[ispcp] ISPCP issues

Tonyarholmes@btinternet.com tonyarholmes at btinternet.com
Tue Jun 1 21:25:59 UTC 2010


Today conference call covered the following issues.


1.       Response to Rod Beckstrom request to the ISPCP on security issues.

The proposed draft was discussed. The plan is to forward the final version
to ICANN tomorrow. The draft is attached. Please respond promptly with any
final comments.


2.       GNSO Priorities

The proposed list of priorities will be discussed during next week's GNSO
call. Please supply any comment to Wolf-Ulrich Knoben and Jaime Wagner in
advance of that meeting.


3.       GNSO endorsement of AoC applicants.

Clarity was sought between the overall selection process and the role of the
GNSO. It was noted that the GNSO is likely to be endorsing just 4 slots,
instead of 6. The intention is to finalise the selection process ASAP, but
this will still allow discussion to take place at the Brussels meeting
before final agreements are in place.


4.       Implementation of new gTLDs

Concern has been voiced by some parties over  the process where IDN
applications are evaluated for string similarity against gTLDs in other
scripts. Arguments have been made that in some cases the degree of confusion
arising may greatly differ and in some cases where it is minor, a different
approach may be considered. This will be discussed further at the Brussels


5.       Date of next call

Thursday 10th June at 15.00 UTC

The agenda for the ISPCP meeting will be determined on this call.



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