[gnso-improvem-impl-sc] SCI meeting

KnobenW at telekom.de KnobenW at telekom.de
Wed Oct 31 21:53:02 UTC 2012

Dear SCI colleagues,

the meeting tomorrow shall have the following agenda:

1. Roll call
2. Statement of Interests
3. Approval of the agenda
4. Chair and Vice Chair election
5. Deferral of Motions - updated response circulated by J. Scott
6. Update on Public Comments on Changes to the PDP Manual for Suspension of a PDP (Julie Hedlund)
7. Raising an issue - Seems to be support for option nr 1 - maintain status quo
8. Status update on Working Group survey
9. AOB

Re chair and VC election I suggest the following process in accordance with what we've done last time:
1. Nomination of candidates from the membership
2. In case of more than 1 nominee for each position election should be held by balloting.

Carlos has left the GNSO council as NCA. I'm very thankful for the contributions during his term.
I'll refer to the council in order to get a replacement.
Mary, what will be your status with regards to your NCUC representation after you've joined the ccNSO? Can we still count on you?

Looking forward to hearing you tomorrow
Best regards

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