[Gnso-newgtld-wg] Mp3, Attendance & AC Chat New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group 21 March 2016

Michelle DeSmyter michelle.desmyter at icann.org
Tue Mar 22 12:16:59 UTC 2016

Dear All,

Please find the attendance of the call attached to this email and the MP3 recording below for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group call held on Monday, 21 March 2016 at 22:00 UTC.

MP3: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-new-gtld-subsequent-21mar16-en.mp3

The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:


** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **

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Wiki page: https://community.icann.org/x/IxmAAw

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Michelle DeSmyter


Adobe Connect chat transcript for Monday, 21 March 2016

Michelle DeSmyter:Welcome to the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group call held on Monday, 21 March 2016
  Michelle DeSmyter:If you do wish to speak during the call, please either dial into the audio bridge and give the operator the password NEW gTLD, OR click on the telephone icon at the top of the AC room to activate your AC mics. Please remember to mute your phone and mics when not talking.
  Vanda Scartezini:hi everyone!!! hope all arrived safe at home...
  Vanda Scartezini:will enter the call by phone. i will be mute here
  Gangesh Varma:Hello everyone. Will be on listening mode. any inputs will be through chatbox.
  Jeff Neuman:Hello all
  Yoshi Murakami(JPRS):Hi everyone.
  Vanda Scartezini:Avri it is ahrd to listen to you!
  Vanda Scartezini:hard
  Avri Doria:in what way?
  corinne cath:you sound soft and far away
  corinne cath:hello to all
  Khaled Koubaa:Hi everyone
  Avri Doria:well i am soft and far away. but have reaised my volume a bit.
  Vanda Scartezini:I could not hear you Avri
  Vanda Scartezini:I am in the phone bridge
  Vanda Scartezini:thank you Avri
  Carlos Raul (CCT-Review Liaison):there you go Avri
  Carlos Raul (CCT-Review Liaison):you let the conference call people say your name clear and loud!
  Michelle DeSmyter:Thank you Avri, that is noted
  Harold Arcos:Hi everyone,
  Jeff Neuman:congrats Greg
  Carlos Raul (CCT-Review Liaison):yes
  Carlos Raul (CCT-Review Liaison):loud and clear Jeff
  Phil Buckingham:Good evening . Sorry I am a little late.
  Carlton Samuels:Howdy all
  Mary Wong:@Jeff, the Council is currently preparing a draft response to the GAC Communique via a small group of Council volunteers. It is likely to be on the Council's agenda for the 14 April meeting.
  Rubens Kuhl:Since posting on the council list is limited, please ask the GNSO Secretariat to forward it, or just ask me or Carlos Raul to do it.
  Rubens Kuhl:Alan, audio is seriously impaired...
  corinne cath:anybody else getting that noise?
  Khaled Koubaa:we are not hearing you
  Khaled Koubaa:ah now ok
  Carlos Raul (CCT-Review Liaison):me!
  Carlos Raul (CCT-Review Liaison):;)
  Jeff Neuman:We have the GAC Secretariat as a member
  Carlton Samuels:For the record the timing issue - between CCT RT and this WG is noted. I will leave Carlos to update members of the working position of the CCT RT
  Tom Dale (ACIG GAC Secretariat):Other GAC participants can be expected in the near future.
  Jeff Neuman:Thanks Tom!
  Jeff Neuman:We look forward to that.
  Carlton Samuels:@Carlos: Confirming the CCT RT position as outlined by Carlos. We committed to developing Early Warning Communiques to ensure we work in tandem
  Julie Hedlund:@Jeff: I don't have that answer.  Sorry!
  Carlos Raul (CCT-Review Liaison):@Carlton: Txs Carlton! Good to have 2 CCT members on the group calls
  Carlos Raul (CCT-Review Liaison):yes
  Richard Padilla:Hello everyone sorry for being late had a problem connecting
  Richard Padilla:Hi Carlton, I'm back in T&T for now so in the same time zone
  Mary Wong:Follow up to Tom's comment - the Quick Look Mechanism was applied to all three of the most recent GNSO PDPs, including this one.
