[Gnso-review-wg] Recordings, Attendance & AC Chat from GNSO Review WG call on Thursday, 30 November 2017 at 13:00 UTC

Nathalie Peregrine nathalie.peregrine at icann.org
Thu Nov 30 15:50:27 UTC 2017

Dear all,

Please find the mp3, AC Recording, attendance and AC Chat below for the GNSO Review Working Group held on Thursday, 30 November 2017 at 13:00 UTC.

Mp3:  https://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-review-30nov17-en.mp3<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__mailer.samanage.com_wf_click-3Fupn-3DBicbgE3FNUxHuHwOPdgXp7PxnHhpBITaBzfgAxdndi8WvUoo0oTNJNAg7NXXyViZTVUIs1iDGrigADd0bN3UIg-2D3D-2D3D-5FQuA5zZR9ZZ7J1F2FeF-2D2FOsgm1hgIDcBrAX2P7Ezxmql7ckJc4ios1-2D2BxObAoz2rzLSI3c4QB1NGo7bw7XrBjpRCbz74w4vzk48UxZMFoBBQBQaQ0ePdiOjdJ30sQNHkokOf-2D2F2p-2D2FBvMgKvMhzp-2D2B4u8fP-2D2BRrSytHe2KCf2HpQmtSbpezMgNTUG57PiORAPesOotpHA-2D2BC4pSmXJRsVmpbNaLqzq9gFw2-2D2FFvvkMJkzTUXuCQHfVFpzpX-2D2Bf-2D2FbpR-2D2F0Xk9UY64-2D2BHSh5HbxLeXkg2BdYN6DPVf6dZf4B70z15pxvpfjwRjivxJzWA-2D2F7Qgsq84SLqO5POTbEfcgaeeyIcU-2D2FkKebK8zufhu3q2A3XrvDjix9unlGADZ47eNedYA2EWns1AQur04KsLlreG-2D2FEHow-2D2BqmhqEBbcr0tq4rw-2D2BotyJE1KWBYzxb7RlsVKvcKhqSZCWWbUSmmEdlvHLnRJQkjhsf30lu-2D2FCMo2ELWSYlVFRF7oyMj0noPZCMogj0y88H8k62wETp&d=DwMFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=PDd_FX3f4MVgkEIi9GHvVoUhbecsvLhgsyXrxgtbL10DTBs0i1jYiBM_uTSDzgqG&m=SZGu2Bbdik2EAw-UWUbG-AQ04RUXoAxMm78SGVIYsdc&s=KoyUOIEBwYpFk4ZLU-knOTmNs5OPXzuizCnRJQa2gBE&e=>
AC Recording:   https://participate.icann.org/p6mwvy3nt8d/<https://participate.icann.org/p6mwvy3nt8d/?OWASP_CSRFTOKEN=da98784bd396b38e57f1d982b189a0a8f647aa1f7e8f2c7c1c2566602aaf4d91>

The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:  http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__gnso.icann.org_en_group-2Dactivities_calendar&d=DQMFAg&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=DRa2dXAvSFpCIgmkXhFzL7ar9Qfqa0AIgn-H4xR2EBk&m=xZIJEMTVQJAaGhrSEs-mGNP1af5ZhtLo5tjqyJUr5j4&s=zi8HqkcJPzyRZtbiQ-TlsxBQhcExCdcb-3Ezk1dDjec&e=>

Mailing list archives: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/gnso-review-wg/

Wiki agenda page:  https://community.icann.org/x/a5BEB[community.icann.org]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.icann.org_x_a5BEB&d=DwMFAg&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=PDd_FX3f4MVgkEIi9GHvVoUhbecsvLhgsyXrxgtbL10DTBs0i1jYiBM_uTSDzgqG&m=hkRdPgpm3aim9AoR_a4X7zE0gG-R3SgvanZIfd2PTFQ&s=uyyUx4qkIVDcc5AbXesOeyMw7SGVamnnvkHsAudxDUI&e=>



Sara Bockey (RrSG Alternate)

Rafik Dammak (NCSG Primary)

Wolf-Ulrich Knoben (ISPCP Primary)

Jennifer Wolfe (RySG Primary)

Lawrence Owalale Roberts (BC Primary)


Kris Seeburn (NCUC)

On Audio Only: none

Apologies:  Jen Wolfe

ICANN staff:

Julie Hedlund

Marika Konings

Emily Barabas

Berry Cobb

Nathalie Peregrine

** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **

Thank you.

