[Gnso-newgtld-wg-wt3] WT3 Meeting Agenda - Tuesday, July 18, 2017 @ 20:00 UTC

Karen Day Karen.Day at sas.com
Thu Jul 13 14:53:06 UTC 2017

Dear WT3 Members,

Our next meeting will take place next Tuesday @ 20:00 UTC and our agenda will be as follows

  1.  Welcome
  2.  SOI Updates
  3.  Plenary Update/ICANN 59 Review
  4.  CC2 Response Reviews
  5.  AOB

For the substance of the meeting, we will begin our review of CC2 feedback, specifically looking at the following questions:

3.1.1 - Do you think that the policy recommendations (Recommendations 2, 3, 6, and 20) require any modifications? If so, what would you suggest?
3.1.2 - Do you believe that those recommendations (which led to the establishment of the String Confusion, Legal Rights, Limited Public Interest, and Community Objections grounds) were implemented effectively and in the spirit of the original policy recommendations? If no, please provide examples.
3.1.3 - Do you believe there were any issues with standing requirements as defined in the Applicant Guidebook (AGB), or as carried out by the providers? Please explain.
3.1.4 - Do you believe there is evidence of decisions made by objection dispute panels that were inconsistent with other similar objections, the original policy recommendations, and/or the AGB? Please explain.

3.1.5 - Are you aware of any instances where any party or parties attempted to ‘game’ the Objection procedures in the 2012 round? If so, please provide examples and any evidence you may have available.

Please take a moment prior to the meeting to review the responses to these questions on the wiki https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=63155738 Some of these responses are quite substantial so we hope avoid having to read them verbatim in during the call in favor of discussion of themes derived from the responses.

Thanks & I look forward to talking to you on Tuesday!


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