[ICANN-CSC] Item 6 b Agenda 13 May 2020: Draft Statement for IFRT on relationship between CSC and PTI

Lars-Johan Liman liman at netnod.se
Thu May 14 20:08:06 UTC 2020

I see that all voting members support the document. Thank you!

I suggest we now take this offline to the chairs and support staff to
send it off.

Bart, Claudia,

Can you please dig out the appropriate recipient address(es) for this
document so that I (or you) can send it? Thanks!


liman at netnod.se 2020-05-14 15:26 [+0200]:
> Dear all,

> I've gone over this one last time to adjust it taking all comments into
> account. A special apology to Amy who dug out the exact text - which I
> then removed again - from the contract regarding our authority to modify
> things. My idea was to just put in a reference URL to the contract.
> Spelling it out in detail felt a bit "too heavy". Sorry for not
> communicating my intention more clearly, Amy.

> I've removed editing rights in the hope that this is now the final
> version. Please check it out and for the voting members, please signal
> your consent or dissent on the mailing list.

> If anyone finds a showstoppper, yell out, and I'll re-start the editing
> process.

> 				Cheers,
> 				  /Liman

> bart.boswinkel at icann.org 2020-05-12 13:53 [+0000]:
>> Dear all,

>> Please find included draft statement on relationship between CSC and
>> PTI in response to the question from IFRT

>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XfEGakzd2y-bCBfYEMypjfxv1pEkdl9QpW295T7g7ww/edit?ts=5eba9ace

>> This completes action item 09 39 2020 and for discussion under item 6b
>> of the agenda.

>> Kind regards,
>> Bart

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