[Gnso-impl-thickwhois-rt] Open Item 7b - Coordination/Incentive for Registrars Migration to Thick

Rob Golding rob.golding at astutium.com
Tue Aug 16 19:33:07 UTC 2016

> Incentives can be positive or negative

Negative "incentives" are tantamount to "punishments" - I'm astounded we are
planning before the process even starts, to punish Registrars who have not
yet completed what they're not yet required to complete ?

There can be no accurate or meaningful predictions based on %age done as at
point X in time by Registrar Y unless you're the management of Registrar Y
and know the intricacies of your own implementation plan and schedule - and
if you are Registrar Y, you already know the numbers that are important.

> The reaction below (and others on this thread) demonstrate pretty clearly
that a registrar would not wish to appear on a public list that shows a
relatively low percentage of registrations for which the data has been
provided to the registry.  

More specifically Registrars do not want their business confidential
information summed into a 1-liner which has zero correlation to their actual
progress, cannot be used to draw any useful statistical results, will be
used to lambast them irrespective of what the actual number is by
all-and-sundry who think Registrars are simple Devils in DNS and as one of
the 2 directly impacted groups (the other being the thin Registry) don't see
a benefit to doing so, particularly as the timing/tech/whatever in moving to
thick whois may not even be under their direct/actual control.

> Accelerated compliance would benefit the credibility of ICANN and of the
multi-stakeholder model, both of which are losing credibility the longer
this implementation process drags on

ICANNs credibility and that of the MSM is not dependant on any given PDP,
and whilst some Working Groups may be considered to have more "impact" than
others (for example Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN
Accountability), this is not one of those WGs
- we're changing where you pickup your ticket for the bus, not deploying
instantaneous faster than light travel free of charge for everyone.

>  And it would benefit the public (ultimately it was the benefit to the
public that motivated ICANN to adopt this consensus policy in the first

"Benefit" being very subjective dependant on who the "public" is, as the 2
primary impacts are some potential loss of data-control and some potential
change of privacy laws/protection, everything else _should_ end up
functionally identical to what exists right now

> What I am drawing from this thread is that the registrars in this group do
not want to see any incentives provided for them to do their jobs faster
than the 18 months they have decided on as the deadline for doing the job

I've not seen any registrar say how long they'll take to undertake this
process -  it would be difficult to even guestimate as the implantation
methods are still being discussed

It needs to be done right, not done quick.

Suggested 'incentive' if you want one - any Registrar who reaches 100% gets
a 250% rebate on their accreditation fess every quarter until the last one
'catches up' or the dealine is reached.
You'll probably find people can assign the necessary development resource
for what otherwise is a burden/task for which they will be paying dearly in
direct and indirect costs, and may not be benefitting - but of course that's
the registrars "job" as you put it.


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