[ispcp] [council] Action items from the 15 July Council meeting

KnobenW at telekom.de KnobenW at telekom.de
Mon Jul 19 11:14:12 UTC 2010


	The following council action items are to dealt with in ste
constituency/SG. I suggest to talk about during our next call.

	Please note the following Councilor action times coming from our
15 July Council meeting and follow-up in your respective groups with the
goal of being prepared to further work on the issues in our next meeting
on 5 August:

	*       Item 2: Prioritization of GNSO work - Councilors are
encouraged to engage in further consultation and discussion in the
stakeholder groups and provide input at the next Council meeting on ways
to improve the process.

	*       Item 4: Whois Studies - Stakeholder Groups are
encouraged to avail themselves of the Staff offer for additional
consultation and information on the studies so that informed decisions
can be made at the next Council meeting.

	*       Item 6: Registration Abuse Policies Working Group Final
Report - The GNSO Secretariat will call for volunteers who may be
working group, stakeholder group and or Council members to join the
group. While he does not have the time to take the lead on this, Chuck
volunteered to assist in this effort if needed.  (Note that Glen sent
this notice out; please identify any volunteers who would be willing to
work on this, possibly members of the RAP WG.)

	*       Item 9: Audio-casting of Council meetings - Councilors
are urged to contact their appropriate stakeholder groups and
constituencies to provide feedback on the advantages of the audio cast
for the next Council meeting.

	*       Item 10.2: Update on Councilor and Council Officer
Elections Processes - Stakeholder groups and constituencies are
encouraged to organise early elections for council representatives,
especially in cases where Councilor terms end in December 2010, so that
the elections for the Council chair and vice chairs can be handled in a
timely manner.


	If anyone wants to make a motion or simply propose an idea
regarding any of the above for action and/or discussion on 5 August,
please do so not later than 28 July so that Councilors can vet these
with their respective groups.

	Best regards 

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