  Carlos Raul (CCT-Review Liaison):@Mary txs
  Steve Coates (Twitter):Thx, Mary.
  Klaus Stoll:Good idea!
  Klaus Stoll:Several rounds are justified given the complex topic
  Rubens Kuhl:Although more focused on the new gTLD program implementation, rather than policy, a good number of SGs and Cs posted comments about it at http://forum.icann.org/lists/comments-new-gtld-draft-review-23sep15/ , and some policy issues were mentioned.
  Carlton Samuels:Hi Richard. Happy to see you here.
  Jannik Skou Thomsen Trampedach:Agree on approach - this DOES need structuere
  Richard Padilla:@Carlton, learning what the final purpose and processes to be born from this PDP
  Rubens Kuhl:ALAC, BC, IPC and RySG are on record for that public comment period.
  Julie Hedlund:I have taken the slides off sync so everyone can control them for themselves.
  Alan Greenberg:we do now have control
  Carlos Raul (CCT-Review Liaison)::)
  Carlos Raul (CCT-Review Liaison):no charges for that use of "rounds" @Jeff :)
  Steve Coates (Twitter):I keep correcting myself..."subsequent procedures."
  Vanda Scartezini:my concerns are under one or two topica, so I am ok.
  Rubens Kuhl:"New Thingies"
  Donna Austin, Neustar:I think you mean 'new.thingies'
  Carlos Raul (CCT-Review Liaison):the name sounds very respectable. lets leave it at that, but please don´t try to reduce it to "CWG PDP ngTLD SubP´s..........."
  Avri Doria:or next.thingies
  Rubens Kuhl:So, .thingies will be more contested in the next process than .app.
  Frederic Guillemaut SafeBrands:now they have a ral GDD team.
  Frederic Guillemaut SafeBrands:real team, with human beings.
  Vanda Scartezini: I beleive these pre qualification services available would be interesting . majority of applicants could not go further without some kind of external support and have them pre qualidfied will be more fair with the applicants that are new within this process.
  Jannik Skou Thomsen Trampedach:well those some 50 RSPs that passed last are I guess sort of pre-qualified already, arent they?
  Rubens Kuhl:Jannik, yes for some types of workloads. IDN support varied, for instance.
  Vanda Scartezini:now I believe they are
  Jannik Skou Thomsen Trampedach:Quality varies  but none were forced to change RSP (or have I missed something?)
  Vanda Scartezini:but have a stamp - qualified will be good for new comers to select among them who will support their application
  Phil Buckingham:+ 1  jannik .  yet cant do a accreditation programs  for the financials. Technicals yes .
  Vanda Scartezini:sure, technical issues is the relvant - lots of new applicants needs to rely on backoffice services for techy issues
  Alan Greenberg:Also implication on reserve. (was money spent from it ever paid back?)
  Rubens Kuhl:Jannik, one applicant proposed running the registry himself and later changed to using an RSP. I will try locating the exact TLD.
  Rubens Kuhl:But that was one in almost 2,000.
  Phil Buckingham:A mixture - fixed and  variable  fee level
  Jannik Skou Thomsen Trampedach:I know quite a few have changed Provider (before delegation) have not heard of anyone being forced...but never mind - believe we have more important issues to work on ;-)
  Rubens Kuhl:Most of those who changed would have passed IE anyway, but changed to save on costs.
  Rubens Kuhl:Sales channels might be more of a challenge for developing countries than getting to sign the contract and operate the TLD.
  Vanda Scartezini:+ 1 rubens. lots of problem in this side.
  Jeff Neuman:lots of heavy breathing going on
  Vanda Scartezini:when alan talks noise is high
  Rubens Kuhl:It seems Darth Vader is a member of the WG.
  Richard Padilla:+1 Rubens lol
  Jannik Skou Thomsen Trampedach:Clarification To Chairs: To what degree is this group supposed to provide "detailed" implementation guidelines rather than addresing a principle frameworks with suggestions for "things/issues" to change/implement. Example: Is job done by suggesting we need categories of strings with requirements fit for each categories ? Or are we supposed to suggested exact criteria for each category (GEOs/Brands/cultural/non for profit TLDs etc?
