[Gnso-ppsai-pdp-wg] MP3 PPSAI WG - Tuesday 21 July 2015 at 1400 UTC

Nathalie Peregrine nathalie.peregrine at icann.org
Tue Jul 21 17:01:40 UTC 2015

Dear All,

Please find the MP3 recording for the Privacy and Proxy Services Accreditation Issues PDP Working group call held on Tuesday 21 July 2015 at 14:00 UTC at: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-ppsa-21jul15-en.mp3<http://mailer.samanage.com/wf/click?upn=NrFWbrBstcrPWP369qgbqlXiSKeL20xnUXzI03ZqpsugjFJA6tmLmN-2F6tFQg7bE96LEERIzSxq0eckjMJIC0SQ-3D-3D_QuA5zZR9ZZ7J1F2FeF-2FOsgm1hgIDcBrAX2P7Ezxmql7ckJc4ios1-2BxObAoz2rzLSI3c4QB1NGo7bw7XrBjpRCbz74w4vzk48UxZMFoBBQBQaQ0ePdiOjdJ30sQNHkokOf-2F2p-2FBvMgKvMhzp-2B4u8fP-2BRrSytHe2KCf2HpQmtSbpezMgNTUG57PiORAPesOotpHA-2BC4pSmXJRsVmpbNaLqztFKc0Lk8IJaRj4SZmb99sCAhKs6aXEk8FA4YhNjsBRKoqg8nwAIQy6JpCwCVWFUZOBW0kDSwCclLRJsVV4u5a4ZbARG9re8XWxvW6Xcsw6Poong76WtiBwWC-2Fxq-2FqOElarF5U0SuvgBsN7Ez9buaWuAcnmfts7YXr866NpjPVV4Bdq5Ob5-2F-2BMil7QMd-2BslrSTT3Cc-2FobydHZ2KxXfw6CNB9hs0R3rNNoRKE9hTtWafCVjnjnniVhiTEfVlUh019iNUwu1tjDZskCyDGo40YWz5DgoKUgVkW5X8HOrceyIOU>

On page:


The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:



Frank Michlick – Individual

Val Sherman – IPC

Kathy Kleiman – NCSG

Darcy Southwell – RrSG

Steve Metalitz - IPC

Alex Deacon –IPC

Stephanie Perrin – NCSG

Phil Corwin – BC

Terri Stumme – BC

Susan Kawaguchi – BC

James Bladel – RrSG
Sarah Wyld – RrSG

Todd Williams – IPC
Paul McGrady – IPC

Vicky Sheckler – IPC
Amr Elsadr-NCUC

James Gannon – NCUC

Holly Raiche – ALAC

Jim Bikoff - IPC
David Heasley - IPC
Kiran Malancharuvil- IPC
Volker Greimann - RrSG
Lindsay Hamilton-Reid – RrSG
Griffin Barnett- IPC
David Cake - NCSG
Michele Neylon – RrSG

Apologies :
Graeme Bunton – RrSG

Don Blumenthal – RySG

Sara Bockey – RrSG

ICANN staff:

Mary Wong

Amy Bivins

Stephen Miller

Nathalie Peregrine

** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **

Mailing list archives:

Wiki page:


Thank you.

