[Gnso-newgtld-wg-wt5] Action for WT5 Members - Definition of Geographic Terms

Jaap Akkerhuis jaap at NLnetLabs.nl
Thu Jan 11 15:05:55 UTC 2018

 > Nick,
 > Did not know or remember that interesting fact about Scotland (GB-SCT)
 > under 3166-2.  Seeing https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2 which
 > reports that ISO-2 list,  I just realized that it indirectly
 > differentiates between independent countries and non-sovereign
 > territories that possess 3166-1 country codes: those with subdivisions
 > are independent countries and those without are not. Thanks a lot!

Note that Wikipedia is not a normative source for ISO information.
Apart from that, the conclusion you make about the difference between
ISO 3166 Part 1 and Part 2 is incorrect.

Part 2 defines subdivisions codes and given that, none of them are
independent. These codes have the form AA-XXXX. The AA part is the
alpha-2 code defined in Part 1. It doesn't say anything about the
dependency status of those subdivisions. In Part 1, there is an
indicator whether it the code is assigned to an Independent country or
not. Also note Part 2 only has subdivisions from Codes in Part 1.

If one want to know what ISO 3166 actually says, it is best to go to
the source directly. You can browse the ISO database using
<https://www.iso.org/obp>. In the search box, select the country
button and type in the query. Then you can click on the results and see the
glory details. For Scotland one gets something like
<https://www.iso.org/obp/ui#iso:code:3166:GB>. Note the "Yes" in the
dependency status of GB.

Hope this helps, Regards,


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