[gnso-rpm-wg] Action Items from 15 November Working Group Call

BECKHAM, Brian brian.beckham at wipo.int
Tue Nov 21 10:09:07 UTC 2017

Thanks Julie, all,

As I will not likely make the next call, given inter alia the timing, I would like to recall for staff, the co-chairs, and other WG members that (as was also made clear both in Abu Dhabi and on the last call) I have a range of comments on the URS charter questions.  I believe others do as well.

I understand that this is a work in progress, and that the chart staff is to prepare will try to capture comments made in Abu Dhabi and on the last call, so that is already helpful and very much appreciated!

Noting the above, I would like to hereby request that no official WG decision is made as to the finalization of the URS charter questions until the WG has had a chance to meaningfully provide input.  More specifically, if it is not possible to coalesce WG feedback via email, I would suggest that this is likely to require at least two full WG calls.

Thanks for noting.


From: gnso-rpm-wg [mailto:gnso-rpm-wg-bounces at icann.org] On Behalf Of Julie Hedlund
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2017 8:55 PM
To: gnso-rpm-wg at icann.org
Subject: [gnso-rpm-wg] Action Items from 15 November Working Group Call

Dear all,

The action items noted by staff from the Working Group call held yesterday, Wednesday, 15 November, are as follows:

Actions Items:
1. Staff will recirculate slides from the first URS session at ICANN60.
2. Staff will create a table with columns for the questions; proposed edits/comments/clarifications; provide context; new questions.  Add a reference to the relevant section of the URS and link to the URS.  For example:

  *   Column 1 is Original Charter Questions (the grouping as in the ICANN60 slides can provide a useful categorization to break up the table meaningfully);
  *   Column 2 can be Suggestions for Refinement;
  *   Column 3 can be Context/Additional Background (or similar); and
  *   Column 4 Data Collection Suggestions.

The notes from the call and the actions have been posted to the Working Group wiki space, together with the call recording, transcript and Adobe Connect chat and attendance records.

Best regards,
Julie Hedlund, Policy Director
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