[ispcp] FW: Final Firm Agenda - Revised Times and New Session - GNSO-NCPH January 2013 LA Meeting Planning

tony holmes tonyarholmes at btinternet.com
Sat Jan 26 11:36:26 UTC 2013


Particularly those who will be in LA and those intending to join sessions by
remote participation.



From: Robert Hoggarth [mailto:robert.hoggarth at icann.org] 
Sent: 26 January 2013 00:25
To: William Drake; Marilyn Cade; Rafik Dammak; michaeladams at mayerbrown.com;
Trachtenberg, Marc H.; Robin Gross; Alain Berranger; Klaus Stoll; Kristina
Rosette; Metalitz, Steven; David Cake; Tony Holmes
Cc: David Olive; Joseph de Jesus; Karen Lettner; Glen de Saint Géry;
Nathalie Peregrine
Subject: Final Firm Agenda - Revised Times and New Session - GNSO-NCPH
January 2013 LA Meeting Planning


Thank you all for the additional comments and suggestions for some of the
session topics at the LA meeting.  This message includes the last further
revised agenda and attendee list for the meeting.


In addition to a time shift for a few of the mid-day Wednesday sessions,
this latest agenda (vFirm3) reflects changes in the order of the briefing
sessions on the afternoon of Tuesday 29 January (the new gTLD briefing is
moving from last to first) and the addition of a new late-afternoon session
with ICANN Board members on Wednesday 30 January.  The new Board session
necessitated a shift of the potential wrap-up breakout meetings of
Constituencies that day to earlier that afternoon.  To Bill's point
(previous message below), we plan to populate the meeting wiki page with a
lot of this information this weekend -
https://community.icann.org/display/ncph/InterSessional+-+January+2013 .


We are currently revising the teleconference remote participation
connections to reflect the agenda time changes.  There is still time to set
aside specific Constituency meeting slots in the allocated time blocks, so
please advise Glen and Nathalie (emails above) as soon as possible if your
community would like to plan on some individual meeting time, particularly
if you are expecting to supplement your telephone and Adobe Connect
arrangements with recordings and transcripts.  To make potential use of the
breakout rooms more efficient, each Constituency has been assigned a
specific conference room space to use for breakout meetings in the
appropriate time blocks during the meeting.  The assignments are reflected
in the attached agenda document.


I am hopeful that you will appreciate the newly scheduled session with Board
members.  It turns out that a number of Board members will be arriving early
for a Board Workshop taking place later in the week and Steve Crocker asked
for the opportunity for an informal dialogue with meeting attendees.  The
agenda will be somewhat informal since only those Board members able to
attend will be present.  Some prospective topics that Steve has discussed

*	The future of Internet governance – what is the appropriate role of
*	What is the future of the GNSO in a world of new gTLDs?
*	What does it really mean to say that ICANN is operating in the
Public Interest?
*	How will more attention on Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer
Choice impact ICANN – its operations and constituent structures?
*	Going forward, what is the best way for the Board and the community
to engage on broad industry issues.

The purpose of a discussion including some of these topics would not be to
reach any specific conclusions, but to give Board members in attendance an
opportunity to develop a better understanding of your community views.


Feel free to suggest some other topics for the one hour session.  The
session will be followed by an informal reception with Board members in the
ICANN Café before you all head out for dinner on your own at 7pm that


Wishing you all safe and non-eventful travels to Los Angeles!







On 1/25/13 3:10 AM, "William Drake" <william.drake at uzh.ch> wrote:


Hi Rob 


One last point (in addition to the break-outs/remote participation one
mentioned separately).  We've circulated the RP info to our members, but
we've been asked if it's a "secret meeting" since there's nothing posted
about the agenda and participants.  I assume the intention is to put these
at https://community.icann.org/display/ncph/InterSessional+-+January+2013.
If that could happen soon it would help us to clue in our respective members
about what they'll encounter by dialing in.






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