[Gnso-rpm-tmch] Attendance & AC Chat Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) TMCH Sub Team 29 July 2016

Terri Agnew terri.agnew at icann.org
Fri Jul 29 18:32:32 UTC 2016

Dear All,

Please find the attendance, MP3 recording and Adobe Connect chat below for the Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) TMCH Sub Team call held on Friday, 29 July 2016 at 15:00 UTC. In addition, attendance is noted for the RPM WG members who joined for Greg Rafert of the Analysis Group presentation.
MP3: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-rpm-tmch-29jul16-en.mp3<http://mailer.samanage.com/wf/click?upn=NrFWbrBstcrPWP369qgbqlXiSKeL20xnUXzI03Zqpst0Aqsv6t-2F5-2F-2BM3LwPRXZcCe8SpMlbDcnVG67cVOuEVOQ-3D-3D_nEX-2FaOijqgcJlSz5SkmueJu3tRbmaDiuX89gT35tStEeSHP9whdoceObpMxYsFLQddiMZpQjIv8dk6BsBGSJXH7VWN4SGLCJgbGKCk6E-2FTErjF4OKNQt65Dk9NF54IJ9kQpmDNySj7bbNz9G4dXi5BgbCZotTx8KNfyeB0z00f8KsMfETeTNKd7vy2kKI7tttQUIwid4NAhxXgT3nZYwmr52kutuvWCyJj68Z1Rmdbpq7rUBIzIJlNbun7fNelD4L3LTykEHsuxoXIK9N6cUws1lN-2BzdUOHz-2FUQUp9A15GbJ1mCJ4KAIaqK9uSU5SHDEDDUN4uxcVVv9t5VdTmvRMecEXwIdW2hu-2BCZF6R5YtF2xves3KUe2VOumDxOTfSXZjnSt69shtpEC79ioHcFSVeAIYWxULXanjxR3fKU-2B1ZX-2BBXPV38-2BALhUlBtytNyN-2F6XEdNjd3Hqzo6hrHoQcdthFipQw5wrgfhbuQBmAONVjjBfDTF-2B1p4rpHt3fGEtwV>

The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the Sub Team wiki page: https://community.icann.org/x/UwSbAw
Attendees RPM TMCH Sub Team:
Susan Payne
Phil Corwin
Kristine Dorrain
Kurt Pritz
Khouloud Dawahi

On audio only:

Vaibhav Aggarwal

Salvador Hernández

Attendees RPM WG:
Griffin Barnett - IPC

Justine Chew - Individual

Maxim Alzoba - RySG

Monica Mitchell - Individual

Paul Keating - Individual

Paul Tattersfield - Individual

Robin Gross - NCUC

Sonigitu Ekpe - NCUC

Guest speakers:

Greg Rafert and Stacey Chan

ICANN staff:

Mary Wong
Antonietta Mangiacotti

David Tait

Berry Cobb

Terri Agnew

** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **

Mailing list archives:  http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/gnso-rpm-tmch/

Main RPM Wiki page: https://community.icann.org/x/rhiOAw

Sub Team Wiki page: https://community.icann.org/x/UwSbAw

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Terri Agnew


Adobe Connect chat transcript for 29 July 2016:

  Terri Agnew:Welcome to the RPM TMCH sub team call held on Friday, 29 July 2016 at 15:00 UTC for 90 minutes. Call with Greg Rafert of the Analysis Group and RPM WG members will begin at 15:30 UTC

  Terri Agnew:wiki agenda page: https://community.icann.org/x/eQ2bAw

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry:Hi everyone, sorry  I'm late.

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Kristine Dorrain

  Mary Wong:Did we lose Susan?

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry:I don't hear her

  Terri Agnew:@Susan, we are no longer hearing you, please let me know if a dial out on the telephone is needed

  Philip Corwin:I can't hear her anymore either

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry:Can staff link to the analysis group report?  I have to admit I missed it.

  Mary Wong:@Kristine - https://newgtlds.icann.org/en/reviews/tmch/draft-services-review-25jul16-en.pdf

  Mary Wong:Additional information and the public comment forum: https://www.icann.org/public-comments/tmch-review-2016-07-25-en

  susan payne:sorryI qwill dial in

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry:Thanks, Mary

  Terri Agnew:Susan is on audio

  susan payne:hi sorry everyone.  dodgy internet connection.  I am on audio

  Philip Corwin:FYI, I will not be on the calls for this subgroup on August 5th or 12th as I shall be on vacation

  Terri Agnew:@Phil, apology will be noted for both dates, thank you

  David Tait:yes

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry:I can hear you

  susan payne:yes

  Kurt Pritz:my mic not workin

  susan payne:yes

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Monica Mitchell

  Antonietta Mangiacotti:Repository of TMCH monthly reports https://newgtlds.icann.org/en/about/trademark-clearinghouse/registries-registrars/reports

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry:yes,

  Kurt Pritz:I think Susan's correct. The report compares downlaods by registrars with registrations - not abandoned shopping carts

  David Tait:For those joining the room we're on a brief break before we're joined by Greg Rafert of the Analysis Group

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):Hello Everyone, do we have adobe audio?

