[Gnso-review-wg] Mp3 and attendance GNSO Review Working Group 25 October 2016

Terri Agnew terri.agnew at icann.org
Tue Oct 25 15:16:52 UTC 2016

Dear all,

 Please find the MP3 recording for the GNSO Review Working Group held on 25 October 2016 at 13:00 UTC: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-review-wg-25oct16-en.mp3

On page: http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar#<http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar>

The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page: http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__gnso.icann.org_en_group-2Dactivities_calendar&d=DQMFAg&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=DRa2dXAvSFpCIgmkXhFzL7ar9Qfqa0AIgn-H4xR2EBk&m=xZIJEMTVQJAaGhrSEs-mGNP1af5ZhtLo5tjqyJUr5j4&s=zi8HqkcJPzyRZtbiQ-TlsxBQhcExCdcb-3Ezk1dDjec&e=>

Mailing list archives: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/gnso-review-wg/

Wiki page:  https://community.icann.org/x/ZhmsAw



Heath Dixon (RrSG Primary)

Sara Bockey (RrSG Alternate)

Jennifer Wolfe (RySG Primary)

Donna Austin (RySG Alternate)

Rafik Dammak (NCSG Primary)

Wolf-Ulrich Knoben (ISPCP)


Pascal Bekono

Lawrence Olawale-Roberts


ICANN staff:

Marika Konings

Julie Hedlund

Lars Hoffman

Berry Cobb

Terri Agnew

** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **

Thank you.

Kind regards,



Adobe Connect chat transcript for 25 October 2016

  Terri Agnew:Welcome to the GNSO Review Working Group call on Tuesday, 25 October 2016 at 13:00 UTC

  Terri Agnew:agenda wiki page: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.icann.org_x_MCS4Aw&d=DQICaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=DRa2dXAvSFpCIgmkXhFzL7ar9Qfqa0AIgn-H4xR2EBk&m=-Kmpl0eumPx_O0tNepYSyDNh3CSUP0IuWI-Ndc_1LlA&s=s_OwBSlfQKaXW0QeCB98R5eruV4WJaXhdDnASC4zIM4&e=

  Rafik:this call is scheduled in the same with the CCWG plenary call

  Pascal Bekono:Good morning dear all

  Donna Austin, RySG:Support the nomination of Wolf Ulrich

  Julie Hedlund:@All: The document is unsynced so you may move through it.

  Julie Hedlund:@All: Synced again.

  Marika Konings:For example, on recommendation 8, the work of the Policy & Implementation Working Group already completed a while back so it may just require the WG to confirm that the implementation of those recommendations met the objective of that GNSO review recommendation.

  Julie Hedlund:@Donna: This timeline is somewhat arbitrary - just a suggestion at this point.

  Donna Austin, RySG:Thanks Julie, makes sense.

  Donna Austin, RySG:I can see it

  Lawrence Olawale-Roberts:I can see it

  Sara Bockey:I see it

  Jen Wolfe 2:Got it back now.

  Lawrence Olawale-Roberts:great

  Pascal Bekono:Is it possible to have a bacth at the end where we revise all the three priorities ? to analyse dependencies ?

  Marika Konings:It may be sufficient to point out how this recommendation was implemented through other work that has already completed?

  Marika Konings:and indeed, in certain cases work may still be underway and should be monitored as such.

  Terri Agnew:Wolf-Ulrich Knoben has joined on the telephone

  Berry Cobb:not dialed in.

  Berry Cobb:I will say, that we have a place holder for "Impact" as part of the Key Performance Indicators dashboard.

  Berry Cobb:And can use assistance to develop what the analytiical framework should look like.  Community input would be most helpful here.

  Berry Cobb:The DMPM part provided a strawman to assist the community in identifiying metrics that can be used to test policy effectiveness.  However, it is at a high level, b/c each PDP is fairly unique and difficult to identify metrics.  Agree that it ties into Rec.16 framework action item.

  Pascal Bekono:Recommandations 10: Can we have in bracket examples of "certain situations" ?

  Marika Konings:there is an evaluation document that was shared with the Council - we can include it with the information related to this recommendation. I will also check on the status of the development of guidelines.

  Marika Konings:If I recall well, we had a professional facilitator (external to ICANN) for one F2F WG meeting and one ICANN facilitator (not a member of the WG but very familiar with ICANN and the subject matter) - I believe that the second experience received better reviews than the former. But again, it may very much depend on the specific circumstances of a WG - in certain cases, disagreement evolves around substance while in others it may be the result of process matters. Different experience / expertise may be needed, depending on the circumstances.

  Pascal Bekono:thanks for this Marika

  Marika Konings:SG/C reps may know whether this is something that is tracked at a SG/C level and how diversity is defined?

  Pascal Bekono:I think that we can also add as comment an activity such as Outreach amongst under represented group for selection. Is it fair ?

  Marika Konings:I think all the current PDP WG have some kind of rotation in place (for example, the RDS PDP rotates 1 out of 3 meetings to an Asia Pacific time), but it still remains a challenge as Donna notes

  Marika Konings:sorry that should be 1 out of 4 meetings

  Lawrence Olawale-Roberts: I guess  we may propose models that S and constituency's may adopt

  Lawrence Olawale-Roberts:SG's

  Lawrence Olawale-Roberts:As what works for 1 may not work for another

  Terri Agnew:GNSO Review Working Group is scheduled for Tuesday, 15 November 2016 at 14:00 UTC for 60 minutes.

  Julie Hedlund:Thanks everyone for joining!

  Donna Austin, RySG:thanks Jen, Julie

  Sara Bockey:thanks all

  Lawrence Olawale-Roberts:bye all

  Pascal Bekono:thanks

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