[Idngwg] [Ext] Re: Updated draft of Guidelines following the call on 5 October 2017

Sarmad Hussain sarmad.hussain at icann.org
Mon Oct 9 19:37:35 UTC 2017

Thank you Dennis.


From: Tan Tanaka, Dennis [mailto:dtantanaka at verisign.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 12:25 AM
To: Sarmad Hussain <sarmad.hussain at icann.org>; idngwg at icann.org
Subject: [Ext] Re: [Idngwg] Updated draft of Guidelines following the call on 5 October 2017


Enclosed my comments and proposed edits.


From: <idngwg-bounces at icann.org<mailto:idngwg-bounces at icann.org>> on behalf of Sarmad Hussain <sarmad.hussain at icann.org<mailto:sarmad.hussain at icann.org>>
Date: Saturday, October 7, 2017 at 5:49 AM
To: "idngwg at icann.org<mailto:idngwg at icann.org>" <idngwg at icann.org<mailto:idngwg at icann.org>>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Idngwg] Updated draft of Guidelines following the call on 5 October 2017

Dear All,

Thank you to those who attended the three-hour long call on 5 October.  We were able to complete the first pass and do a whole second pass on the guidelines, to finalize the document.

The call recording is available at https://community.icann.org/display/IDN/IDN+Implementation+Guidelines[community.icann.org]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.icann.org_display_IDN_IDN-2BImplementation-2BGuidelines&d=DwMGaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=KTETvEaGPwPcawI-QmNa-kiv-ZBvdgyyLm-mxd028M4&m=4YX5di1qRjkErsNlZMROX9s8yiUHOqkHGen_jrtAX14&s=ro_fGyB4dDHt4j4uxiYn73LV741W63_XnS0MXrKkPAE&e=>.  (please note that because we deleted guideline 5, the guideline numbers are readjusted accordingly in the updated version attached and will not match with those called out in the recording)

As discussed, please find attached an updated redline version of the document, in which older changes and comments have been accepted and only changes in the recent meeting are now reflected for easier review.  In addition a clean version of the same version is also generated.  Both versions are attached in docx and pdf formats.

Please read through these changes and share any final feedback over email.  We will finalize these revisions in the next call and then share the updated version with the community before ICANN 60.

Thank you again for all the hard work over the past many months.  This work will be really beneficial in the implementation of IDNs.


From: idngwg-bounces at icann.org<mailto:idngwg-bounces at icann.org> [mailto:idngwg-bounces at icann.org] On Behalf Of Sarmad Hussain
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2017 7:13 PM
To: idngwg at icann.org<mailto:idngwg at icann.org>
Subject: [Idngwg] Chat log from today's call

Dear All,

Here is the chat log from today’s call.


----------------- (10/05/2017 16:04) -----------------
Kal Feher: yes

Mats Dufberg: Satish, do you access to Adobe and can see the document?

Satish Babu: Yes, I can see the document.
----------------- (10/05/2017 16:06) -----------------
Satish Babu: I can do two hours...

Kal Feher: yes. I should. I may need to step away briefly

Kal Feher: yes

Satish Babu: Ok
----------------- (10/05/2017 16:36) -----------------
Dennis Tan: I'm not connected from my desk. Sorry I couldn't speak earlier. It was difficult to find a safe time to unmute my phone.

Dennis Tan: I mean to say "I am connected" :)

Pitinan Kooarmornpatana: :)
 ----------------- (10/05/2017 16:49) -----------------
Satish Babu: Yes, let's park it for now.

Sarmad Hussain: I can suggest during the break

Dennis Tan: Thanks Sarmad
----------------- (10/05/2017 16:56) -----------------
Dennis Tan: Have to step away for a few min
----------------- (10/05/2017 17:00) -----------------
Satish Babu: No comments for now...

Dennis Tan: I'm back

Satish Babu: (yes, ok with the suggested additions)
----------------- (10/05/2017 17:08) -----------------
Kal Feher: yes. they are all optional
----------------- (10/05/2017 17:10) -----------------
Kal Feher: it is ok if the information is not relevant
----------------- (10/05/2017 17:13) -----------------
Satish Babu: In my opinion, 'should' is slightly stronger than optional

Dennis Tan: should = used to give or ask advice or suggestions

Dennis Tan: other definition = indicating a desirable or expected state
----------------- (10/05/2017 17:19) -----------------
Kal Feher: yes

Satish Babu: Agree.
----------------- (10/05/2017 17:29) -----------------
Satish Babu: Ok

Mats Dufberg: Back again at 12:44 UTC.
----------------- (10/05/2017 17:44) -----------------
Mats Dufberg: I am back.