Kind regards,



 Adobe Connect chat transcript for Tuesday 21 July 2015

 Nathalie  Peregrine:Welcome to the PPSAI WG Meeting of 21 July 2015

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Susan Kawaguchi is on the audio bridge
  Mary Wong:Sorry, I missed a "0" after the 2!
  James Bladel:Can folks mute when not speaking? thx?
  Nathalie  Peregrine:Please all mute your lines and mics!
  Nathalie  Peregrine:Stephanie Perrin has joined the AC room
  Kathy K:I think this timetable is much more realistic..
  Nathalie  Peregrine:Frank Michlick has joined the call
  Holly Raiche:Agree much more realistic
  Nathalie  Peregrine:Amr Elsadr has also joined the AC room
  James Bladel:5x5
  Mary Wong:Note that 9 Nov (the "due date" listed here for our Final Report) is the last day to submit documents for consideration by the Council at its Nov meeting.
  Frank Michlick:Michele Neylon is in a meeting and will most likely not be able to attend.
  Amr Elsadr:Suggestions to incorporate could be made by the sub-teams using the review tools. This could be reviewed by the full WG as well.
  Nathalie  Peregrine:Thanks Frank, noted
  Amr Elsadr:Agree with Mary.
  Paul:no objection to extending the timeframe, so long as we meet the Nov. deadline
  Volker A. Greimann:even if the RAA spec runs out between the time we finalize our report and the time it is implemented, I do not think the world will end
  Mary Wong:Staff will obviously incorporate whatever agreed recommendations/language the WG has throughout this review process
  Mary Wong:Into a draft Final Report I mean - which like our Initial Report will be reviewed by the full WG.
  Amr Elsadr:It is also common practice to have a redline version of the final report showing the changes made to the initial report. This will ultimately be helpful as well.
  Mary Wong:@Amr, right
  Kathy Kleiman:+1 Jim
  Val Sherman:+1
  Kiran Malancharuvil:agree with Jim. very difficult to add time to this
  Kathy Kleiman:I think the longer timeframe removes the immediate need for extended call
  Amr Elsadr:@Volker: +1. No reason to set a hard deadline in November IF we need more time to get the work done right, and attempt to achieve as much consensus as possible.
  Volker A. Greimann:I can add 30 minutes after each call, adding another day will be more difficult
  Nathalie  Peregrine:James Gannon has joined the AC room
  James Gannon:Sorry travelling and overlap with the WP2 CCWG call is conspiring against me
  James Gannon:I'd support that flexability in starting later to accomodate fliughts
  Paul:Support Friday meeting.  Support keeping our calls to 1 hour.
  James Bladel:This will also likely conflict with ICG/CCWG, both are tentatively planning sessions on Friday.
  Holly Raiche:Tom was really helpful in that meeting
  Kathy Kleiman:Sorry, but I wonder if we will still need this full day meeting so late in our work?
  Volker A. Greimann:we should try to move away from burdening ICANN with travel support for WG efforts. The budget is strained over capacity as it is
  Frank Michlick:@Volker: There's lots of auction funds ;-)
  James Bladel:Volker - I believe these sorts of F2F meetings (incl. travel support) are already budgeted.  So its mainly a question of which WG is allocated the slot
  Nathalie  Peregrine:Lindsay Hamilton-Reid has joined the AC room
  Amr Elsadr:If I'm not mistaken, GNSO councillors who are members of this WG will not be able to attend a F2F meeting on Friday. Not that this should necessarily be a deciding factor. Just something to be considered.
  Holly Raiche:AAt least someone like Tom would be really helpful
  Kathy Kleiman:@Amr, yikes - we have a lot of GNSO councilors in this group
  Mary Wong:@Amr, why is that?
  James Bladel:Not sure about Council.
  Mary Wong:The GNSO Council development session is after the ICANN meeting (23 Oct) and this F2F (if it takes place) will be on 16 Oct
  Kiran Malancharuvil:agree with Paul
  Philip Corwin:I believe Council may be planning to hold some type of extra meeting on the Friday after ICANN ends, not prior.
  Amr Elsadr:@Mary: Ah..., thanks for setting me straight on that. I thought it was on the same day.
  Volker A. Greimann:@Frank: No one touches the auction funds until the board says so; @all: indeed, the GNSO councillors will not be able to attend if the session is scheduled to conflict with the council development session
  Amr Elsadr:@Phil: Yes..., that is correct. My bad. Apologies.
  Philip Corwin:Mary just confirmed my impression on Council
  Kathy Kleiman:Agree Paul and James
  James Gannon:Bad echo
  Nathalie  Peregrine:please all mute mics!
  Amr Elsadr:Hearing an echo. Can everyone please mute lines when not speaking.
  Nathalie  Peregrine:The echo is being caused by an AC microphone
  Amr Elsadr:Gone now. Thnx.
  Mary Wong:Wasn't me :)
  Kiran Malancharuvil:I still hear an echo
  Nathalie  Peregrine:Griffin Barnett has joined the audio bridge
  James Gannon:It can bbe suggested as needed if we encounter a roadlock
  Nathalie  Peregrine:David Cake has joined the AC room
  Amr Elsadr:Certainly prefer 90 minute calls vs. additional ones.
  Mary Wong:Note that this list is in order of who volunteered when (in case you're wondering).
  Kiran Malancharuvil:if we add time to the call can we revisit the start time? a lot of us have standing conflicts.
  Amr Elsadr:@Kiran: That's fine by me.
