Dear All,


In preparation for our call next week, staff has updated the attached two documents. First of all, you’ll find attached the Staff Report with some of the clarifications provided by the DT as well as some of the additions requested in the executive summary. The idea is that at the end of the process we’ll be able to publish this document in conjunction with the revised Bylaws and GNSO Operating Procedures to serve as the background to the proposed changes. We’ve also updated the input table so that can be used for the next DT discussion, including the Bylaw language for the remaining items as requested.


Please note that we have only 4 more items to discuss, although the document takes many pages to display the bylaws text for the remaining 4 items:


37 (Petition Process)

44 (Nominating Director Committee Removal Process)

45 (SO/AC Director Removal Process)

46 (Board Recall Process)


Feel free to share any input you may want to provide on these items with the mailing list ahead of the meeting which has been scheduled for Thursday 6 April at 14.00 UTC.


Best regards,




Marika Konings

Vice President, Policy Development Support – GNSO, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 



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