Dennis Tan: I'm here

Satish Babu: I'm back too

Sarmad Hussain: Within-script homoglyphsTLD registries are encouraged to consider policies to minimize confusion of IDN labels with other labels within the same script, especially arising due to homoglyphic characters.  Also see Additonal Note IV.

Sarmad Hussain: should we start?
----------------- (10/05/2017 17:48) -----------------
Dennis Tan: I would change "especially" with "specifically"
----------------- (10/05/2017 17:49) -----------------
Kal Feher: Agree with Dennis and I'm ok with the text
----------------- (10/05/2017 17:54) -----------------
Satish Babu: This looks fine.

Kal Feher: it should remain a note.
----------------- (10/05/2017 18:03) -----------------
Kal Feher: agree with Sarmad. the RA uses "allocate" to mean domains which can be registered

Satish Babu: Yes, it does make sense.
----------------- (10/05/2017 18:06) -----------------
Mats Dufberg: 1.2 Scope

Mats Dufberg: These Guidelines only concerns registred names.
----------------- (10/05/2017 18:08) -----------------
Kal Feher: could you clarify the section pls?
----------------- (10/05/2017 18:11) -----------------
Satish Babu: Apologies...I have to leave now because of another call coming up shortly. Bye, and see you at Abu Dhabi!

Mats Dufberg: Bye Satish!

Sarmad Hussain: Thank you Satish.  Bye.
----------------- (10/05/2017 18:12) -----------------
Dennis Tan: excepted registration = pre-existing registration

Kal Feher: suggested text: "With regards to the contents of the TLD zone file, the scope of this document is limited to only the owner-name of the DNS records which are added to the zone file by the registration system. Excluded from scope are any glue records and right-hand or target names."
----------------- (10/05/2017 18:24) -----------------
Kal Feher: this agreement also impacts ccTLDs
----------------- (10/05/2017 18:25) -----------------
Kal Feher: it is binding for ccTLDs on the idn fast track

Dennis Tan: that's true Kal

Sarmad Hussain: Regisry Agreement:  it shall comply with RFCs 5890, 5891, 5892, 5893 and their successors.
 ----------------- (10/05/2017 18:37) -----------------
Mats Dufberg: When a pre-existing domain name requires a registry to make transitional exception to any of these Guidelines, the terms of that action must also be made readily available online, including the timeline for the resolution of such transitional matters

Mats Dufberg: Remove: "The excepted registrations themselves are, however, not part of this documentation. At the end of the transitional period, code points that are prohibited by IDNA 2008 must not be permitted even by exception."

Kal Feher: I am ok with the change

Dennis Tan: When a pre-existing domain name requires a registry to make transitional exception to any of these Guidelines, the terms of that action must also be made readily available online, including the timeline for the resolution of such transitional matters" +1
----------------- (10/05/2017 18:46) -----------------
Kal Feher: yes. keep 3
----------------- (10/05/2017 18:48) -----------------
Kal Feher: I think that is out of scope of these guidelines
----------------- (10/05/2017 18:50) -----------------
Kal Feher: if the table change occurs for any reason other than a specific requirement from these guidelines, then the transition is entirely up to the operator
----------------- (10/05/2017 18:51) -----------------
Kal Feher: I think that last sentence is no loger relevant

Kal Feher: no longer relevant

Dennis Tan: +1
----------------- (10/05/2017 18:54) -----------------
Dennis Tan: Do you hear a beep on your earphones or is it just me?

Dennis Tan: oh. might be my batteries dying

Mats Dufberg: (a)             The IDN table must include the complete repertoire of code points, any variant code points, any variant rules and any contextual rules which the registry uses to determine if a label is acceptable for registration.
----------------- (10/05/2017 19:06) -----------------
Kal Feher: I'm fine with 13
----------------- (10/05/2017 19:08) -----------------
Kal Feher: I think it is readable.
----------------- (10/05/2017 19:09) -----------------
Pitinan Kooarmornpatana: Hi i'm here
 ----------------- (10/05/2017 19:11) -----------------
Kal Feher: thank you. bye

Pitinan Kooarmornpatana: Thanks all ,bye
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