[Finance-sc] [Community-Finance] ICANN Seeks Input on Proposed PTI Bylaws Amendments and Hosts a Webinar

Planning via Community-Finance community-finance at icann.org
Wed May 17 17:22:48 UTC 2023

Dear ICANN Community:

We would like to share that, ICANN opened a Public Comment proceeding regarding the first proposed Bylaws amendments for its wholly owned affiliate, Public Technical Identifiers (PTI). PTI performs the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) functions under a contract with ICANN. The proposed Bylaws amendments are anticipated to reduce complexities and improve the PTI-related planning processes within the overall ICANN planning process.

Both the ICANN and PTI Bylaws contain requirements for ICANN's overall planning processes relating to the IANA functions. The PTI Strategic Plan for FY2021–2024<https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/pti-strategic-plan-2020-2024-15sep20-en.pdf> contains a strategic goal to reduce the complexities and duplication between what is in scope for IANA and ICANN planning processes and deliverables. The PTI Board initiated<https://pti.icann.org/en/pti/secretary-s-notice-secretary-s-notice-of-pti-board-action-without-a-meeting-10-may-2023> this Bylaws amendment process in furtherance of that strategic goal. For more information and to participate in this proceeding, please visit this Public Comment webpage<https://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/proceeding/pti-iana-governance-proposal-16-05-2023>.

ICANN invites the community to join us for a public webinar<https://icann.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcvc-CvqzMuGNddMQWUc-Rdr1ceEfiAVtSz> to discuss the proposed PTI Bylaws amendments on 24 May 2023 at 16:00 UTC. ICANN aims to promote deeper awareness and understanding of the proposed amendments, as well as provide an opportunity for questions and answers to assist in Public Comment participation. There will also be a session on this topic during ICANN77<https://meetings.icann.org/en/icann77>.

Victoria Yang
Sr. Manager Planning
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

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