[Gnso-ssc] ICANN GNSO SSC wake-up

Maxim Alzoba m.alzoba at gmail.com
Thu Aug 6 19:46:22 UTC 2020

Hello all, 

Since we are trying to select a person doing  what was Julf doing perfectly, he might be the best consultant in what is in the role, what challenges the role imposes. 

I do not see conflict of interests here. 

⁣Maxim Alzoba​

On 6 Aug 2020, 22:02, at 22:02, Johan Helsingius <julf at julf.com> wrote:
>Dear Standing Selection Committee members,
>As you might have noticed, the GNSO Council has tasked the SSC with
>recommending a candidate for
>the incoming GNSO Liaison to the GAC. The call for volunteers opened at
>the end of July and
>will close 1 September. 
>We should schedule an SSC meeting in the second half of August to go
>over the assignment and
>agree on the selection process. The staff will soon send out a doodle
>poll to find a suitable
>time - I am aware that a lot of people, especially in Europe, might
>still be on vacation,
>but hopefully enough of us are around.
>As I am sure you are aware that we are actually looking for a successor
>for me in the GAC
>liaison role, I am also asking anyone who feels my involvement is a
>conflict of interest
>or are uncomfortable with me being involved to speak up, either to the
>whole SSC or
>confidentially to Carton or the staff. I do remember that when I was
>selected 3 years ago,
>I was a member of the SCC and recuse myself - but appointed the
>then-current holder of
>the position, Carlos Raúl Gutiérrez, to represent me instead.
>	Julf
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