[Gnso-newgtld-wg-wt3] SubPro WT 3 Meeting Agenda - 06DEC16 @ 1500 UTC

Karen Day Karen.Day at sas.com
Sat Dec 3 23:16:02 UTC 2016

Dear All,

Below please find the proposed agenda for our next WT3 meeting which will take place on 6 December 2016 at 15:00 UTC. 

1.	Welcome / Review Agenda 
2.	SOIs
3.	Frequency or Duration of Future WT3 meetings
4.	Recap & Reminders of Hyderabad Discussions
              a.	Council of Europe Report on Community -Based gTLD Applications
              b.	Role of Independent Objector
5.	Update from Full WG since Hyderabad - Jeff
6.	Recap and positioning on Limited Public Interest Objections
              a.	Content & function for purpose of policy stated in AGB and 3.5.3
              b.	 Needs with regard to future implementation
7.	Legal Rights Objections – AGB and 3.5.2 / Principal G – Recommendation 3
8.	AOB
9.	Confirmation of Date/Time of next meeting.

I'd like to draw your attention to item 3.  I'm attaching a copy of our previously developed work schedule.  As you can see we're not likely to make our first target date of mid-Dec for finishing our review of objections.  What I'd very much like you to think about over the next few days is whether or not we need to adjust our meeting frequency, our meeting duration (60 to 90) or otherwise adjust our schedule to so that we can at least try to stay as on schedule as possible.  If you see that we've allotted too much time for future subjects that you feel will be more quickly dealt with so that we should just shift some dates, let us know that too.  

If you won't be on the call on Tuesday (I know some of you will be at IGF), please provide some feedback on the list when you can.

If anyone has any comments/additions or concerns regarding the agenda itself, please let me know. 

Look forward to speaking with you all on Tuesday.

Karen L. Day, NCCP ACP
Registry Operations Manager
Tel: + 1 919-531-6016 ▪ gTLDinfo at sas.com
100 Matrix Drive ▪ Cary, NC 27513 USA
www.nic.sas; www.nic.jmp; www.nic.analytics

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