  corinne cath:audio gone
  Rubens Kuhl:Audio works for me.
  Steve Coates (Twitter):I can hear fine.
  Carlos Raul (CCT-Review Liaison):you cant heqr me???
  Martin Sutton:works ok
  Greg Shatan:Audio fine here on audio bridge
  Alan Greenberg:Adobe audi still ok
  Jeff Neuman:now we can
  corinne cath:you are back now - but its off and on
  Carlton Samuels:Yes I can hear
  Richard Padilla:yes Carlos I canhear you
  Phil Buckingham: + carlos  - was budgeted at 500 originally
  Carlos Raul (CCT-Review Liaison):@eleeza may be the right person to ask for the excellent presetnation Xvber gave on applications fees in Marrakech to the CCT Review team.
  Carlos Raul (CCT-Review Liaison):sorry for the typos (big fat fingers)
  Alan Greenberg:SOMEONE will have to specify the details....
  Rubens Kuhl:Link for the Xavier presentation: https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/58727546/New%20gTLD%20Program%20-%20Financials%20160308.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1457524090000&api=v2
  Carlos Raul (CCT-Review Liaison):Obrigado Rubens
  Eleeza Agopian:Thanks @Carlos. The presentation Xavier gave was on day 1 of the CCTRT's meeting in Marrakech. The AC recording can be found on this page. I will find the presentation itself and make sure staff shares with the PDP WG.
  Jannik Skou Thomsen Trampedach:to Chairs: Would advice we stick to "ideas" for content of changes at a high level...and not the exact procedures etc. Otherwise we will never be finished (and maybe staff with more time will be better at this...(did I say that?)
  Carlos Raul (CCT-Review Liaison):@eleeza txs
  Eleeza Agopian:oops. Missed the link! https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=58727546
  Jeff Neuman:thanks for the link!
  Jannik Skou Thomsen Trampedach:to Jeff: Thx makes perfect sense - and understand why...but still as you say "dangerous " to expect too much detail from this group..(in my unexperienced view)
  Alan Greenberg:The challenge is to ensure that what we do NOT specify is in deed IMPLEMENTATION and not Policy.
  Mary Wong:@Jannik, you may be interested to know that recently a GNSO Working Group (the Policy & Implementation Working Group) recommended certain principles for policy making as well as a Consensus Policy Implementation Framework (among other recommendations) that were adopted by the GNSO Council and that presumably will serve as a general framework for PDP and implementation work as a result.
  Mary Wong:(and Alan and Avri, among others, were members of that Working Group :)
  Jannik Skou Thomsen Trampedach:thx Mary
  Phil Buckingham:Mary thks  for the  update - do you have a link  to these principles
  Mary Wong:@Phil, here is the Final Report from that Working Group, containing all their recommendations as of June 2015: http://gnso.icann.org/en/drafts/policy-implementation-recommendations-01jun15-en.pdf
  Phil Buckingham:Mary  thks  - excellent
  Frederic Guillemaut SafeBrands: we have that for registrars (2013, 2009 versions)
  Rubens Kuhl:I would add "Data Escrow" to registrant protections.
  Phil Buckingham:Jeff  - yes true-  re banks/ LOC  especially re Japanese applicants
  Mary Wong:Public Comment Forum for recently released report on DNS abuse (per Jeff's request): https://www.icann.org/public-comments/new-gtld-safeguards-dns-abuse-2016-03-15-en
  Mary Wong:And this is the draft report I believe Jeff mentioned in this regard: https://newgtlds.icann.org/en/reviews/dns-abuse/draft-safeguards-against-dns-abuse-15mar16-en.pdf. The overall work in addition is meant to feed into the work of the CCT Review Team.
  Rubens Kuhl:Minor detail on registry/registrar separation: the requirement for being different legal entities, opposed to separate accounting, surfaced in the middle of the process in an AGB revision. We can talk more about it when this is discussed in WS2.
