[ispcp] Transfer Policy Review WG (TPRWG)

Osvaldo Novoa osvaldo.j.novoa at gmail.com
Thu Apr 11 20:28:43 UTC 2024

Hello all,
First of all I want to apologize for being absent this last few months, I was undergoing a medical treatment and couldn’t participate in the calls.
I am enclosing a group of Recommendations from the TPRWG regarding Change Of Registrant Data (CORD), the chair of the group is asking all the constituencies to declare if they are OK with the proposal, if there are things that need to be change or if there are things which are unacceptable.  I am the Council Liaison to this WG so I cannot be the ISPCP representative, but I think somebody from our constituency participate at the beginning of the WG.  Up till now only the IPC, the NCSG and us haven’t send any comment.
I am ready to comment on the recommendations and to answer any question you have about them.
Best regards,

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