[Gnso-newgtld-wg-wt2] Recording, Attendance & AC Chat for New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Sub Team - Track 2 - Legal Regulatory Issues

Nathalie Peregrine nathalie.peregrine at icann.org
Thu Dec 15 21:39:40 UTC 2016

Dear All,

Please find the attendance and recording of the call attached to this email and the AC Chat below for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Sub Team – Track 2 – Legal/Regulatory Issues held on Thursday, 15 December 2016 at 20:00 UTC.


The recordings of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:


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Thank you.

Kind regards,



Adobe Connect chat transcript for 15 December 2016

Nathalie Peregrine: Dear all, welcome to the call for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Sub Team – Track 2 – Legal/Regulatory Issues on December 15 2016

Jeff Neuman: Remember the default....if we get no comments otherwise, the assumption is that whatever is applicable today will be applicable in the future.  So speak up if you have an issue :)

Rubens Kuhl: I think IANA still deserves such reservation.

Rubens Kuhl: It's a "household name" of sorts.

Rubens Kuhl: As in the IANA label only, not all the IANA labels.

Rubens Kuhl: Not able at this time.

Rubens Kuhl: Example and ROOT-SERVERS are also worth keeping reserved, IMHO.

Rubens Kuhl: ICANN is not worthy reserving. ;-)

Rubens Kuhl: I might in a few minutes, just not now.

Annebeth Lange, ccNSO: To reserve anything at second level, there should be a very good reason why. Why ICANN and IANA and not other international organisations?

Jeff Neuman: @Annabeth - that is why ICANN took its name off the list

Rubens Kuhl: IANA is not an organization, PTI is. IANA is similar to INTERNIC, a long-recalled name with a meaning.

Annebeth Lange, ccNSO: Exactly :-)

Annebeth Lange, ccNSO: That is true, Rubens. You have a point.

Rubens Kuhl: It's also of note that we could move such names to being "LRO material", as in someone which is not RIPE applies for .RIPE, RIPE could file an LRO.

Greg Shatan: The iana.org domain name is used for emails instructing changes to the Root Zone, and for the website on which critical information is displayed.  PTI also owns iana.com and iana.net.

Jeff Neuman: @Rubeattorneys that could make similar arguments :)

Jeff Neuman: oops

Jeff Neuman: I know IP attorneys that can make siilar arguments :)

Jeff Neuman: szimilar

Greg Shatan: My name used to be spelled Szatan....

Jeff Neuman: @greg - some may say that is fitting for you ")

Rubens Kuhl: Example was also mentioned as an IANA label.

Greg Shatan: Sz is pronounced "sh" in Polish so the name's the same....

Jeff Neuman: If a registry wants to reserve other versions of "example" it may do so on its own.  But I see no reason why it should be protected by ICANN in all TLDs

Rubens Kuhl: Use the Nihon-Go word then... ;-)

Trang Nguyen: There was a reserved names working group. The final report is posted at https://gnso.icann.org/en/drafts/rn-wg-fr19mar07.pdf and may provide some background info.

Greg Shatan: 5:19 am in Tokyo.  Ouch....

Jeff Neuman: trang - that is in the Google Doc

Trang Nguyen: Thanks, Jeff! Did not know that. Good that it's in the Google Doc.

Greg Shatan: @Trang, my first ICANN WG.  Brings back memories...

Jeff Neuman: the 2009 "recommendation" is the result of the final report from the reserved names working group.

Rubens Kuhl: ICANN disallowed even the hyphen.

Jeff Neuman: @Rubens - only when the hyphen is in the 3rd and 4th position

Greg Shatan: This probably requires an IETF RFC, I'm guessing.

Greg Shatan: Symbols, that is.

Rubens Kuhl: @Jeff, yes, but how we change ICANN behavior to follow policy ?

Greg Shatan: Accountability!

Alan Greenberg: I don't think we need to complicate our life any more than it already is.

Annebeth Lange, ccNSO: Just a heads up for the Standardized Framework for Release of Two-Character ASCII Labels to avoid confusion with corresponding country codes, published yesterday. And a comment to IDNs - there have been instances where a 2-letter IDN is to similar to a 2-letter ASCII, so that it could not be accepted. It was on first level, but still it might appear on second level as well.

Paul McGrady: Sorry to join late.

Susan Payne: Having said which, am I right in thinking that we are holding over the "country code" issue to discuss in the wider context of geo names?

Susan Payne: EP, EC, EU, AU, UN

Annebeth Lange, ccNSO: As for geo-names, I think that should be kept at first level. GAC has been discussing 2-letter codes from ISO-list 3166 at second level, but I do not think they have - at least so far - been anxious about other geon

Annebeth Lange, ccNSO: geonames at second level.

Rubens Kuhl: I'll note that a registry might be allowed to not follow ICANN IDN Guidelines to the letter, by making an RSEP request that ICANN approves. So the guidelines are not the ultimate restrictions to it.

Jeff Neuman: The third and 4th hyphens could in theory be used for other types of IETF protocols..but to my knowledge they have not been

Jeff Neuman: yes]

Rubens Kuhl: There were mentions in AGB as well.

Rubens Kuhl: Yeap.

Rubens Kuhl: Tell that to staff. ;-)

Alexander Schubert: Jeff is right!

Annebeth Lange, ccNSO: I am sorry, but I have to go. Anothe  conference call waiting. Season's greetings to all.

Rubens Kuhl: There is also transcription.

Jeff Neuman: Thanks Michael.  Good job so early in the morning for you

Paul McGrady 2: Thanks!

Alexander Schubert: Bye!

Greg Shatan: Thanks, Michael.  Well done.  Bye all.

Cecilia Smith: Bye!

Rubens Kuhl: Thanks all, bye!

avri doria: bye

Christa Taylor: Thanks

Phil Buckingham 2: Great job Michael = so complex .  My call  next -  COI  !

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