[gnso-rds-pdp-wg] Independent Legal Advice

Gomes, Chuck cgomes at verisign.com
Mon Jun 12 18:56:33 UTC 2017

As communicated to the WG in the last two WG meetings, the leadership team proceeded with the task of obtaining independent legal responses to the questions that were answered by the European senior privacy experts in Copenhagen and shortly thereafter.  To allow a fair comparison between the answers from the European experts and the independent legal responses we decided to keep the questions the same except for minor edits to clean up the document.  Also, extensive input was received from the WG in the creation of those questions so we wanted to take advantage of that, especially considering we do not have time to involve the full WG in the current process if we want to get this started in FY17 and be able to use current year funds.

Realizing that it would not be possible to obtain ongoing input from the full WG and still meet the short time constraints, WG leaders formed a small group of members from different RDS interest areas to provide us advice as we coordinate this effort.  They have already provided us helpful advice on possible candidates and a draft statement of work.  The members of this group are:

*       Luc Suefer, RrSG
*       Rod Rasmussen, Individual
*       Stephanie Perrin, NCUC
*       Steve Metalitz, IPC
*       Tjabbe Bos, GAC/Public Safety Working Group.

We will continue to seek their advice throughout this project.

The Leadership Team has narrowed the candidate list down to two and later today will be sending them a request to confirm their proposals along with a cleaned-up list of questions and statement of work.  Our plan is to start negotiations with the finalist by the end of this week.  To respect the privacy of the legal firms that responded to our request, we will not communicate their names.  Once a contract has been executed, we will identify the one selected.


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