[Gnso-rpm-tmch] Mp3, Attendance & AC Chat for RPM TMCH Sub team call 05 August 2016 15:00 UTC

Michelle DeSmyter michelle.desmyter at icann.org
Fri Aug 5 20:38:46 UTC 2016

Dear All,

Please find the attendance, MP3 recording and Adobe Connect chat below for the Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) TMCH Sub Team call held on Friday, 05 August 2016 at 15:00 UTC.
MP3: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-rpm-tmch-05aug16-en.mp3


The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the Sub Team wiki page:https://community.icann.org/x/UwSbAw
Attendees RPM TMCH Sub Team:
Grace Mutung’u
Khouloud Dawahi
Kathy Kleiman
Kristine Dorrain
Kurt Pritz

On audio only:

Jeff Neuman

Philip Corwin
Susan Payne

ICANN staff:

Mary Wong
Antonietta Mangiacotti

David Tait

Michelle DeSmyter

** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **

Mailing list archives:  http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/gnso-rpm-tmch/

Main RPM Wiki page: https://community.icann.org/x/rhiOAw

Sub Team Wiki page: https://community.icann.org/x/UQCsAw

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Michelle DeSmyter


Adobe Connect chat transcript for 05 August 2016:

Michelle DeSmyter:Welcome to the Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) TMCH Sub team Meeting WG held on Friday, 05 August 2016 at 15:00 UTC for 60 minutes.
  Grace Mutung'u:Hi everyone
  Grace Mutung'u:I'm sorry I'm having problems with my mic
  Mary Wong:The document that is on the screen is the updated scoping document Kurt is mentioning
  Kathy:Hi Grace, please feel free to type...
  Kathy:or would you like a local number to dial in on?
  Kristine:Sorry I'm late, dialing in now.
  Grace Mutung'u:thanks Kathy. I don't think I can dial in from Nairobi
  Kurt Pritz:Can we dial out to Grace?
  Grace Mutung'u:Its okay, I will type
  Kathy:Tx Mary!
  Kathy:Publicly available information - list/links back to the WG - as a first step. Great!
  Grace Mutung'u:what about users of TMCH? They may have practical experiences on what they could /could not find at TMCHs
  Kathy:+1 Grace
  Mary Wong:@Kurt, that is something David and I are working with our GDD colleagues to sift through
  Kristine:I'm getting a horrible background noice like chirping
  khouloud Dawahi: we should go no for the public information available on the internet and try to outreach other mostly the registrars
  khouloud Dawahi:me too kristine
  Mary Wong:@Kathy, @Khouloud, should this Sub Team reach out to registrars, registries and users at this stage?
  Kathy: NO!
  khouloud Dawahi: I think that meeting the trademark house  should be done by the WG call not the sub team group as it s role is to collecte available public information .Is nt that the essential role of the sub team ?@Mary yes we should as i said in the chat previously .Yes for the registrars and registries at this stage not the trademark house .I dont know if you agree with me
  khouloud Dawahi:@Kathy No about what I didnt understand ??
  khouloud Dawahi:@kathy yes that s what i said it s  up to the WG group call to contact the trademark house not the sub team
  Kathy:+Khouloud - my emphatic "no" was to the idea of meeting privately with the TMCH through the WG.
  Kathy:+1 Khouloud I would agree that the whole WG needs to meet with TMCH
  Kathy:@Kurt: do you think there is "publicly-available information" from registries and registrars on the sunrise and TM?
  Kathy:TM claims?
  Kathy:@Grace: what type of materials would you like to gather from users? What type of questions?
  khouloud Dawahi:thanks dear kathy yes i fear that we may go astray if we contact the TMH  as our essential role is to gather data not to  assess them .It is up to the WG to assess them but i think we should contact registries and registrars @kathy
  Grace Mutung'u:@ Kathy, their view on the CH procedures....gaps...
  Kathy:@Mary: to Notes: and also what might be privately available reports to ICANN that could be "redacted" or otherwise shared in some form or other
  Kristine:Kurt, I like that.
  Kristine:We should really start with our question list before dragging anyone else in
  Kristine:I understand that point, Kathy
  Kathy:@Mary: where does our list of publicly-available documents stand?
  Kathy:@Mary: is there a Q&A on Analysis Group?
  Kristine:I think looking at the report will be very helpful in determing what we still need to look for.
  khouloud Dawahi:not at all kathy
  khouloud Dawahi:yes
  khouloud Dawahi:kathy
  Grace Mutung'u:yes, certainly
  khouloud Dawahi:@kurt hhhhhhhhh
  Kathy: Tx Khouloud and Grace!
  khouloud Dawahi:you re most welcome kathy
  Mary Wong:@Kurt, @Kristine - we will be happy to do that, and guidance from the Sub TEam would be great so we're not starting from zero
  Kristine:Exactly, Mary.  We need to provide guidance and that is a good use of this subteam's time.
  khouloud Dawahi: I think that google searchs can be helpful as well
  Kristine:khouloud, what specific searches do you recommend?
  Kristine:Agree with document lists and summary, NOT analysis.
  khouloud Dawahi:i think we should look for registrars inputs  , i found a google input doc related to the TMH so  , it could be helpful actually @kristine
  Mary Wong:@Khouloud please send it to the list. As noted earlier, we are not reaching out to registrars at this point.
  khouloud Dawahi:@Mary ok i will send it to the sub team or should i send it to the sub team and WG as well ??,
  Mary Wong:Just the sub team for now, I think, as we are compiling the list
  Kathy:In notes: Compare TMCH's Monthly report against publicly available data to see if it is comprehensive.
  khouloud Dawahi:@mary ok i will send the report i found  after the call
  Kristine:Thanks, Khouloud.  I agree we should archive that for when we get there.
  Kurt Pritz:I'd like to see the report Khouloud found also.
  Kristine:Sorry, time is up so i'll put my hand down.  I propose we spend the week on the list generating some questions and we can use next week to review the question list.
  Kristine:Will do.
  Kurt Pritz:Agenda item 2: the sub-team can provide edits to the Analysis Q&A doc so it can be included in what we present to the RPM WG
  khouloud Dawahi:@kristine welcome @kurt yes will send it to the group i hope it would be helpful as it provided the opinion of a registrar .I didnt send it back then because it was to early .
  Kristine:Thanks to staff!
  Mary Wong:@Kurt, got it, thanks
  Michelle DeSmyter:Sub team wiki space: https://community.icann.org/x/UQCsAw
  khouloud Dawahi:Thank you all
  David Tait:Thank you all
  Grace Mutung'u:thnaks all
  khouloud Dawahi:bye

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