[Finance-sc] [Community-Finance] Now Published - ICANN Draft Planning Prioritization Framework Version 1

Planning via Community-Finance community-finance at icann.org
Tue Mar 1 23:01:41 UTC 2022

Dear ICANN Community,

Planning at ICANN is one of 15 Operating Initiatives included in ICANN’s Operating Plan since FY21. A key goal of this operating initiative is to improve ICANN organization’s (org) ability to prioritize during the annual planning process. As part of this initiative, the org planning team led the creation of a Draft Planning Prioritization Framework to help the ICANN ecosystem prioritize its work within the planning cycle in a manner that is transparent, inclusive, and efficient.

The Draft Planning Prioritization Framework V1 is now published on the ICANN Finance and Planning Community wiki workspace here.<https://community.icann.org/display/projfinadhocws/ICANN+Planning+Prioritization+Framework+Project?preview=/44958981/186783778/Draft%20Planning%20Prioritization%20Framework%20Version%201%20-%20Feb%202022.pdf>


From April 2021 through January 2022, the org held a total of 17 webinars and consultations with the community. During these consultations, the org received community input on the proposed draft framework for developing a prioritization step in the planning process. The org appreciates the opportunity to engage with community members on this project and thanks all community members for their input received thus far in the project.

The Draft Planning Prioritization Framework is intended to serve as a guide for the periodization step during the annual planning process. The framework describes and outlines what to prioritize, who will prioritize, when to prioritize, how to prioritize, etc., so that the community, org, and Board can collaborate efficiently and effectively during the planning process.

A key objective for this project is to seek broad and diverse input and the org is committed to being open and transparent throughout the development of the framework.  ICANN org will hold a webinar about the Draft Planning Prioritization Framework V1 following ICANN73. A blog with the date for this webinar will be published shortly.

For additional information on the planning prioritization framework project please visit this Link<https://community.icann.org/display/projfinadhocws/ICANN+Planning+Prioritization+Framework+Project> for presentations and webinar recordings.


Becky Nash,
VP Planning
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Los Angeles, California, USA
Mobile: (310) 745-2413

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