[Gnso-rpm-trademark] Actions & Notes: RPM Trademark Claims Sub Team Meeting 12 Dec 1700 UTC

Julie Hedlund julie.hedlund at icann.org
Wed Dec 12 20:47:42 UTC 2018

Dear All,


Please see below the action items and notes captured by staff from the RPM Trademark Claims Sub Team meeting held on 12 December 2018 (17:00-18:00 UTC).  Staff have posted to the wiki space the action items and notes.  Please note that these are high-level notes and are not meant as a substitute for the recording, chat room, or transcript. The recording, AC chat, transcript and attendance records are posted on the wiki at: https://community.icann.org/display/RARPMRIAGPWG/2018-12-12+Sub+team+for+Trademark+Claims. 


See also the survey analysis tool: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aBw-dW2gBzvBfhUgl3u6ShWlPZt0yyNF-Vs1qmUuIjg/edit#gid=381275905.


Best Regards,


Julie Hedlund, Policy Director






Staff to add original numbering to the agreed questions. (DONE)
Sub Team members to volunteer or nominate candidates for Sub Team leader. (ONGOING)
Sub Team members: By Wednesday, 19 December 2018, analyze whether / how the data in Rows 12-27 of the "Actual & Potential Registrants" tab answer the agreed question 1 and its sub questions (a) and (b), in the spreadsheet at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aBw-dW2gBzvBfhUgl3u6ShWlPZt0yyNF-Vs1qmUuIjg/edit#gid=381275905. (BY 19 DEC)  See:

Question 1 (Final Charter Questions for Trademark Claims)

Is the Trademark Claims service having its intended effect? Consider the following questions specifically in the context both of a Claims Notice as well as a Notice of Registered Name:

a) Is the Trademark Claims service having its intended effect of deterring bad-faith registrations and providing Claims Notice to domain name applicants?

b) Is the Trademark Claims service having any unintended consequences, such as deterring good-faith domain name applications?




1. Statements of Interest: no updates. 


2. Select Sub Team Leader: 


-- Cynthia King nominated Griffin Barnett, who is considering the nomination.

-- Kristine Dorrain is considering whether to volunteer.

-- Griffin and Kristin may consider whether to offering to Co-Lead the Sub Team.


3. Introduction to the survey analysis tool: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aBw-dW2gBzvBfhUgl3u6ShWlPZt0yyNF-Vs1qmUuIjg/edit#gid=381275905 


-- First tab (far left) is the content table.

-- First column is the consolidated data from the survey results.


Example: Actual & Potential Registrant Response:

-- Column A: Questions based on the refined charter questions.

-- Column B: Actual survey question (but without the logic).

-- Some questions are asked of both actual and potential registrants, and some are related.

-- Column C: Sub Team's draft question.

-- Column D: Actual registrant response.

-- Column E: Potential registrant response

-- Column F: Findings from Analysis Group.

-- Look at the table -- there are some dividers -- noting what relates to Trademark Claims and Sunrise.



-- The table ties back to the agreed charter questions.  Once the analysis is done there may be information here that may be relevant to other charter questions.

-- First, go through survey results.

-- Then how or whether the survey results answer the agreed questions.

-- How the survey results may answer other survey questions.

-- Goal is to answer the charter questions.  Don't get bogged down in analyzing the data.  Focus on column A and how we get the answers.

-- Question: What is in the tabs?  That is the raw data/detailed responses.


4. Begin survey analysis:


Second tab: Actual & Potential Registrants

Column A: (reading the questions)



-- Based on the results it seems pretty clear that only half of the people who were not actual registrants answered the question about the notice correctly.  Effectiveness and claims notice.

-- Note that some respondents seem to have been deterred (worried).

-- Claims notice: overarching question -- background question -- how much deterrence is acceptable?

-- #4/#5: That is what row 14 is answering.  Is the notice intimidating, not the service.

-- Look at the survey analysis group outside of ICANN -- the meaning what the notice, half of the answers the distractor answers (wrong/unhelpful).  Didn't understand the notice.

-- Proposal: Take question 1, sub parts a and b, study those questions, and compare against the 3 tabs.


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