[Finance-sc] [Community-Finance] Adoption of ICANN's FY23–27 Operating and Financial Plan and FY23 Operating Plan and Budget

Planning via Community-Finance community-finance at icann.org
Wed Jun 1 00:45:29 UTC 2022

Dear ICANN Community:

The ICANN Board of Directors has adopted ICANN's FY23–27 Operating and Financial Plan and FY23 Operating Plan and Budget. To view the plans, click here<https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/governance/current-en>.

The FY23–27 Operating and Financial Plan outlines the feasibility and timing of services, activities, and milestones identified to achieve the objectives and goals outlined in the ICANN Strategic Plan FY21-25<https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/strategic-plan-2021-2025-24jun19-en.pdf>. The FY23 Operating Plan and Budget provides greater detail on the planned activities and resources for the upcoming fiscal year starting 1 July 2022 and ending 30 June 2023. The operating and budget documents include:

● Highlights of the FY23–27 Operating and Financial Plan and FY23 Operating Plan and Budget

● ICANN FY23–27 Operating and Financial Plan and FY23 Operating Plan

● ICANN FY23 Budget

Under ICANN's Bylaws<https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/governance/bylaws-en>, the Empowered Community may consider whether it will reject any of the plans adopted by the ICANN Board. If no Empowered Community rejection process is pending, then the adopted plans will go into effect on 1 July 2022. More information on the Empowered Community actions and upcoming opportunities for participation can be found here<https://www.icann.org/ec#ongoing-actions>.

Thank you for your input and participation in the FY23 ICANN Planning Process.  Be sure to register to attend the Planning and Finance Update session<https://74.schedule.icann.org/meetings/eoKAM7x4Rh2bf9z34> tomorrow during ICANN 74 Prep Week for more discussion, news, and updates about the planning activities.

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