  vicky sheckler:mary - please add me to annex e
  Mary Wong:OK thanks Vicky
  Frank Michlick:I was originally intending to arrive on Sunday for the ICANN meeting .
  Kiran Malancharuvil:maybe we can do a poll?
  Amr Elsadr:I would actually prefer starting 30 minutes earlier than extending for 30 minutes.
  James Gannon:+1 Kiran can we doodle the call times to try and work out some good times
  Frank Michlick:I can help in a subteam too.
  Mary Wong:Thanks, Frank - any preference?
  Kiran Malancharuvil:@Amr - that's not my preference, but again, maybe a poll
  Frank Michlick:@Mary: Give me a moment, I'll take a closer look again, one moment.
  Nathalie  Peregrine:Michele Neylon has joined the call
  Stephanie Perrin:Can we also please ensure that we vary the times so that we accommodate our colleagues in Asia &Australia
  Holly Raiche:So add due process to Annex E?
  Michele Neylon:sorry - was stuck in a meeting
  Mary Wong:@Holly, @Kathy - our thought was that as additional topics are identified and agreed on by the WG, the decision can then be made as to whether particular additional topics should be asigned to specific sub team(s) or more appropriately reviewed by the entire WG
  Holly Raiche:Thanks Mary
  Philip Corwin:@Holly--I'd think the issue of due process is inherenet in Annex E
  Mary Wong:Remember also that the WG has to review the sub teams' suggestions; so if anything is "left out" that is another channel to ensure we do not miss them.
  Holly Raiche:Agree Philip - but maybe make that an official term of reference for the subteam?
  Mary Wong:@Holly, all, if it helps - that point does come through in a lot of the comments, including those that responded directly to specific recommendations/open questions.
  James Bladel:+1 James..  Consensus needs to be focus, or this entire effort is in jeopardy.
  Philip Corwin:Fine with me, Holly
  James Gannon:=)
  Mary Wong:Again, the sub teams only do the preliminary work of review and make suggestions to the full WG. The WG still has the responsibility of making sure their response/action is fully discussed and agreed on; the sub teams do not mean the rest of the WG relies on them entirely.
  Paul McGrady:Yes, speedy list would be the goal.
  Mary Wong:Each sub team also uses the same template/matrix ie the Public Comment Review Tool.
  Amr Elsadr:Some topics have already been identified and shared on-list. Couldn't the full group just agree to add those and (perhaps a sub-team) attempt to identify others.
  Mary Wong:@Amr - each topic needs to cite back to specific comments/commenters for transparency reasons. That's one reason why an Additional Topics sub team could do that work.
  James Bladel:+1 Phil.  Or pressure councilors to kill it in the GNSO.
  Stephanie Perrin:+1 Phil
  Holly Raiche:+1 - Phil
  Michele Neylon:Amr - how are you doing green text??
  James Gannon:Having heard Phill, Paul and PMary I think that we can look at the 'other' questions in a subgroup that we bring back to the WG, I would like to have enough time to address what comes out of that subteam
  Amr Elsadr:@Michele: The AC room is aware of my affinity to $$$!! :)
  James Gannon:Pink is much more fashionable
  Stephanie Perrin:@Michele, he bought a .irish domain..
  Mary Wong:I didn't suggest new sub teams other than these three and the Additional Topics one, BTW
  Amr Elsadr:@Michele: Actually..., just use the menu on the top right of the chat box. There's a chat color option.
  Michele Neylon:ooo
  Michele Neylon:shiny
  Amr Elsadr:Boys and their toys!! :)
  James Gannon:Ill voluenteer
  Lindsay Hamilton-Reid:Agreed Mary.
  Mary Wong:Although if that is appropriate following the identification of and agreement on what those additional topics might be, that may be one way rather than leave them to the full WG.
  Mary Wong:@James G - for identifying Additional Topisc?
  James Gannon:Correct
  Stephanie Perrin:Lets call it a subteam
  Stephanie Perrin:I volunteer
  Amr Elsadr:@Mary: Please add me to the new sub-team as well.
  Amr Elsadr:For identifying new topics.
  Mary Wong:I will send you all a blank template to fill out
  Amr Elsadr:A spin-off team.
  Frank Michlick:I'd like to be on the new topic subteam as well  for now
  James Gannon:Agreed
  Michele Neylon:+1 James
  Michele Neylon:a lot of people are on holiday at the moment
  Kathy Kleiman:@Mary: Could you kindly expand the PPSAI WG Subteam list with a verbal description of what they are covering?
  Michele Neylon:they might be doing email but can't do phone
  Kathy Kleiman:@Mary: would appreciate it!
  Mary Wong:I will circulate the sub team list, add what they are expected to do, and include what I noted to Sub Team 1.3.2 last night regarding possiblity of staff support, tools etc.
  Mary Wong:@James - yes, that's a discussion we are already having :)
  James Gannon:Good =)
  Mary Wong:It helps that Marika was supporting the CWG-IANA :)
  James Gannon:Yes shes a superstar!
  James Gannon:And you aswell of course! The superstarteam!
  Mary Wong:LOL - I was neither fishing nor insulted! :)
  Mary Wong:But we DO work very closely together!
  James Bladel:Thx folks.
  Kathy Kleiman:Tx Steve and All!
  James Gannon:A PPSAI call finisheing early??? Wow =)
  Paul McGrady:Thanks Steve!
  Lindsay Hamilton-Reid:Thanks
  Michele Neylon:ciao
  Amr Elsadr:Thanks all. Bye.
  Val Sherman:thanks all!

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