra.reynoso at gmail.com>>
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2023 2:07 AM
To: DiBiase, Gregory <dibiase at amazon.com<mailto:dibiase at amazon.com>>
Cc: ecadmin at icann.org<mailto:ecadmin at icann.org>; CLEMENT Herve TGI/OLN <herve.clement at orange.com<mailto:herve.clement at orange.com>>; aso-chairs at aso.icann.org<mailto:aso-chairs at aso.icann.org>
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] [gnso-chairs] [ECAdmin] Approval Action Community Forum on Board Approval of Fundamental Bylaws Amendments in Articles 18 and 19 of the ICANN Bylaws

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know the content is safe.

Hi Greg

During ICANN 78 it could be scheduled on Monday, Wednesday or Thursday at 8am.
If we go for virtual, it practically would need to be held on 11 or 12 October (since 15 is Sunday).
Considering that Invitations & communications need to be prepared, I am not sure there is enough time for the virtual alternative.
In either case we as ECA will need to organise it. Fortunately we can build on the experience of the first community forum during the Jo'burg meeting ( ICANN59).
The ccNSO Council has decided in favor of having a Community Forum on ICANN 78.
Do we agree on moving forward?


Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody's watching.
Sing like nobody's listening.
And live like it's Heaven on Earth.

On Mon, Sep 25, 2023 at 10:57 PM DiBiase, Gregory <dibiase at amazon.com<mailto:dibiase at amazon.com>> wrote:
Hi Alejandra,

Interesting suggestion!  My only concern would be logistics at ICANN given that the schedule is more or less set.  I'd also like to suggest the alternative of an online forum which would need to take place by 15 October but may be easier to schedule.  I think staff has the capability to set it up even with the quick timeline.  Thoughts?


From: Gnso-chairs <gnso-chairs-bounces at icann.org<mailto:gnso-chairs-bounces at icann.org>> On Behalf Of Alejandra Reynoso Barral via Gnso-chairs
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2023 6:51 AM
To: ecadmin at icann.org<mailto:ecadmin at icann.org>
Cc: CLEMENT Herve TGI/OLN <herve.clement at orange.com<mailto:herve.clement at orange.com>>; aso-chairs at aso.icann.org<mailto:aso-chairs at aso.icann.org>; GNSO-Chairs <gnso-chairs at icann.org<mailto:gnso-chairs at icann.org>>
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] [gnso-chairs] [ECAdmin] Approval Action Community Forum on Board Approval of Fundamental Bylaws Amendments in Articles 18 and 19 of the ICANN Bylaws

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know the content is safe.

Dear Greg, Nico, Jonathan and German

Yesterday, during its monthly meeting, the ccNSO Council started the discussion whether or not the Empowered Community Administration (ECA) should request a community forum. During the call the view of our Approval Process Manager and former member of the ECA (Stephen Deerhake) was shared with the council, which I'm sharing with you as well:

“As you have probably gathered, I am a big advocate of having an Approval Action Community Forum take place at the “next available” ICANN meeting should the Board take an action that requires Empowered Community approval.  If for no other reason, it’s a community-wide show of respect for the Multi-stakeholder model, the Bylaws, and what we achieved as a Community in successfully executing the Transition from the USG.  All need to be taken seriously and shown due respect or else erosion will begin to occur.

On behalf of the ECA, I managed the first ever Approval Action Community Forum where Chris [Disspain, board member at the time] came and led the dance with the Community on behalf of the Board.  It was completely non-controversial, as I suspect these changes are as well, although I do confess, I have not studied them in depth.  Although held “out of band” early in the morning, that first forum had really solid attendance, which was heartening.”

It looks like the ccNSO council will support this view and would like to have a Community Forum at ICANN 78, but this will still need to be confirmed by next Tuesday.

What are your thoughts on this?

