[Gnso-rpm-sunrise] [Ext] Re: Action Items from the Sunrise Registrations Sub Team Call - 9 June 2017

Amr Elsadr amr.elsadr at icann.org
Thu Jun 15 22:19:34 UTC 2017

Hello Maxim,

Thank you very much for this information, particularly on the TLD Startup Information. You had previously mentioned the TLD Startup Page in the google doc, but following the link you provided below has been helpful in understanding how this might prove useful in terms of acquiring data relevant to LRPs and QLPs for different TLDs. I will do some more digging into this, and get back to you, and the rest of the Sub Team (or possibly the broader Working Group).

Regarding question 16, it might also be helpful to take a closer look at how proof-of-use is established to make TMCH registrants eligible for Sunrise, and compare to the scenarios you’ve described. And your comment regarding the absence of a process to revoke a Sunrise registration, even if the eligibility for Sunrise has been disputed and proven false was captured in the call notes.

Thanks again, Maxim. Very much appreciate the follow up.


From: Maxim Alzoba <m.alzoba at gmail.com>
Date: Wednesday, June 14, 2017 at 12:27 PM
To: Amr Elsadr <amr.elsadr at icann.org>
Cc: "gnso-rpm-sunrise at icann.org" <gnso-rpm-sunrise at icann.org>
Subject: [Ext] Re: [Gnso-rpm-sunrise] Action Items from the Sunrise Registrations Sub Team Call - 9 June 2017

Hello Amr,

I 'm sorry for causing confusion - I had two notes , one about Q16, and the other about Q11.

I meant (for Q16) that there are no way to establish in advance
if the "single item proof of use" is just an intent of gaming Sunrise registration without any other business with the current TM
(TM registered, tokens 3D printed - sent to a neighbour with payment vial Paypal, domain registered, and TM - left on the wind to expire or cancelled).

And there is no way to distinguish such attempt from
the situation with the new project on (for example) Kickstarter or some other similar crowdfunding site,
where a single item manufactured and sent to someone as a test item in exchange for some small coin,
(TM registered, due to expectations of future business, Registered in TMCH with that item sent as a proof of use), and nobody knowns if it is going to be a success or not, but still it is
a legitimate use of TMCH + Sunrise registration in my opinion (business idea, formal paperwork to protect it, formal processes to get the domain name, expectations of future business and investments).

Also I underlined that according to the current set of Policies/RA/RAA 2013 there is no way to revoke the domain on grounds that the TM is not in TMCH anymore,
or TM expired or cancelled.

My other note was about Q11:

and the way to establish number of registrations during LRPs (the single and only .Madrid ALP  has no registrations  at the moment , so it is Zero for ALPs)

To establish number of LRPs per TLD (then repeat for other TLDs):
1. go to TLD Startup information portal, where all ROs are obliged to upload their information about Launch Plans including all periods

2. search for a particular TLD

3. you will see in Other Periods

items as:

Qualified Launch Program ( QLP)
Limited Registration Period  ( period limited to some subset of potential registrants )
Exclusive Registration Period (TMCH Sunrise - description will have " start-date" or "end-date" for different kinds of )

and open/close dates
 since the database is a property of ICANN - ICANN staff could request making data selection to get windows of registration and kins of registrations
then it should be processed versus registrations at those dates (it can be found in data escrow  and to some extent in RO's reports to ICANN - those are monthly))

so when the time window  of a particular period were found - all registrations  of that TLD, which are not 9998 or 9999 (RO itself)
are made according to that Period rules (LRP, or Sunrise)

the same page has Open and Close dates for Trademark Claims (so it could be used to understand, how many registrations where made during the Claims period vs. other registrations
in a particular TLD).

4. if you want all data of all TLDs in one - the same page has Export Data button - which gives you XLS file with all current TLDs (those who are already submitted Launch plans,
and it means other are not active).

P.s: Please be aware that terminated TLDs are there too (like

), and to distinguish them - https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/gtld-registry-agreement-termination-2015-10-09-en[icann.org]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.icann.org_resources_pages_gtld-2Dregistry-2Dagreement-2Dtermination-2D2015-2D10-2D09-2Den&d=DwMFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=DZVUAuc1juldSXNq8YmDoadUOY0MfYdjlopAUQyOxRQ&m=151Sqq5WlZ4nWu8H89IhSsrv9U-mYuUs7zhW-QEwIhI&s=zGFY_cNT5CbS0rzFLF6HEkKncvgKf1cZXjyMS-mTY0Q&e=>

Sincerely Yours,

Maxim Alzoba
Special projects manager,
International Relations Department,

m. +7 916 6761580(+whatsapp)
skype oldfrogger

Current UTC offset: +3.00 (.Moscow)

On Jun 13, 2017, at 02:09, Amr Elsadr <amr.elsadr at icann.org<mailto:amr.elsadr at icann.org>> wrote:

Dear Sunrise Registrations Sub Team Members,

Below are the action items from the Sub Team Call on 9 June. The action items, notes, meeting document and materials as well as recordings and transcripts have been posted to the meeting’s wiki page here: https://community.icann.org/x/HjzwAw[community.icann.org]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.icann.org_x_HjzwAw&d=DwMFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=DZVUAuc1juldSXNq8YmDoadUOY0MfYdjlopAUQyOxRQ&m=151Sqq5WlZ4nWu8H89IhSsrv9U-mYuUs7zhW-QEwIhI&s=iYJ5EWP_zu41mmB3t-VLFGQY3SxWcGU4PZNxNAiC9mw&e=>.



Action Items:

1.      Staff to reword question 16 to: “Explore use and the types of proof required by the TMCH when purchasing domains in the sunrise period.”
2.      Staff to replace “RPMs” with “Sunrise” in questions 17 through 21
3.      Staff to rephrase Q22 as: “Are there certain registries that should not have a mandatory sunrise based on their published registration/eligibility policies?” and add examples mentioned by Kathy Kleiman and Kristine Dorrain
4.      Staff to assist the Sub Team/Working Group on necessary adjustments to the workplan, taking into consideration the time required for the Sub Team to complete its work, and the Working Group’s time requirement in conducting the review of Sunrise Registrations
5.      Maxim Alzoba to supply suggestion for data on question 16 (or another question as appropriate)
6.      Outstanding action item for the Sub Team to define “reserved names”, “premium names” and “premium pricing”
7.      Sub Team to suggest data requirements to answer questions 17 and 22 before next week’s call

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