[Finance-sc] [Community-Finance] Now Published Planning Prioritization Framework V2

Planning via Community-Finance community-finance at icann.org
Mon Aug 8 20:58:30 UTC 2022

Dear ICANN Community:

The Planning Prioritization Framework V2 is now published on the ICANN Finance and Planning Community wiki workspace ( link: Planning Prioritization Framework V2<https://community.icann.org/display/projfinadhocws/Planning+Prioritization+Framework>).

As part of the framework, org organized a pilot with the community. We thank the SO/AC leadership and the pilot members for their support of and participation in the planning process.

The pilot provided the opportunity for the org and the community to test the processes and methodologies developed in the draft framework and identify gaps for further improvement. The pilot was conducted during April–May 2022 with the community, specifically on the implementation of Specific Reviews recommendations. The community participants in the pilot that were appointed from the following SO/ACs (ASO, ALAC, GNSO, ccNSO, GAC, RSSAC, and SSAC), prioritized the list of recommendations in 4 meetings. Information on the Pilot can be found here (link<https://community.icann.org/display/projfinadhocws/Pilot+April+and+May+2022>).

The key elements of the framework V2 have not changed, however, based on feedback received from a lessons learned session with the pilot members, org has incorporated several recommendations into the steps and process (see Appendix B. Summary of Lessons Learned From the Pilot section).

The next key step is to organize the prioritization process for the FY24 Operating Plan and Budget process.

We appreciate the community’s support for this new step in the ICANN planning process.


The Draft Planning Prioritization Framework is intended to serve as a guide for the periodization step during the annual planning process. The framework describes and outlines what to prioritize, who will prioritize, when to prioritize, how to prioritize, etc., so that the community, org, and Board can collaborate efficiently and effectively during the planning process.

For additional information on the planning prioritization framework project please visit this link<https://community.icann.org/display/projfinadhocws/ICANN+Planning+Prioritization+Framework+Project> for presentations and webinar recordings or email planning at icann.org<mailto:planning at icann.org>.


The org Planning Team

Becky Nash
Victoria Yang
Margaret Benavides
planning at icann.org<mailto:planning at icann.org>

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