Additionally, I would like to mention that receiving notifications from the ICANN Secretary on a Saturday at 3:00am is not very helpful. It takes away two days from us from a process step that is already limited in time (30 days to decide and if necessary organize a virtual community forum) and another two days around the 30th day if we want a virtual Community Forum, since 15 October (final day of community forum period) is a Sunday.

Best regards,

Background / Timelines
(see Annex D, section 1.3 c ( https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/governance/bylaws-en/#annexD [aus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com] [aus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/aus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https*3A*2F*2Furldefense.com*2Fv3*2F__https*3A*2Faus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com*2F*3Furl*3Dhttps*3A*2F*2Fwww.icann.org*2Fresources*2Fpages*2Fgovernance*2Fbylaws-en*2F*23annexD*26data*3D05*7C01*7C*7C923e8e6a208840815fc608dbbeb621ad*7C127d8d0d7ccf473dab096e44ad752ded*7C0*7C0*7C638313461699159857*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C3000*7C*7C*7C*26sdata*3DKg3frVNHyRFmmVuPEmg22EqluVb3VSOIWAp7sPnCMZo*3D*26reserved*3D0__*3BJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUl!!PtGJab4!8muMQ67jc4bYEwxJvZhnBkQmqMEyQ3bXQ2NHWPxgV7d7Xc2cFtRjydn_vRvc9IJsXxELtG6Mf-F9VVZxR4vJ2aspYLUg*24&data=05*7C01*7C*7C7f49d03841434c2f3d2f08dbc1399c05*7C127d8d0d7ccf473dab096e44ad752ded*7C0*7C0*7C638316225424078282*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C3000*7C*7C*7C&sdata=UbVKLYBnB*2BAx26hU21WaolIuZxEB1i*2FBi52BJ7vZn9U*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSoqKioqKioqKiUlKioqKioqKioqKioqKiolJSolJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSU!!PtGJab4!7nyPzZlnYhGJPC1go0wZat923ok5M_hQzgvEeIERMXXm5EVfafv8eoiFSLs-PxAikCczdBRkwf3X-Bu2jetxqoeHD8UKqtCX7A$>)

Under the ICANN Bylaws, delivery of the Secretary’s Notices on 15 September:
(1) requires Decisional Participants to “promptly inform their constituents” of the delivery of such notices; and
(2) triggers an Approval Action Community Forum Period, to convene a Community Forum, which ends on the 30th day after the Approval Action Board Notification Date (15 October 2023).

Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody's watching.
Sing like nobody's listening.
And live like it's Heaven on Earth.

On Wed, Sep 20, 2023 at 7:36 PM Ozan Sahin via ECAdmin <ecadmin at icann.org<mailto:ecadmin at icann.org>> wrote:
Dear Empowered Community Administration representatives,

Under the ICANN Bylaws, delivery of the Secretary’s Notices on 15 September: (1) requires Decisional Participants to “promptly inform their constituents” of the delivery of such notices; and (2) triggers an Approval Action Community Forum, regarding the Fundamental Bylaws Amendments relating to IANA Naming Function Reviews and the IANA Naming Function Separation Process, to be convened and concluded during the period beginning upon the Approval Action Board Notification Date (15 September 2023) and ending at 11:59 pm (PDT) on the 30th day after the Approval Action Board Notification Date (15 October 2023); or during the next scheduled ICANN public meeting (ICANN78). Please refer to Article 1.2, Annex D of the ICANN Bylaws for additional details on Approval Process https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/governance/bylaws-en/#annexD [aus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com] [aus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/aus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https*3A*2F*2Furldefense.com*2Fv3*2F__https*3A*2Faus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com*2F*3Furl*3Dhttps*3A*2F*2Fwww.icann.org*2Fresources*2Fpages*2Fgovernance*2Fbylaws-en*2F*23annexD*26data*3D05*7C01*7C*7C923e8e6a208840815fc608dbbeb621ad*7C127d8d0d7ccf473dab096e44ad752ded*7C0*7C0*7C638313461699315636*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C3000*7C*7C*7C*26sdata*3DBsMnNkjpyQtl94NU5I5JlZ1HJzpN*2FPnZESUo1bznQgk*3D*26reserved*3D0__*3BJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!!PtGJab4!8muMQ67jc4bYEwxJvZhnBkQmqMEyQ3bXQ2NHWPxgV7d7Xc2cFtRjydn_vRvc9IJsXxELtG6Mf-F9VVZxR4vJ2YKJLnLm*24&data=05*7C01*7C*7C7f49d03841434c2f3d2f08dbc1399c05*7C127d8d0d7ccf473dab096e44ad752ded*7C0*7C0*7C638316225424078282*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C3000*7C*7C*7C&sdata=NLZap*2BbXQO74fD9JIJLF1ynCx2WwpDkj66NhX0X7KMU*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSoqKioqKioqKiUlKioqKioqKioqKioqKiolJSoqJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSU!!PtGJab4!7nyPzZlnYhGJPC1go0wZat923ok5M_hQzgvEeIERMXXm5EVfafv8eoiFSLs-PxAikCczdBRkwf3X-Bu2jetxqoeHD8XEbdh1SQ$> and note that Approval Action Community Forum is convened at the direction of the EC Administration.