  Steve Chan:To add to Mary's comment, there is a page dedicated to the DNS Abuse Review: https://newgtlds.icann.org/en/reviews/dns-abuse
  Mary Wong:@Jeff, yes - the Call for Volunteers was just published today, and that WG Charter was approved by the GNSO Council on 9 March.
  Mary Wong:The anticipated first WG meeting for RPMs is mid-April, and yes, that Charter explicltly calls for the avoidance of duplication as well as the appointment of a liaison between the two PDPs.
  Khaled Koubaa:https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2016-03-21-en
  Vanda Scartezini:brand applicants may be seeing differently registry/registrar separation.
  Carlos Raul (CCT-Review Liaison)::)
  Steve Chan:Language from the RPM PDP Charter Adoption: The GNSO Council directs, consistent with the Charter, that a liaison between this PDP Working Group and that for the PDP on New gTLD Subsequent Procedures be appointed as soon as both PDP Working Groups are convened, in order to assure consistent communication and coordination between the two Working Groups, including ensuring that any issues identified by either Working Group relating to existing or potential RPMs that are not covered by the scope of the respective Charters are referred to the appropriate Working Group by the GNSO Council in a timely manner.
  Carlos Raul (CCT-Review Liaison):a US dollar from Jeff inot the jar
  Mary Wong:To sign up for the RPM PDP, you can send in this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1CdgDZpScmMpomzjc1jmPesHqa8TqZVx2oRpK5fsccik/viewform?c=0&w=1. You can sign up as either a Member or Observer only.
  Khaled Koubaa:another issue
  Mary Wong:@Jeff, the Board adopted those IGO-INGO recs that are NOT inconsistent with GAC Advice, they are (as you said) working on reconciling the remaining recs that are inconsistent.
  Greg Shatan:The GAC recs that were inconsistent with GNSO recs were adopted "temporarily" about two years ago....
  Mary Wong:@Greg, yes - the interim protections adopted by the Board for these remain in place until there is a full resolution.
  Greg Shatan:Looks like the interim protections will be in place for the entire current round of gTLDs.,,,  I know people who have had marriages shorter than those interim protections....
  Rubens Kuhl:ICANN Legal has flip-flopped in the agreement jurisdiction issue for the last years. We would need to bring Legal to the PDP to sort out this question... are we allowed to do that ?
  Greg Shatan:I would not assume that the applicant gets to choose the jurisdiction...
  Greg Shatan:Who is scooping ice?
  Greg Shatan:We should be "liberal in what we receive" in terms of information from ICANN staff.
  Greg Shatan:But not without skepticism....
  Phil Buckingham: CQ .  Re principles , over arching  AGB  Each applicant should be evaluated on financial , technical and operational  capability  to be a Registry. Would  this still apply
  Greg Shatan:Phil, that would prohibit my cat from applying.  Again.  :-(
  Kevin M. Kreuser:I can provide some (non-privileged) insights re ICANN legal
  Vanda Scartezini:tnak you for this clear process at this meeting. I will need to leave my office now.
  Robert Burlingame (Pillsbury):Thank you everyone.  Excellent walk-through Jeff.
  Jeff Neuman:Thanks Kevin!
  Vanda Scartezini:see you next week
  Carlton Samuels:Thanks all!
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):thanks everyone good call ...talk on the 28th then... bye
  Jeff Neuman:Thanks all
  Christopher Niemi:Thanks
  Guillaume Pahud:thanks all
  Martin Sutton:thanks.
  Phil Buckingham:Jeff  excellent
  Rudi Vansnick:thanks bye
  Frederic Guillemaut SafeBrands:Byes
  Richard Padilla 2:uthanks all
  Julie Hedlund:Thanks everyone!
  Greg Shatan:Bye all!
  Harold Arcos:thanks bye
  Tom Dale (ACIG GAC Secretariat):Thanks
  Karen Day:bye all
  Rubens Kuhl:Thanks @ll!
  David Ackerman:thanks bye

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