[Finance-sc] [Community-Finance] Planning and Finance Update tomorrow at 20:00 UTC (8 September 2022).

Planning via Community-Finance community-finance at icann.org
Wed Sep 7 20:04:10 UTC 2022

As a kind reminder, the ICANN Planning and Finance teams will be hosting the Planning and Finance Update tomorrow at 20:00 UTC (8 September 2022).

During the webinar, the ICANN Planning and Finance teams will provide a FY22 Financial Update, celebrate the adoption of the FY23 Plans, and provide an update on the FY24 strategic planning, operating planning, and prioritization, including the key planning assumptions, process, and timeline. There will be an opportunity to ask questions. Please sign-up to attend on the ICANN 75 Prep Week<https://75.schedule.icann.org/meetings/Xpdx5Lmo5b8CZsC2F> page.

In addition to the webinar, the community has further opportunity to participate in this planning process. The draft plans will be published for Public Comment in mid-December 2022 and the ICANN Planning and Finance teams will also host two community webinars to review the draft plans at that time.

Community participation in ICANN's planning process is a cornerstone of transparency and accountability to the global multistakeholder community. ICANN thanks all the community members who contribute to this important process.

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