[Gnso-rpm-practitioner] Action & Notes: RPM Sub Team for URS Practitioners call on Wednesday, 28 February 2018 18:00 UTC

Julie Hedlund julie.hedlund at icann.org
Wed Feb 28 20:33:34 UTC 2018

Dear all,


Below are the action items and notes staff captured from the RPM Sub Team for URS Practitioners meeting today (28 February 2018).  The notes from the call are posted to the Sub Team wiki space, together with the call recording and Adobe Connect chat and attendance records.  See: https://community.icann.org/display/RARPMRIAGPWG/2018-02-28+Sub+Team+for+URS+Practitioners. 


Note also that the next call will be on Wednesday, 07 March at 1800 UTC.


Best Regards,


Julie Hedlund, Policy Director


Action Items:


1. a) Sub Team members will review the list of practitioners by COB Sunday, 04 March; b. Staff will compile the list of practitioners ranked by number of responses by COB Tuesday, 06 March.  See the Google spreadsheet at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15VBgK2XRQRWkKONiJiLhSHpBYwf0nSGbvckeJrECeBU/edit?usp=sharing 

2.  Sub Team members will review the questions and provide edits by Tuesday, 06 March COB EST.  See the Google document at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1czGq3Y5Z1bVx1ys_MnfLkFE1S-_Dwc3kRzfrTprlNFE/edit 

3. Staff will schedule a call for 07 March on 1800 UTC for 60 minutes.




1.  Sub Team continue reviewing and developing objective questions for URS practitioners and the list of practitioners:


1.a:  List of Practitioners:


-- Names so far are pretty comprehensive

-- Go through the long spreadsheet to see if there are names we can add.

-- Question: send to a selected group of URS practitioners, or all?  Intent was originally to find a subset of practitioners, rather than anyone who has been involved.  Have found that many are involved in UDRP and may have had a handful of URS proceedings.  But small selection could produce a smaller response.  Not sure practically speaking how a global email would be produced.

-- Question: How to define practitioner?  People who are associated with firms?  Would we include self?  Directive was to get a group of practitioners (attorneys etc.) who would have some sort of expertise in a URS proceeding.

-- Seems that every filer or respondent is a practitioner.  But if we are looking for experts that would be a smaller group.

-- Add groups that represent groups of TM Owners and Registrants, e.g., CSC and yo.yo email.

-- Two opinions: 1) having a broad global outreach; 2) original intent to have "experts" being able to opine on their experiences.

-- Practical constraints to doing a global survey, both in timing as well as in lack of budget.  Probably just a staff-generated Survey Monkey poll, emphasis on short objective questions, pointing at the usual suspects or firms who handle a lot of these types of proceedings.  Look to those who have the most experience.

-- How to merge the list from last week and from the long spreadsheet.  Staff can take on the compilation of the two lists taking out the duplicates.  The Sub Team can help with contacts.

-- Should include those with hands-on experience.  Not go with people who have only done 1 case?  Could sort on name and note how many cases they responded to?  But has to be someone who can answer the questions.

-- Two lists: 1) those who have done only 1; 2) look for those who have done the most cases.

-- Determine how to find out the person at a firm who handled the filing -- the actual practitioners in the firm or party.


1.b:  Questions:


-- Are we going to use the term "examiners"?  

-- Current document needs a lot of work and is a discussion draft.

Action: Sub Team members should continue to review the questions and add/modify them until COB Tuesday, 06 March.


2. Next Steps/Next Meeting:


-- Sub Teams will present on the status to the full WG on Saturday, 10 March.

Action: Staff will schedule a meeting on Wednesday, 07 March for 60 minutes.


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