Please let support staff know whether EC Administration would like to convene an Approval Action Community Forum on the Fundamental Bylaws Amendments mentioned above. If this is the case, please also indicate whether the Empowered Community Administration prefers to have this Approval Action Community Forum in the form of a teleconference to be held before 15 October 2023, or as an in-person meeting during ICANN78. If an in-person meeting is requested, please inform support staff by Wednesday, 27 September 2023 to allow enough time to add this session to the ICANN78 schedule.

We will be happy to assist with any questions you may have about the process.

Best regards,
Ozan Sahin (on behalf of the staff supporting Empowered Community Administration)

From: ECAdmin <ecadmin-bounces at icann.org<mailto:ecadmin-bounces at icann.org>> on behalf of John Jeffrey via ECAdmin <ecadmin at icann.org<mailto:ecadmin at icann.org>>
Reply-To: John Jeffrey <john.jeffrey at icann.org<mailto:john.jeffrey at icann.org>>
Date: 16 September 2023 Saturday 04:08
To: "ecadmin at icann.org<mailto:ecadmin at icann.org>" <ecadmin at icann.org<mailto:ecadmin at icann.org>>, "aso-chairs at aso.icann.org<mailto:aso-chairs at aso.icann.org>" <aso-chairs at aso.icann.org<mailto:aso-chairs at aso.icann.org>>, Jonathan Zuck <JZuck at innovatorsnetwork.org<mailto:JZuck at innovatorsnetwork.org>>, Alejandra Reynoso <alejandra.reynoso at cctld.gt<mailto:alejandra.reynoso at cctld.gt>>, "sebastien at registry.godaddy<mailto:sebastien at registry.godaddy>" <sebastien at registry.godaddy<mailto:sebastien at registry.godaddy>>, "gnso-chairs at icann.org<mailto:gnso-chairs at icann.org>" <gnso-chairs at icann.org<mailto:gnso-chairs at icann.org>>, Nicolas Caballero <nicustkd at gmail.com<mailto:nicustkd at gmail.com>>
Cc: Tripti Sinha <tripti.sinha at board.icann.org<mailto:tripti.sinha at board.icann.org>>, Sally Costerton <sally.costerton at icann.org<mailto:sally.costerton at icann.org>>
Subject: [ECAdmin] Secretary's Notice to the Empowered Community


Attached please find the following Secretary’s Notice(s) to the Empowered Community:

  1.  Notice of Board Approval of Fundamental Bylaws Amendments
  2.  Notice of Board Approval of ICANN Standard Bylaws Amendments
  3.  NomCom Bylaws Proposed for Adoption – August 2023

Sent on behalf of John Jeffrey.


Peg Rettino (she/her)
Project Specialist & Executive Assistant to John Jeffrey
12025 Waterfront Dr, Ste 300
Los Angeles, CA 90094

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