[Idngwg] Text for email to SSAC

Tan Tanaka, Dennis dtantanaka at verisign.com
Mon Jul 24 19:21:40 UTC 2017

I’m fine with the proposed text.

Thanks, Sarmad.


From: <idngwg-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Sarmad Hussain <sarmad.hussain at icann.org>
Date: Monday, July 24, 2017 at 2:49 PM
To: "idngwg at icann.org" <idngwg at icann.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Idngwg] Text for email to SSAC

Dear IDNGWG members,

Following our discussion, here is a draft email to be sent to invite SSAC members to a discussion on “non-authoritative” records in a TLD zone.  Please feel free to make any edits.

Dear SSAC colleagues,

You may know that a revised draft of IDN Implementation Guidelines recently underwent a  Public Comment<https://www.icann.org/public-comments/idn-guidelines-2017-03-03-en>.  In a comment<http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/comments-idn-guidelines-03mar17/2017-March/000000.html> submitted by Hugo Salgado from NIC Chile (.CL), it has been suggested to clarify the difference between “the use of IDN labels inside a TLD zone [from] records that are not-authoritative, like NS names and glue records."

It further suggests that “a TLD can pose rules and restrictions for labels in the second (or third) level, but not downside and ‘sibling-side’. So my TLD can restrict a certain unicode point for registration purposes, but it could exist inside the TLD zone as an NS name in a level below the TLD as a glue record, and can exist at another TLD as a delegation, over which we don't have any jurisdiction.”

“As an example, if I'm the registry of .example TLD and we don't allow U+00E1  LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE, we can't prohibit a record like:

    allowed.example.    IN NS á.allowed.example
    á.allowed.example.  IN A

and certainly we can't prohibit a delegation to other TLD:

    allowed.example.    IN NS á.cl”

The IDN Guidelines Working Group (IDNGWG) has found the comment significant.  IDNGWG would like to get SSAC’s opinion on whether records which are “not-authoritative” should also be constrained to comply with IDNA2008 by the IDN Guidelines.  If SSAC considers this relevant, IDNGWG would request for assistance from SSAC to suggest appropriate language for such a guideline.

We would like to invite relevant SSAC member to join IDNGWG during one of its weekly call, held on Thursdays at 11am UTC.  IDNGWG can organize a call on a different day/time if suggested schedule is not suitable for SSAC.

We look forward our to your confirmation.

IDN Guidelines WG members



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