[gnso-rds-pdp-purpose] Purpose sub team

Susan Kawaguchi susank at fb.com
Fri Mar 25 23:28:18 UTC 2016

Hello All,

Thank you for volunteering for the Purpose sub team.

This is a list of all that have volunteered -  Carlton Samuels, Fabricio Vayra, Susan Prosser, Beth Allegretti, Jim Galvin, Kiran Malancharuvil, Lori Schulman, Vlad Dinculescu, Richard Leaning, Amr Elsadr, Donna Austin, Stephanie Perrin, Tjabbe Bos, Sana Ali, Ayden Ferdeline, Greg Aaron, Jody Kolker, Adrian Cheek, Kathy Kleiman, Chuck Gomes, Maryan Rizinski, Nathalie Coupet, Roger Carney

I look forward to working with you all over the next couple of weeks to collect, consolidate, concisely summarize, and then present inputs and information about the purpose of registration data.

This is a link to the RDS PDP WG document that describes the approach the WG agreed upon  https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/58730879/RDS-PDP-Proposed-Summary-Approach.pdf<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.icann.org_download_attachments_58730879_RDS-2DPDP-2DProposed-2DSummary-2DApproach.pdf&d=CwMBAg&c=5VD0RTtNlTh3ycd41b3MUw&r=gvEx8xF7ynrYQ7wShqEr-w&m=u1EVRiHe_hJc7jxNs5HvrA_j6PFk6zDIgTHzeV5HW-I&s=2ky2gNfugoilw7hdnuB-Li1SPS7b_5IFQFq5Dm1QeEk&e=>

Would any one like to volunteer to start collecting information on purpose of registration data?  I am sure that the RDS PDP WG wiki has resources to start this collection and then we should think of what else should be included.    Once we have started collecting the information I think a sub team conference call to discuss what we are collecting would be helpful.

Any other ideas on how to approach our work?

Looking forward to the discussion.

Susan Kawaguchi
Domain Name Manager
Facebook Legal Dept.

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