[Gnso-rpm-tmch] TMCH Sub Team meeting on Friday 14 October

Mary Wong mary.wong at icann.org
Thu Oct 13 23:11:54 UTC 2016

Dear all,

Just resending David’s note from 5 October, outlining what staff suggests may be a useful framework for this Sub Team’s report back to the full Working Group (please see the bullet points below). Following the Sub Team’s discussion and, hopefully, sign off on the call tomorrow, staff will prepare a draft report for finalization by the Sub Team prior to forwarding it to the full Working Group.

Regarding the various agreed questions to Registrars, Registries and the TMCH Providers, please note the following updates:

·         We have just learned from our GDD colleagues that the Analysis Group plans to ask for further data from both Registries and Registrars. From what we are told, their request to the Registries (of New gTLDs) will concern only wholesale pricing, so that should not overlap with anything that our Sub Team is planning to ask from these Registries.

·         For Registrars, however, the Analysis Group plans to ask for data that can shed more light on cart abandonment rate. As this was a substantial point of discussion for our Sub Team and also the full Working Group, we may wish to either hold off on sending the questions that Kathy and Kurt are working to finalize, or coordinate with the Analysis Group to avoid repeating the same question while getting the data that we need.

We can discuss this further on the call tomorrow, but David and I thought it best to let you know ahead of time.

Thanks and cheers

Mary Wong
Senior Policy Director
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Email: mary.wong at icann.org
Telephone: +1-603-5744889

From: <gnso-rpm-tmch-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of David Tait <david.tait at icann.org>
Date: Wednesday, October 5, 2016 at 06:26
To: "gnso-rpm-tmch at icann.org" <gnso-rpm-tmch at icann.org>
Subject: [Gnso-rpm-tmch] TMCH Sub team meeting Friday, 7 October 2016

Dear Sub-team members

Just a brief reminder that at our last meeting a final draft of questions related to the TMCH was prepared. Should you have any final comments on these we would be grateful to receive them asap.

In relation to the meeting for this week, scheduled for Friday, 7 October 2016 at 15:00 UTC, staff would suggest that this would provide an opportune time to discuss the report to be sent to the Working Group. Tentatively we would suggest that the report could cover the following items:

·         Overview of activities to date;

·         Publicly available data obtained by the ST (i.e. the tabular summary prepared by staff);

·         Outcome of meetings with analysis group; and

·         Proposed further data gathering from key-stakeholders.

We would be grateful to receive any comments you had on this outline.

Kind regards,


David A. Tait
Policy Specialist (Solicitor qualified in Scotland)
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Mobile: + 44-7864-793776
Email:  david.tait at icann.org
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