Kind regards,



Adobe Connect chat transcript for 30 November 2017

  Nathalie Peregrine: Dear all, welcome to the GNSO Review Working Group call on Thursday 30 November at 13:00 UTC

  Nathalie Peregrine: Agenda page: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.icann.org_x_aA9yB&d=DwICaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=PDd_FX3f4MVgkEIi9GHvVoUhbecsvLhgsyXrxgtbL10DTBs0i1jYiBM_uTSDzgqG&m=G45v2geIXjGrhT5wtTCcIAgmyEtLyXEuLfHjtQk1a3o&s=vBjB228KZRiW2bgcrNzIckvSjb-AJy4bXyFnUdxllpg&e=

  Krishna Seeburn - Kris:got disconnected

  Nathalie Peregrine:Glad you're back :)

  Krishna Seeburn - Kris:hi all

  Krishna Seeburn - Kris:it can ge gated access and will need members acceptance

  Jen Wolfe:I am on hold to get on the call

  Nathalie Peregrine:I ll alert the operator

  Wolf-Ulrich Knoben:Hi everybody

  Krishna Seeburn - Kris:hi

  Krishna Seeburn - Kris:you sould have a why as we well

  Krishna Seeburn - Kris:25th may 2018

  Krishna Seeburn - Kris:i think we need to do something soonest

  Marika Konings:One comment in relation to the SOI, following up on Mary's update, at some point it may also need to be considered whether SOIs need to be published publicly without any kind of access control (is that proportional to the purpose?). One could for example consider whether this information is only visible after logging into the wiki space, with clear information available how a log in can be obtained so it is still accessible, but there are some access requirements in place.

  Nathalie Peregrine:Lawrence Owalale-Roberts has joined the audio bridge

  Jen Wolfe:I agree with Wolf Ulrich

  Krishna Seeburn - Kris:May 2018 will impact........

  Krishna Seeburn - Kris:from gdpr

  Mary Wong:Thanks for clarifying, Julie - that's what I meant about scope, in two respects: specific to the implementation of the current recommendations, and more broadly for the GNSO Operating Procedures.

  Mary Wong:Thanks everyone for having me on the call; I will be sure to update you all as soon as we have more information, hopefully imminently.

  Emily Barabas:Is the document not displaying for anyone else? Or is it an issue on my end?

  Krishna Seeburn - Kris:i see it

  Marika Konings:I am seeing it

  Nathalie Peregrine:I see it

  Sara Bockey:i see it

  Nathalie Peregrine:please log out and back in quickly,iy should fix it

  Mary Wong:The Community Recognition program spans all officers who are stepping down from SO, AC, SG and Constituency leadership.

  Krishna Seeburn - Kris:that was done....

  Mary Wong:That's why we had 49 at ICANN60 :)

  Wolf-Ulrich Knoben:How about WG volunteers?

  Mary Wong:We will be starting this Award cycle, beginning with a call for nominations, soon.

  Krishna Seeburn - Kris:i agree with you wolf...may be that should be something to consider

  Mary Wong:@Julie, I can answer Wolf-Ulrich.

  Krishna Seeburn - Kris:very true and is great actually

  Krishna Seeburn - Kris:it has helped

  Krishna Seeburn - Kris:perhaps one other thing we should also think of is that wearing out of volunteers

  Krishna Seeburn - Kris:do we have a way to ensure continuity for example

  Wolf-Ulrich Knoben:ok Julie!

  Marika Konings:From a personal experience on the RDS WG, the out of bounds rotation definitely gets a lot less attendance than the 'normal' WG meeting, but the leadership is committed to keeping this rotation to accomodate participants from the Asia-Pacific timezone, regardless of lesser attendance.

  Krishna Seeburn - Kris:i've notcied that marika.... i am on the RDS

  Mary Wong:+1 to Marika's observation from the RPM Working Group

  Mary Wong:As Emily is saying, we do, however, get grumbling from either American or European-based folks on rotations that are APAC-friendly, but that is simply a function of the fact that currently WG membership is dominated by volunteers from those regions. That may change in the future,

  Marika Konings:In theory, everyone is always supportive of the idea of rotation, until they realise it means that they have to do a call at 4.00 am :-)

  rafik:sharing the pain

  Marika Konings:and of course, with all being volunteers and having day jobs, this is completely understandable

  Sara Bockey:I've noticed the same with rotation times for APAC. It also seems to draw more people from N Am & EU than APAC

  Marika Konings:@Sara - some are of the view that having 1 out of 4 calls in their timezone is not sufficient for them to effectively participate so some may just give up?

  Sara Bockey:I can see that...makes sense

  rafik:rotation worked well for ccwg.

  Sara Bockey:But that could be said for everyone when meetings rotate from morning/afternoon/evening

  Marika Konings:but CCWG ran on a pretty short timeline so maybe that made it easier for people to commit to rotation (and of course, high stakes outcome :-)

  Wolf-Ulrich Knoben:@Marika: It happened twice to me due to travelling; but I realized it was the wrong day :-)

  Krishna Seeburn - Kris:why not bring them from 1to 5? 1 to 7 seems a bit unreasonable

  Wolf-Ulrich Knoben:Is the survey anonymous?

  Krishna Seeburn - Kris:i do not think it is anonymous....

  Sara Bockey:It may be that some are just more steadfast in attending during set hours due to work or family obligations.

  Emily Barabas:Yes, I believe it is. One moment. Will confirm.

  Emily Barabas:Apologies, I am wrong and Kris is right :) The name is required.

  Mary Wong:Yes, name is rquired to make sure the person responding is a WG member in fact. However, the information is kept confidential.

  Marika Konings:Summary information is published but not attributed as far as I recall

  Krishna Seeburn - Kris:it depends also on the surveys as well

  Marika Konings:Apologies, but I have to drop off for another call

  Sara Bockey:thanks all

  Mary Wong:Thanks everyone!

  Wolf-Ulrich Knoben:thanks bye

  Krishna Seeburn - Kris:thanks all

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