[Gnso-newgtld-wg-wt3] Community Priority

Rubens Kuhl rubensk at nic.br
Thu Dec 15 17:46:29 UTC 2016

Although Community Priority is not yet in WT3 schedule although part of the WT3 roadmap, I would like to record a suggestion I made during the Full WG F2F meeting in Hyderabad so when time comes, if I don't have availability to discuss it, the idea is still out there. 

In the 2012-round, prevailing in CPE achieved killing all other non-CPE members of a contention set. This had some issues:
- Brand Applications that tried including Community status as an additional protection against squatting if an LRO fails
- Construed, or perceived as such, communities to win highly desirable TLDs
- Never ending disputes on criteria, fairness, processes (although some of it might be due to poor execution)

So, the idea that came about was for such priority to have a different winning proposition: auction multiplier. So prevailing in Restricted Priority Evaluation would allow an application that is suggesting limiting its market in a way to make it more relevant for both registrants and end-users to not have an unbalanced competition in auction against an application that is suggesting a mass scale operation. Note that restriction relevance would be a factor, so if someone suggests restricting .company to Fortune 500 companies that wouldn't get a multiplier bonus since it would not benefit all companies. 

That auction multiplier would have a ceiling (5, perhaps ?) and would be based on the ratio between estimated target audience versus unrestricted audience. 

One difference, though, is that it would not only apply to Community applications (if such type keeps existing in the process); Geographical restrictions would also carry value considering strings that are not mandated to get specific governmental clearances (like country regions). If the restriction brings, at the same time, relevance and market potential reduction, then it could try getting such a multiplier. 

Of course such multiplier would only apply to ICANN-auction, but it's likely that private auctions would follow the ICANN model for an specific contention set, although not guaranteed. 


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