[Gnso-rpm-tmch] RPM TMCH sub team agenda for meeting Friday, 12 August 2016

David Tait david.tait at icann.org
Thu Aug 11 15:57:38 UTC 2016

Dear All


Mary and I would like to propose the following agenda for the next RPM TMCH sub team will be held on Friday, 12 August 2016 at 15:00 UTC meeting.


1.      Roll call/updates to SOI;

2.      Discussion of next steps arising from initial report to full Working Group;

3.      Update from staff regarding data source review;

4.      Discussion of data-related questions; and

5.      Next steps/next meeting.


On #2, for further background, please refer to the Sub Team’s initial report on the Working Group wiki space: https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/61605051/TMCH%20Sub%20Team%20Initial%20Report%20-%20Susan%20Payne%20edit%20-%209%20Aug.docx?version=1&modificationDate=1470845690000&api=v2. 


On #4, the following questions were already proposed by Kristine Dorrain:


·         Can we find out what the TMCH’s FAQ were?  Not necessarily what made it to the website but from a CS perspective, what questions did they get the most?

·         For brand owners who didn’t put their marks in the TMCH

o   Why didn’t they?

o   What would encourage them to participate, if anything?

·         For brand owners who did put their marks in the TMCH:

o   Would they do it again, why or why not?

o   Was the value acceptable (good cost/benefit ratio)

·         For registrars, what is the rate of cart abandonment for new gTLDs when exposed to a TM Claims notice vs after the Claims period and how do those numbers compare to TLDs?

·         Are registrants confused with presented with Claims Notices (this could start with a simple Google search to find random rants, but I’m not sure how to poll “the internet” because if a registrant has a relationship with a registrar such that they’d call the registrar and ask, they are probably sophisticated enough to know what’s going on – but maybe not).



Kind regards,





David A. Tait

Policy Specialist (Solicitor qualified in Scotland)

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)


Mobile: + 44-7864-793776

Email:  david.tait at icann.org 


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