[Gnso-epdp-team] [Gac-leadership] GAC Concerns with feasibility of timeline v. COVID-19

Manal Ismail manal at tra.gov.eg
Thu Apr 9 13:49:17 UTC 2020

Dear Janis ..
Kindly allow me to withdraw the below until we find a time to chat as we failed to do so before the EPDP call that will take place in a few minutes ..
Sincere apologies for the inconvenience and looking forward to discuss later ..
Kind Regards

From: gac-leadership <gac-leadership-bounces at icann.org> On Behalf Of Manal Ismail
Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2020 6:28 AM
To: gnso-epdp-team at icann.org
Cc: gac-epdp at icann.org; gac-leadership at icann.org
Subject: [Gac-leadership] GAC Concerns with feasibility of timeline v. COVID-19

Dear EPDP Team,

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, and its drastic consequences on governments, organizations, private sector and individuals worldwide, I would like to express our serious concerns, as GAC leaders, that maintaining the current pace of work towards completion of Phase 2 by mid-June could jeopardize the delivery, efficacy and legitimacy of the EPDP's policy recommendations.

While recognizing that the GAC has continually advised for swiftly completing policy development and implementing agreed policy on this critical public policy matter, we believe that given the current global health emergency, which puts many in the EPDP and the community under unprecedented stress (for example governments has been called to heightened duties for the continuity of essential public services), pressing important deliberations and decisions in such a short time frame on already strained participants would mean unacceptably sacrificing the product for the timeline.

We understand there are budget and human resources considerations involved in the completion of Phase 2 of the EPDP. However, we are all living through a global health pandemic, so we call on the EPDP Team to seriously reassess its course and expectations (be it on the duration of its calls, the turn-around time of reviews, its ultimate timeline and budget) emulating what numerous governments, global organizations, and households are doing to adapt during these challenging times across the world.


Manal Ismail, GAC Chair

on the behalf of the entire GAC Leadership
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