[Gnso-newgtld-wg-wt3] Subsequent Procedures WT3 (Objections) Action Items

Karen Day Karen.Day at sas.com
Thu Dec 15 16:33:23 UTC 2016

Dear All,

As we discussed during our last call we are going to make concerted effort to conduct some of our business via the list to try to avoid having to either lengthen or make more frequent our calls.  To that end, here are this week's list of items that we need your feedback on - hopefully prior to our next scheduled call on 20DEC16.

1.    Recap and positioning on Limited Public Interest Objections:

Is the content & function for purpose of policy stated in AGB and 3.5.3 adequate as written or does the language need adjusting for clarification or correction?

One issue that was raised on the call was that although the ALAC was given funding by ICANN to submit LPI objections they were denied standing in the case they did file.  Does this ambiguity need to be eliminated by granting the ALAC standing or otherwise?

A second issue that was raised was with regard to the use of the term "generally" in the definition (3.2.1) of LPI Objections.  " The applied for gTLD string is contrary to generally accepted legal norms of morality and public order that are recognized under principals of international law."   Can this be better written to define what is generally accepted without going so far as to require a principal to be "universally" accepted?

If you feel that the language of these or other LPI related sections (other than those relating to fees or the IO which we will tackle later) needs clarification please specify for the groups consideration which section needs changing and make a proposal of how you feel it should be changed.   Again, silence will be taken that you ascribe to the 'Neuman Rule' that the language isn't broken so we don't need to fix it.

2.    Legal Rights Objections - AGB and 3.5.2 / Principal G - Recommendation 3; See Wiki:  https://community.icann.org/display/NGSPP/4.4.3+Objections

Please review the following three documents (all found on the WT3 wiki page linked above to prepare for our discussions on this topic:

            Objections Statistics with links to results for LRO cases.

            WIPO Final Report on LRO

            INTA Report - The ICANN LRO: Statistics and Takeaways

As several of you were heavily involved in LROs from the 2012 round, it would be appreciated if you could share your experiences and suggestions for changes with the group via the list.

We look forward to hearing from you all soon.

Best regards,

Karen & Robin

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