  David Tait:Maxim we do and it will be resuming shortly for the discussions

  Mary Wong:Welcome, Greg, Stacey and other Working Group members to this TMCH Sub Team call!

  Sonigitu Ekpe:Greetings from Calabar, I Nigeria.

  Philip Corwin:Those GAC recommendations were from several years ago, before the Applicant Guidebook was complete and way before the application window opened.

  Mary Wong:The GAC request was from 2011, I believe.

  Philip Corwin:I believe that's correct, Mary. I point that out only to make the point that they were based om conjecture about the new gTLD program rather than an informed understanding of the final Guidebook

  Kurt Pritz:Greg: Are those SIC codes?

  Griffin Barnett:Is that two-digit code the same as the Nice Classification code?

  Griffin Barnett:Thanks

  Kurt Pritz:SIC codes would provide the sort of detail for which you were looking

  Kurt Pritz:is my last statement correct? (It was meant to be a question.)

  Terri Agnew:Vaibhav Aggarwal is on audio only

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):Registries are prohibited from interactions .. with exception for tests

  Philip Corwin:Thanks Maxim. However, a registry might have made such queries via an affiliated registrar, or thorugh a cooperative third party registrar.

  Kurt Pritz:What question would more detailed industry codes help us answer? What question were you seeking to answer using the industry codes?

  Sonigitu Ekpe:There is need to aggregate data. Hope this is what the analysis grwho did.

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):@Philip, I agree, the information could go through few hands, but I think this could not be identified by technical means.

  Philip Corwin:@Maxim-- it could look at whether any registrars affilated with registries had disproportionatly high levels of TMCH downloads, but that's about it

  Sonigitu Ekpe:sorry for the typo. I hope the analysis group aggregated the data?

  Griffin Barnett:I haven't fully reviewed the draft report, but can you provide somed detail on who was surveyed from the TM agent/ tm owner communities?

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):Is it possible to check how many TLDs (which are non-brands) are using endless claims period?

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):@Philip, I think the number of downloads should be checked versus number of clients (there should be a proportion of sorts)

  Griffin Barnett:*or at least, the process of how interviewees were selected

  Philip Corwin:Based on my interactions with TM owners it's a combination of both high sunrise prices (or lack of applicability of a gTLD name to their products or services) and the existence of the Claims Service that contributed to low usage of sunrise periods

 Sonigitu Ekpe:I think if the survey used spreadsheet then it is easy to check the TLDs @ Maxim.

  susan payne:Question: did you seek data from registrars?:  did they refuse to provide?

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):my personal view ... the nicer claims message, which does not freak out potential legitimate registrants whould be great

  Philip Corwin:Not sure registrars would know the reason for an abandonned registration, given how it's an automated online process

  susan payne:Question re matching - did you also look at mark plus generic term?

  susan payne:from the data you did have could you have just looked at everything that had apple in?

  Mary Wong:Question 3 under Additional Questions

  susan payne:Question re Registrars with large downloads:  what additional data would you have needed to determine if this was improper activity?  Is this being looked at elsewhere (eg ICANN compliance?)

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):some registrars with coders who were not so great are going to fall into this category ( tests e.t.c)

  Mary Wong:@Susan, in the absence of a complaint, I'm not sure this is the sort of thing Compliance would be looking at.

  susan payne:@Mary - but how can anyone complain, we don't know who the registrars are or even if they are doing anything wrong.  could be innocent.  but shouldn't it be checked/folowed up?

  Mary Wong:@Susan, true - but not sure what, exactly, can be followed up here without knowing who the registrars are.

  PAUL KEATING:Has there been any followup research on the number of domains were actually registered following a notice from TMCH?  For example DomainTools WHois Searches (disclaimaer - I am a director of DomainTools)

  PAUL KEATING:In other words testing further to see if the caution notices are working.

  susan payne:@Mary - well we don't know, but Analysis group does and presumably so does Antonietta?

  PAUL KEATING:Also compare to filed UDRPs and URS?

  PAUL KEATING:to test the extent cautions are working, etc

  PAUL KEATING:what about the notices?  They shoiuld list the domain no?

  Kurt Pritz:I am with Susan - it seems that IBM should be able to keep that information if it chose to do so

  Philip Corwin:@Paul--I think the Claims Notice is generic, so it may not list the domain in it. But registrars may have records of the domain associated with an abandonned registration, since they made the TMCH inquiry and then posted the Notice

  PAUL KEATING:@ Phil, thank you for correcting that point.  I had nott hought it out well enough.

  PAUL KEATING:Thank you everyone..  Very helpful presentation

  Philip Corwin:Yes, thanks. very useful

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):bye all

  Paul Tattersfield:thank you interesting bye

  Griffin Barnett:Thank you

  Robin Gross:thanks. bye

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry:Thank you.

  khouloud Dawahi 2:thank you  all

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