[Gnso-newgtld-wg-wt2] WT2 Meeting 3 Agenda

Michael Flemming flemming at brightsconsulting.com
Wed Sep 21 16:41:31 UTC 2016

Dear All,

I hope you are doing well. My apologies for getting this out rather late,
however I am sending the scheduled agenda for this weeks meeting
on Thursday, 20 September 2016 at 20:00 UTC.

1. Welcome and Admin

2. SOI Update

3. Prioritization/Grouping/Dependencies: Here we will address the issue
of priority of subjects again. This time Phil and I have gone ahead and
a chart that prioritizes and groups the subjects while listing dependencies
relevant issues. I am hoping we can seek consensus on this to begin moving
forward with a better work plan.

4. Base Agreement (High level discussion): This will be a return to the
Base Agreement,
but this time we will focus specifically on high level discussion questions.

5. AOB: Last time, I believe Paul McGrady highlighted that this working
track should tackle
the T&Cs of applying for a New gTLD. I would like to spend some more time
on this
issue and seek to outline if we do need to consider this matter; while at
the same time
discussing the background, any relevant material, and whether this is

I have prepared a few materials for this meeting that Phil and I will use
and share
with the group during the meeting.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!


Michael Flemming
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