[Gnso-newgtld-wg-wt3] Community Objection

Rubens Kuhl rubensk at nic.br
Thu Dec 15 17:28:31 UTC 2016

Although Community Objections is not yet in WT3 schedule although part of the WT3 roadmap, I would like to record a suggestion I made during the Full WG F2F meeting in Hyderabad so when time comes, if I don't have availability to discuss it, the idea is still out there. 

In the 2012-round, the possible gain to affected communities was to make that application not move forward. This has shown some issues:
- Communities, or the IO on their behalf,  needed to file against all applicants for that string
- Some applicants tried, and sometimes succeeded, leveraging this type of objection against competitors either in the contention set or in the market. 
- Even for the communities that prevailed, they will need to refile over and over again in subsequent procedures

So, the idea that came about was for such objections to have a different winning proposition: PICs. So if the community of Animal rights activists filled an objection on .animal, they would need to say what commitments they want from registries for .animal to have. The panel would evaluate their standing, their cause of action and the PICs they want, deciding if none, some or all of their asks are applicable. If they win, such PICs will become mandatory PICs for such TLD, no matter which applicant wins the contention set. They would also be persistent in that such PICs would still apply after registry transitions, or to new procedures if that contract ends with no transition.

Another possible use case would be a professional association from a country while applicant is a professional association from other country. Let's say Card Dealers of America applied to .carddealers ; French association of Card Dealers could file a community objection to have a PIC saying that .carddealers registry can't restrict registration based on being from the US, since there are card dealers in all countries that gambling is allowed. 

This could have a positive effect in removing this objection type from contention set battles and actually upholding communities best interests regarding usage of a TLD they care for. 


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